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Characteristics and certain Powers with Always On



I have a player that wants to put Always On on a number of Characteristics that have been purchased as Powers, and also make them Inherent. I've told him that in regards of Characteristics (pretty much everyone of them) as well as the Powers (Regeneration, Life Support) that they do not need to be made Always On to make them Inherent, as these Characteristics and Powers are the sort that do not need to be Always On in order to be Inherent (as detailed on 6E1 128 that they already function as Always On basicaly).


I suppose that should he really want Always On Str, he would always deal damage to someone or something when he touched it...


However, I am unsure how to deal with Inherent Characteristics.


The idea he is having is these are characteristics and powers that his race has (he is for all intents an alien).


Can you give me any suggestions on how to deal with these situations?



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