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Proportional area attack


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Re: Proportional area attack


I also recommend thinking about what you mean exactly by "the damage is divided equally".


lifting STR is doubled or halved by every 5 points added or subtracted. A 60 STR character can exert 55 lifting strength in each 'arm'.


You might want to use a similar scaling for the damage reduction for multiple targets as well.

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Re: Proportional area attack


I'm with HM on this; so the concept is that you deal, say, 7 DC over 7 meters, and everyone in each hex takes 1 DC?


I don't know that's -1, that's more like -2. The premise of AOE is to hit everyone in the strikezone with the listed amount of damage. What are you trying to do differently from this?

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Re: Proportional area attack


Cause a discharge in a limited radius around the character' date=' that arcs to the targets around him, but does less damage depending on how many there are. And really it's based on increments of the blast rather than actual DCs.[/quote']


I'd call that a variation on Explosion.

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Re: Proportional area attack


If I were the GM, I'd want to know what counts as a target.


Normal AoE effects everything/everyone in the area at the given number of dice, so target definition isnt really that important. Everyone/everything gets damaged. With this power, though, it could be important to know if a cloud of 100 gnats is in the area of effect. Or, if gnats dont count, that the power has no real effect on certain powers based on their 'hundreds of bting/stinging insects attack' special effect.

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Re: Proportional area attack




Character -- Um... Detonation Man -- does the whole KaMeHaMeHa! thing and the world break in a perfect jagged concrete circle around him. Groovy.


That's an AOE, Hole in the Middle or Personal Immunity (I'd go Hole in the Middle), Explosion. Explosion by nature reduces the DCs over the spread, so those closest get the biggest bang, then each layer down loses 1 DC.


Done and done.

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Re: Proportional area attack




Character -- Um... Detonation Man -- does the whole KaMeHaMeHa! thing and the world break in a perfect jagged concrete circle around him. Groovy.


That's an AOE, Hole in the Middle or Personal Immunity (I'd go Hole in the Middle), Explosion. Explosion by nature reduces the DCs over the spread, so those closest get the biggest bang, then each layer down loses 1 DC.


Done and done.


Except that explosion is an even distribution based on distance - not number of targets involved. The thing about Explosion is that if all the targets are close they all get the big damage, if they're all far away they all get the lesser damage, with a spread in the middle.


The OP I believe was trying to hit everyone equally, damage based on number of targets not a static distance: more targets is less damage, less targets is more damage.


It looks like a variant on explosion, but I think it's more restrictive, possibly less predictable unless one can choose the number of targets manually; if yes possibly the same value as Explosion. If no - the targets get divided up equally just by virtue of being a target in the field, I'd say it's worth more than an Explosion.

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Re: Proportional area attack


I looks like Spreading - but it's not.


The OP said divided evenly, if you hit to targets with a 4DC attack that's 2DCs per target, not - per Spreading 3DCs per target. Also, Spreading states targets must be adjacent (unless the GM says otherwise - putting that firmly outside standard spreading rules). Also, I had the feeling the OP was going for the AoE 3DCV aspect, not trying to hit each target separately.


No, I think I disagree completely that this is Spreading an Attack. It's neither spreading, nor simply an explosion. Bit of both, but not either of them.

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Re: Proportional area attack


Does feel like you should be able to do this with the spreading rules. Or autofire.


Ooo! I like that idea. So, you have autofire and a maximum number of shots (with NCC on the number of shots fired). However, instead of taking a -1 per target you take a -1DC per target. I think that I would call the modifier x1/2 and call the rest a wash. :-)




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Re: Proportional area attack


Ooo! I like that idea. So, you have autofire and a maximum number of shots (with NCC on the number of shots fired). However, instead of taking a -1 per target you take a -1DC per target. I think that I would call the modifier x1/2 and call the rest a wash. :-)





I like this; simple, balanced, and captures the effect nicely. Good call.

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Re: Proportional area attack


I'll take a look at that. If it helps the special effect is electricity. It's supposed to be something like what a tesla coil does as it arcs around a room. Targets are people, and animals that would draw the current (a mouse would probably not be enough) along with roughly human sized (or larger) metal objects.

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Re: Proportional area attack


Ah, you see, special effect is the icing on the cake in HERO. You did a good job of describing the game effect (I think) and you create that from the powers in the rules.


The special effect is what you use to justify having a power with such effects. It should not really matter if it was electricity, fire or jumping insects that drove the special effects.



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Re: Proportional area attack


Another way to do this would be with a Multipower. One slot would have the attack at full value (representing a single target), and the rest would have AoE: Any Area representing the number of targets, with appropriately scaled damage.

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Re: Proportional area attack


Another way to do this would be with a Multipower. One slot would have the attack at full value (representing a single target)' date=' and the rest would have AoE: Any Area representing the number of targets, with appropriately scaled damage.[/quote']


My only issue with this is that you would be paying more to limit your power - each slot with an additional number of people would cost more points but be a smaller amount of damage for a greater number of people...




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Re: Proportional area attack


So, what's the math you are figuring here?


Because something like:


1 target = 12DC

2 targets = 11DC

3 targets = 10DC


This seems potentially useful... by contrast, evenly dividing the damage seems to indicate:


1 target = 12DC

2 targets = 6DC

3 targets = 4DC


Seems like a waste of points that anyone with a moderate amount of defenses will laugh off unless those DC's are NND/AVAD, Penetrating or what have you...

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