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Reactive Damage Shield


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I am trying to react a damage shield that reacts to the force of the attacker. The harder that the attacker hits, the harder he damages himself. I am unsure of how to represent this. The damage shield is basicaly a suit of spiked chain mail, so when the attacker hits the wearer, he does more damage to himself the harder he hits, and is going to be represented as a HKA. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

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Re: Reactive Damage Shield


build it as powerful as you think the max attack will do

then slap on the -1/2 to -1/4 disadvantage JimOz suggests

or have an AI that has Reflection as it's only power

then put on the Limitation of Feedback at -1

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Re: Reactive Damage Shield


Another vote for Damage Shield with the limitation that it matches the DCs of the incoming attack.


I agree that this is probably the most practical solution.


The only issues I have with it is the built in maximum DC reaction and high active cost that nearly requires 0 END to be usable.


Another approach would be to adapt Deflection with Reflection plus an auto resetting Trigger & No Range Limitation. The tradeoff for getting rid of the maximum DC is the loss of the automatic hit aspect of Damage Shield.

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Re: Reactive Damage Shield


If I get this right, spiked chainmail should work better as the impact of the opponent on it. So it should not work if the opponent uses a sword to strike, only if they use a body weapon, no?


I think this is hugely within GM territory and does not need modelled - if an opponent rams into you then you use the move through mods for damage to add to the damage of the chainmail. If they strike you with punch or kick then you use the STR add they are using to add to the damage of the chainmail - you would not reflect the damage of the attack, just what is added through STR.



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Re: Reactive Damage Shield


doesn't reflecton (in 6e) have a maximum dc?


Yes it does!!


Serves me right posting while away from my books... :D


I thought that there was just a pentaly on the Block roll when the attack exceeds the DCs of the Reflection.

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Re: Reactive Damage Shield


doesn't reflecton (in 6e) have a maximum dc?

No. It has a maximum Active Pionts and suffers -1 OCV for the block for every instance of Relfection missing. Dosen't work on attacks greater than Twice you "normal" relfection capacity. Also, you may need to add "Feedback", or you wouldn't get any damage from the attack (wich is not what you wanted).


One most likely useless idea:

Absorbing the attack, and aiding some type of counter attack (that imedeatly after activation looses all his aided active pionts).


I would definitely go with the Damage Shield and Limitation as sugested above. How much Limitation that is, depends strongly on the Enemys you are going to face.

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