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Dangerous Beauty


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In Legend of the Five Rings, the Scorpion Clan supplement lists a character advantage called "Dangerous Beauty" which allows a character to add extra dice for seduction purposes. There is another character advantage from the main book called "Benten's Blessing" which is straight physical attractiveness. A character could have both.


In trying to translate this over to Hero terms, I'm wondering if Dangerous Beauty is better done as a Limited form of Striking Appearance which only adds to Charm bonuses for seduction only, or done as a Limited bonus to Charm (+2?) which only affects seduction checks.

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Re: Dangerous Beauty


When you want to use a "really" overwhelming beauty, make it an AOE Mind Control, EGO+20 max (this ways those uninterested in your gender/species aren't effected). Perhaps defined at "those that look him/her/it in the eyes", so that it only affects people when los is established (would have to take a look at aoe). Maybe add "Half" or "No Endurance".


[Edit: EGO +10 max seems more fitting; didn't remeber the table rigth away. EGO +20 would be those generally uninterested (wrong sexuality) while EGO +30 could even work when you are racist against the target, or distaste the idea even stronger, like homophobia].


Also, it might be interesting to know what you think "Normal Human Maxima" for Striking Apereance would be. So what is superhuman and where is the cap for supers in your campaigns?

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Re: Dangerous Beauty


In the description of the ability in L5R, dangerous beauty is only used for seduction and other "dishonorable" acts. What I got from the description is the classical "Dragon Lady" look, rather than additional prettiness. I guess a seductive presence attack would also fit, so I'm leaning towards a limited form of Striking Appearance.

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