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Adjusment Powers versus Defenses


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I am just wondering if it is really necessary to reduce Adjustment Powers to half effectiveness versus Defense Powers and defensive Characteristics? Adjustment Powers seem to require enough bookkeeping as it is. Granted, remembering to reduce Drain or Aid (or whatever) by half against PD, Stun (or whatever) isn't hard at all. It's just that in concert with everything else is kinda annoying. I wonder if this exception to the general rule is really needed. I am hoping that those of you with more practical application of the rules, since I haven't gotten my campaign started yet, could provide insight. Thank you.

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Re: Adjusment Powers versus Defenses


It's a matter of balance; in a typical supers game, you have 30 max points of defenses against 60 or more points of attacks. A 30 PD brick is damn tough; but a 6d6 Drain would, on average, reduce his PD to 9, leaving him susceptible to Body damage from an average attack. That's WAY too swingy for 1 attack action to cause.

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