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magic ring to summon armor

Dr Divago

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ho all

i'm again arguing about stupid question, so please forgive me :)


i'm planning this magic item: a magic ring who, once activated, it create a blob who cover the wearer and then solidify in a full suit of leather armor

armor is real: it feel, look, even smell like leather armor; it could be ripped (but automatically seal after deactivation and reactivation), and also got hood you can use to cover head (and thus far head protection)

it's a full focus (maybe OIF 'cause you can't easily remove them, or even maybe a IIF only focus limitation 'cause it's inobvious you need to remove the *ring* to remove the armor)


plus, with armor removed the characther will be completely naked (or only wearing underwear) 'cause armor is full clothing


btw, i created the armor like a shape shift (sight and touch), with NoEND and Persistent ('cause you don't whanna go naked when stunned :D ) linked to an armor. all focus and independent, of course (i'm guessing if armor need real armor too)


my flatmate told me it's incorrect, 'cause shapeshift should be used if you change appearence or even shape (of course).

The effect could just be made with a plain Armor giving permission to deactivate it

(if GM give permission, a persistent power without "always on" limitation could be deactivated)


just because there are a lot difference in cost and effect, i'm really wondering if he got reason and i could just use an armor power or if i need to use the shape shift's linked armor


what do you think about it? what version i should use?


Thank You for answering :)


ps i know in 6ed there are no "armor" power, so i don't think i need to clarify i'm using 5R :)

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Re: magic ring to summon armor


Just buy it as regular armor, but don't take 'real armor' limitation. Thus it can be 'put on' or 'taken off' with no time expenditure, it doesnt need maintenance, and so on.


As to the level of the focus allowed, that would be a GM call. if it is obvious that the armor comes from the ring, then it will be OIF. If the armor is obvious when on, but it disappears if removed from the wearer and it is not obvious that the ring is the source of the armor, then it might be IIF.


Full cover normal leather armor has a real cost of 2 character points, though (presumably) a character wanting this will not actually have to pay character points for it.


2 (6) Armor (2/2) : OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4), Has Mass (-1)


If you decide that the summoned armor should be IIF (because it is only obvious when in use, and it is not obvious that the power comes from the ring) or that the Has Mass limitation should be reduced in value because the armor has no mass when not active, then the cost would be 3 character points.


3 (6) Armor (2/2) : IIF (-1/4), Has Mass only when in use (-1/2)


On the other hand, given that other characters wont pay a single character point all toi have regular leather armor, you might decide to ignore the advantages conferred by being able to summon one's armor at will, rather than having it be obvious and carry mass at all times. In this case, it'd be 2 character points (actually spent) :


2 (6) Armor (2/2) : OIF (-1/2), Has Mass (-1)



All this rigamorole about shape shift seems unneccessary. And change in appearance of the user is a result of the special effects of the power. People can tell that the power is on when it is on is all.

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