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Who's Who with Dr. Lirby Koo?


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Hello all,


I rarely post on this board because so many topics are well covered and I have little to add. In some ways I'm new, and in others not.


I am looking for a list of all characters associated, no matter how minor, with the infamous Chinese criminal mastermind, Dr. Lirby Koo. So far my list contains the Geodesics, Green Dragon, and Brick. Most of the available references come from 1st to 3rd editions. I'd also like to know where to find them.


Thank you all in advance.

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Re: Who's Who with Dr. Lirby Koo?


In the Fourth Edition Champions adventure module Day of the Destroyer, Dr. Lirby Koo is referred to, although there his name is spelled "Kirby Loo." Dr. Loo had created four supernaturally powerful assassins to serve him, the Iron Lords: Firehand, Windstroke, Stonedeath, and Stormwatch. But Dr. Loo became fearful of their power, and sent them on what he expected to be a suicide mission to kill Japan's mightiest superhero, Dr. Hiroshima. Three of the Iron Lords died, but the fourth, Stormwatch, succeeded in killing Dr. Hiroshima. Loo then betrayed him to the authorities. Dr. Destroyer learned of Stormwatch's trial and rescued him, so Stormwatch swore allegiance to Destroyer.


The above comes from Stormwatch's background -- he's the only Iron Lord described and given game stats. He's a ninja-like warrior, master of the bo staff, with superhuman strength, speed, and agility, as well as exceptional Danger Sense.

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