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Simulating Powers from TV/Movies


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This thread is on how to simulate powers we've seen on TV/Movies with characters built on 250 points.


In the animated movie Crisis on 2 Earths Superman is struck with an energy blasts, and then steeling himself walked toward his attack, ignoring the effects, and punches him out.


In Superman Batman Public Enemies, Power Girl punches an energy beam fired by Starfire in order to get closer to her, which works until Black Lightning joins in the attack.


The question is, do they both have missile deflection, or is it something else.


You could build Superman or Power Girl with a multipower that includes things like missile deflection or tunnelling (we've all seen kryptonians use that little trick), and perhaps extra STR and other powers.


The problem with that approach is that you end up with a character has a lot of abilities, but also not as tough as they should be. (Of course this could explain Superman on the first season on Justice League.)


As many of those who know me, I'll build low level characters (250 points) and use special effects to simulate some powers.


An economical approach did come to me while I was watching Power Girl (as well as a serious inferiority complex about my body image).


Combat Skills Levels allow a player to increase there DCV making you harder to hit, with the special effect either absorbing the fire, or even punching a beam. A GM can even offer bonuses for good roleplaying.

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Guest steamteck

Re: Simulating Powers from TV/Movies


This thread is on how to simulate powers we've seen on TV/Movies with characters built on 250 points.


In the animated movie Crisis on 2 Earths Superman is struck with an energy blasts, and then steeling himself walked toward his attack, ignoring the effects, and punches him out.




I just thought he was bracing himself and moving forward actually and the damage Vibe inflicted was just minimal to him. :)

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Re: Simulating Powers from TV/Movies


I agree with Steamteck on the Superman bit ... as for Power Girl's effect vs. Starfire, honestly, I'd almost say that was an application of the Power skill used for Super-Strength combined with being able to shrug off most of the blast ... those Kryptonians are a hearty bunch ;)

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Re: Simulating Powers from TV/Movies


There are a variety of ways this could be simulated in HERO.


Obviously, Missile Deflection is one.

In the case of Power Girl, it could have simply been a narration of how Starfire missed.

The Superman one could just be him digging in against Knockback and walking forward, sucking up the damage.

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Re: Simulating Powers from TV/Movies


TV powers...

Hmmm. The Power of Cheese.


How's this?


25 NEW & IMPROVED Cheese Wizzer (Now with MORE Limburger!): EB 2d6, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Sticky (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), Non-Standard Attack Power (+1), 125 Boostable Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (+1 1/2), AVLD (Flash Defense Smell/Taste Group; +1 1/2) (80 Active Points); Activation Roll 15-, Jammed (-3/4), Side Effects (After noticing how cheezy a build this is the GM "accidently" drops some type of cheezy food (nachos, pizza, etc..) on character sheet.; -3/4), IAF (Belgium Cheeze Wiz ; -1/2), Limited Range (-1/4)

[Notes: HAZMAT suite not included.] - END=[125 bc]

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Re: Simulating Powers from TV/Movies


Superman first did the move up an energy blast thing in the first of the Fleischer shorts in 1941. It's in the public domain these days.


It could be modeled either by missile deflection or just toughing it out. My old Golden Age Superman draft went down the multipower route, and missile deflection would fit right in.

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Re: Simulating Powers from TV/Movies


Good comments all!


Now, here is an observation based on the Watchmen movie. We saw Silk Spectre and Nite Owl proceed to knock out 26 (by my count) convicts and one guard in the prison scene. How did they do it?


Martial Strike, half move, Martial Strike, half move, Martial Strike, etc.


First, Nite Owl and Silk Spectre built on 250 points (5th Ed. Rules) would most likely have a 6d6 Martial Strike. This would deliver 21 STUN in average damage.


Second, most of the convicts are thugs, average with STR 10 PD 3. An average Martial Strike knocks them out. Anyone bigger would get an Offensive Strike and an average of 28 STUN.


Third, our heroes are SPD 4 and DEX 20 (Normal Characteristics Maxima limit) versus DEX 10 SPD 2 convicts who have a HA +1d6 to simulate streetfighting skills. Most convicts wouldn't be able to land a blow.


Fourth, even is one of the convicts manages to strike one of our heroes, they would have a PD 8 versus an average damage of 11 STUN (STR 10 plus +1d6 HA), which our hero or heroine would strug off and pound the offender.


Comments welcome

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Re: Simulating Powers from TV/Movies


Your analysis works for me, and is a reminder that supers don't have to be overbuilt to do what they are supposed to be able to do.


A world based on NCM guidelines (I won't use them as rules in supers games, but they are perfectly acceptable as guidelines) works really well. Those extra few points saved on characteristics can be very handy when spent on powers, or on non-combat related characteristics.


Unfortunately, there are cost effectiveness issues that tend to push things back up to standard/inflated levels. It often is worth spending those extra few points on SPD, CON or whatever.

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