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I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer...


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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


How about (cinematic) Tony Stark's miniaturized ARC reactor? He built one in a cave out of salvaged parts, so even if your gadgeteer isn't a comparable genius, with the right facilities he or she should at least have a shot. ;)

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


How about (cinematic) Tony Stark's miniaturized ARC reactor? He built one in a cave out of salvaged parts' date=' so even if your gadgeteer isn't a comparable genius, with the right facilities he or she should at least have a shot. ;)[/quote']


I know it's all superscience anyhow, but is a power output figure listed for it anywhere?


There's always the ever-popular cold fusion reactor. :D


What's the difference between cold fusion, fusion, and fission?


How much power are we talking about' date=' anyways?[/quote']


Technically, enough to provide juice to a good sized apartment building, and the odd equipment that needs plugging into it/charging. However, it can, of course, be more powerful.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


Technically' date=' enough to provide juice to a good sized two story house/couple of apartment rooms, and the odd equipment that needs plugging into it/charging. However, it can, of course, be more powerful.[/quote']


So, tens of kilowatts. If you have a source of reactants, you can simply call it an advanced fuel cell.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


So' date=' tens of kilowatts. If you have a source of reactants, you can simply call it an advanced fuel cell.[/quote']


It's also got to last for many years (despite the campaign likely not taking place over the course of years, which basically means it won't run out of juice) and be quiet.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


What's the difference between cold fusion' date=' fusion, and fission?[/quote']


Fission is when you smash apart heavy elements like uranium and plutonium.


Fusion is when you smash together lighter elements, producing heavier ones. Human-generated fusion fuses hydrogen atoms into helium, but ALL of the elements are the result of fusion in the hearts of stars and supernovas, producing increasingly heavy elements as lesser elements are fused together.


Cold fusion, if it worked, would be a means of achieving fusion at room temperature (or at least, something closer to room temperature than the insanely high temperatures necessary to achieve it in the center of a star.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


I know it's all superscience anyhow' date=' but is a power output figure listed for it anywhere?[/quote']


According to the first Iron Man movie, Tony's first crude prototype could generate three gigajoules per second. Stark's collaborator said that it was enough "to run your heart for fifty lifetimes." To which Stark replied, "Or something big for fifteen minutes." Presumably the refined model is more powerful, or at least could sustain its maximum output for longer.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


Mr. Fusion! We know it can generate 1.21 gigawatts of electricity.



Yeah but for how long? The DeLorean only needs that power output for the duration of a lightening flash. Presumably the gadgeteer needs power for longer. Then again maybe the Mr. Fusion is actually grossly overpowered for the DeLorean.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


Have you considered not a generator but a remote reciever of energy? You get a generator, a power transmitter than sends the power through the air to the reciever. Much harder to drain (consider "difficult to dispel" on the REC of the END reserve). It is not recommended that you hook it up to the mains supply without backup. So how far can you transmit power? Well by simply mangling the logic of quantum physics entanglement effects (like it's not mangled already) the range can be unlimited. If you have enough backups then you don't need to worry about all of them being found and destroyed.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


Have you considered not a generator but a remote reciever of energy? You get a generator' date=' a power transmitter than sends the power through the air to the reciever. Much harder to drain (consider "difficult to dispel" on the REC of the END reserve). It is not recommended that you hook it up to the mains supply without backup. So how far can you transmit power? Well by simply mangling the logic of quantum physics entanglement effects (like it's not mangled already) the range can be unlimited. If you have enough backups then you don't need to worry about all of them being found and destroyed.[/quote']


I didn't consider that, but in any case, it's impractical due to the PCs being on-the-run: they need their equipment to be carried by them alone.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


Windup spring? Rubber band? I'm being half serious here; you might have some kind of nanotech-enhanced rubber band that makes it feasible.


Of course these are more like batteries than actual energy sources.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


Windup spring? Rubber band? I'm being half serious here; you might have some kind of nanotech-enhanced rubber band that makes it feasible.


Of course these are more like batteries than actual energy sources.


Hmmm... a very thin metallic coil (I'm talking nano-scale here) could pack a LOT of surface area into a small package to extract energy from the Casimir effect.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


Hmmm... a very thin metallic coil (I'm talking nano-scale here) could pack a LOT of surface area into a small package to extract energy from the Casimir effect.


Could you slide the plates along parallel to each other so that they change whether they are attracted or repulsed? Because if you can I'm not seeing why this doesn't work in the real world (other than it's really expensive to make all those thin plates and arrange them right).

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


Could you slide the plates along parallel to each other so that they change whether they are attracted or repulsed? Because if you can I'm not seeing why this doesn't work in the real world (other than it's really expensive to make all those thin plates and arrange them right).


As I understand it, this is kinda like Babbage's "difference engine." It would have worked when he designed it -- if anyone had the technology to build it properly. The tolerances and precision and required were unheard of in his day, so it never came together.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


As I understand it' date=' this is kinda like Babbage's "difference engine." It would have worked when he designed it -- if anyone had the technology to build it properly. The tolerances and precision and required were unheard of in his day, so it never came together.[/quote']


Uh, no. There's traditionally some confusion with the Analytical Engine, but it was never funded because Babbage never actually designed it. Difference engines are another matter. Per George Scheutz built the first successful one in 1853, and the design itself goes back to an eighteenth century inventor.


What we need to know about Babbage is that he was politically engaged, and specifically the form of his political engagement was kind of a performance piece intended to present the Tory party as being anti-science. For precisely this reason, Lord Liverpool's Tory government was only too happy to spend small amounts of money supporting Babbage, as it undermined his rhetorical position. Either Babbage wasn't very good at running an R&D programme (which is admittedly a very hard thing to do), or he was willing to go to the wall to embarrass the government, or some combination of both.


As it happens, 1822 was not a good year to be playing for high stakes in British politics. Babbage lost his funding, gained the rhetorical high ground, and went on to eternal fame. Unlike that Scheutz guy. Who's ever heard of him?

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


Could you slide the plates along parallel to each other so that they change whether they are attracted or repulsed? Because if you can I'm not seeing why this doesn't work in the real world (other than it's really expensive to make all those thin plates and arrange them right).


Yeah, that last is the problem, especially (in this thread's context) for a portable device in which vibrations are inevitable and the requisite tolerances cannot be maintained. The force has a really short range, so to harness lots of energy out of it you something really mechanically strong and rigid while being very small. Those don't go together....

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


I wondered about hypothesizing an efficient neutrino absorber, and so harnessing the Sun's neutrino luminosity (which penetrates everything). Unfortunately, the solar neutrino luminosity is only a couple of percent of its luminosity in ordinary radiation, so even at 100% efficiency a backpack-size 1 square meter neutrino collector would get you about 35 watts, tops.

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


What if you use the neutrinos as a catalyst for some other sort of stored energy? Analogous to fast neutrons hitting enriched uranium? Your collector could be a lens that focuses the neutrinos on a small but ultradense matrix of heavy elements, thus making it possible for the neutrinos to actually interact with it, and releasing energy as... heat? Loose protons?

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Re: I need recommendations for a whiz-bang portable power source my group's gadgeteer


Maybe go for an inertial confinement Polywell fusion reactor. These are being funded by the Navy right now, and may be able to generate 100's of MW in something the size of a large car. While they don't really scale down well in reality... that's reality. You could easily say you've made a backpack scale fusion reactor to put out tens of kW. They run on tiny amounts of hydrogen and boron, produce no significant radiation, and can convert the fusion products directly into electricity without the steam turbine setup you need for more conventional heat engine power plants.

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