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Question on resistant PD/ED?


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Hi folks, still somewhat of a Hero-newbie here, so I have a (maybe somewhat silly) question.


If a character wanted to make his PD and ED resistant and had additional PD/ED gained from Density increase how would you do that?


Lets say the character has 3 PD and 2 ED, + Density Increase that gives him +13/+13 for a total of 16 PD and 15 ED when "fully dense".


How would you go about making that resistant?

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Re: Question on resistant PD/ED?


I would probably just create a compound power, like this:


Density: (Total: 79 Active Cost, 71 Real Cost) Density Increase (102,400 kg mass, +50 STR, -20m KB) (40 Active Points); No Defense Increase does not provide PD or ED (-1/4) (Real Cost: 32) plus Resistant Protection (13 PD/13 ED) (Real Cost: 39)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Question on resistant PD/ED?


Why Energy Defense would be increase by a Density grownth ?

I thought ED was for energy ( psychic ) only. AM I wwrong ?


Psychic attacks are typically only affected by Mental Defense, a separate power. Energy Defense includes things like fire, electricity, lightning, cold, lasers and so forth.

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Re: Question on resistant PD/ED?


I am a french man. So a I have a low english level.

I need some explanations.

Density up means mass - of the body - increase , doesn't it ?

I don't understand how a more massive body could be assimilatedd to fire , light , cold etc...:confused:


As a general rule, materials in nature are usually tougher the denser they are (granite is tougher than chalk).

Diamonds are tougher than graphite because the carbon atoms are actually 'squeezed' into tighter bonds.

That's the basis of the effect.

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Re: Question on resistant PD/ED?


I would probably just create a compound power, like this:


Density: (Total: 79 Active Cost, 71 Real Cost) Density Increase (102,400 kg mass, +50 STR, -20m KB) (40 Active Points); No Defense Increase does not provide PD or ED (-1/4) (Real Cost: 32) plus Resistant Protection (13 PD/13 ED) (Real Cost: 39)


This is basically the build I use, except for a couple of minor details. I buy Resistant Protection for rPD & rED equal to the levels of Density Increase, with the Linked limitation. In the above example, 10 levels of DI = 13 rPD & rED; I'm not sure why -- should that be 13 levels of DI?

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Re: Question on resistant PD/ED?


As a general rule, materials in nature are usually tougher the denser they are (granite is tougher than chalk).

Diamonds are tougher than graphite because the carbon atoms are actually 'squeezed' into tighter bonds.

That's the basis of the effect.

Thanks for the explanations.

But we are talking about a human body. Even if this is a super hero.

So I full agree with some gain in STR , PD... But DEX and Speed should lost points. And a more massive body is easier to reach in combat. So ennemies' OCV should receive some bonus.

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Re: Question on resistant PD/ED?


Thanks for the explanations.

But we are talking about a human body. Even if this is a super hero.

So I full agree with some gain in STR , PD... But DEX and Speed should lost points. And a more massive body is easier to reach in combat. So ennemies' OCV should receive some bonus.



I think you are confusing Density Increase with Growth. Growth actually increases the size of the character. Density Increase does not change their size, only their mass/weight.

It's perfectly acceptable to take a Limitation or Disadvantage/Complication to reflect additional negative aspects of using a power but they shouldn't be part of the base power as a default.


Take Vision as an example of Density Increase from the comics. He doesn't get slower or clumsier when he becomes super dense.

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