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How to Build a Grappling Hook


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I am re-posting this so to speak as I am still learning.


I Kinda get hot to build powers but gadgets and equipment are driving me up the wall - wish there was a simple checklist/formula one could use!


So here goes my first atempt at building a Batman like grappling hook and what do you all think?


1. Purchase CLINGING power at STR +15 [just for number generation] so base = (10+5)=15 [i got that from the base of 10 then the STR +15 would be 15/3x1 = +5]


2. Advantages a) RANGED +1/2;

3. Disadvantages a) CHARGES(3) -1 1/4 B) OAF -1


So the Active cost would be(?); 22[ 15*1.5] and the Real Cost would be 7pts [22/1+(1.25+1)]


Am I even in the ball park here?




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Re: How to Build a Grappling Hook


Even in 6th, a grappling hook could easily be built as Swinging (or am I a tool and they removed swinging?) Or you could simply use it as a bonus to climbing. Depends on how realistic you want to be - I doubt many professional climbers would trust "swinging" on a grappling hook - too much chance of the hook adjusting and losing its "grip."

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Re: How to Build a Grappling Hook


tcabil- Normally, grappling hooks like Batman uses are built in the Hero System using the power Swinging, not Clinging. Clinging in and of itself does not let you move; it simply lets you use your Running on non-horizontal surfaces. I'm not even sure if Ranged is a legal Advantage on Clinging. As Kraven Kor says, a more realistic Grappling Hook would probably just be a bonus to Climbing, or possibly Clinging with "Extra Time Full Phase Only to Activate" (-1/4), "Requires an Climbing Roll" (-1/2), OAF (-1), "Can't Resist KB" (-1/4) and a custom limitation "Restricted Movement Based On The Rope" (I'd peg that at -1, personally). This gives you a final cost of 10 Active, 2 Real. You could arguably give it one continuing recoverable charge, or require an attack roll in addition to the Climbing roll, but I think that's splitting hairs. A more cinematic Grappling Hook like Batman uses would just be Swinging (the number of meters would depend on how fast you wanted the character using it to go) with OAF (-1). Again, you could give it Continuing Charges, possibly Recoverable, but how often does Batman run out of swinglines? Not often enough to merit a limitation, I feel. In addition, if you wanted the Grappling Hook to be used for other things (like grabbing distant objects or wrapping around someone), you could build a small Multipower with a slot for Swinging, one with Stretching (to grab on to distant things), and one with an Entangle. Hope this helps!

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Re: How to Build a Grappling Hook




I just wish I was not having all this difficulty with this! :P


So far I think this syystme is great and want to get as much out of it as I can (it seems that those who play love it!).


I find with Powers and Equipment it is often difficult in knowing where to start!



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Re: How to Build a Grappling Hook


What people have (amazingly) so far not pointed out to you is the way HERO does its stuff.


You rarely ask a question like "how do I build a grappling hook?". What you need to think about is what you need the grappling hook to do. As you will see, most people here have assumed that you want a grappling hook that will allow you to throw it up round somewhere and use it to get around by swinging on the line. However there are a couple of things that you might want to do with a grappling hook, and the first one is to be better able to climb a sheer wall.


That could be done in a number of ways depending on how realistic the game you are playing in.


So. When doing something in HERO you sit down and think, what do I want to accomplish in game terms. For example, do I want a method of travelling about or do I want something that helps me climb a sheer wall?


Next step, decide on the power you want to do this. In the example of climbing a sheer wall you might go for the realistic option of a bonus to climbing roll, or you might go for limited flight (only to travel up where grapplig line is fixed), or you could go for limited clinging (only for where grappling line attached).


Each of these has different effects on how they might be used and you have to decide on what effect you want.


In this case the ability you decide on is only available when you have a physical item in your possession and so you declare it a focus (grappling hook).


Then you can go about the process of putting the points together.


It is one of the difficult parts of getting into the game - getting in behind the special effects to build the game effect but once you have it the system is extremely powerful in providing you with what you want.


HERO rewards the GM who does a lot of upfront work to define the game world he plays in by delivering the exact game world the GM wants and the tools to tweak that at will.




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Re: How to Build a Grappling Hook


What Doc said.


This took me a long time to grok. I kept wanting to envision an object or a type of character and then assume it could do certain things. Hero is set up so that you essentially pay for every advantage you get. So if you want a grappling hook that lets you swing and climb better you have to pay more than if you want it to do only one of those things. There are such things as multi-powers that can keep the cost down but I'm not very good at explaining things like that. I will leave it to the experts.

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Re: How to Build a Grappling Hook


My take would be: Stretching, OAF (grappling hook and line), charges (1, recoverable), etc... which would let you make an attack roll to grab/hook a target at range. SFX of the hook and rope are pretty straightforward but allow for creative uses. I'd probably just let you to swing with an appropriate skill roll unless it was going to be used more than occasionally, which would require something like: Swinging, up to 8m, skill/dex roll, charges (1, recoverable), OAF, etc ... . An appropriate successful attack would give you a climbing bonus, but no reason extra climbing couldn't be bought with the hook.


That's the mechanic that fits the concept in my head.

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Re: How to Build a Grappling Hook


My take would be: Stretching' date='[i'] OAF (grappling hook and line), charges (1, recoverable), etc... [/i] which would let you make an attack roll to grab/hook a target at range. SFX of the hook and rope are pretty straightforward but allow for creative uses. I'd probably just let you to swing with an appropriate skill roll unless it was going to be used more than occasionally, which would require something like: Swinging, up to 8m, skill/dex roll, charges (1, recoverable), OAF, etc ... . An appropriate successful attack would give you a climbing bonus, but no reason extra climbing couldn't be bought with the hook.


That's the mechanic that fits the concept in my head.


That is how I would do it or maybe a multi-power with Swinging and Stretching


Swinging, Stretching, and Entangle.


Boy I love Hero...this is fun.

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Re: How to Build a Grappling Hook


I never considered the grappling line as an attack (even with the copious examples of it from the movies!)

It would be real easy to add to my build since no additonal points are involved (the grappling gun&lines is part of his Utility Belt - Variable Power Pool) just a new 30 active point/15 real point slot needs to be defined.

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Re: How to Build a Grappling Hook


Building a reasonably realistic (at least cinematically realistic) grappling hook depends very much on the modifiers. This is true of most builds - you are not often going to get a base power that is just what you wanted with no tinkering. In fact the 'base' power can often be any one of a number of powers; in this case movement powers or stretching look favourite.


Here is an example of building a 6e grappling hook:


GRAPPLING HOOK: 17 active 5 real PLUS 14 active 5 real = 10 real

Stretching 10m, Usable Simultaneously (up to 4 people at once; +3/4) (17 Active Points); OAF (-1), Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Only for vertical movement at 2" per phase; -1), Extra Time (Extra Phase, Only to Activate, -1/2)


+4 with Climbing, Usable Simultaneously (up to 4 people at once; +3/4) (14 Active Points); OAF (-1), Extra Time (Extra Phase, Only to Activate, -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Requires re-placement every 10 metres; -1/2)


That means that you can have 4 people on the rope at once, you can either use it to climb perfectly safely, but relatively slowly, or as a boost to your own climbing skill, which may be quicker, but is a bit more risky.


What you need to remember abut Hero though is that there is NO right build, and precious few wrong ones - all you need is an idea of what you want to be able to do, and a build to get somewhere near. So long as the INTENTION of the power is clear, and the cost is about right, you are golden. This is especially true of non-combat powers where the precise mechanical effect is possibly less important than the look and feel.


Don't sweat getting it perfect, just get it close enough. Logically you can also do other things with a grappling hook and line - swing it as a weapon, use it to tie a door shut and so on. Don't drive yourself mad with this - it is the Hero Fork Problem* - you either build everything as a VPP (boring) or you get the main power or powers right and hope your GM is wise enough not to quibble if you want to do something unusual with it - or just use the Power Skill rules, for occasional unusual uses.




*Try building a fork in Hero that can do everything that a normal fork can do and it will cost you about 100 points and you still won't cover it all!

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Re: How to Build a Grappling Hook


I am re-posting this so to speak as I am still learning.


I Kinda get hot to build powers but gadgets and equipment are driving me up the wall - wish there was a simple checklist/formula one could use!


So here goes my first atempt at building a Batman like grappling hook and what do you all think?


1. Purchase CLINGING power at STR +15 [just for number generation] so base = (10+5)=15 [i got that from the base of 10 then the STR +15 would be 15/3x1 = +5]


2. Advantages a) RANGED +1/2;

3. Disadvantages a) CHARGES(3) -1 1/4 B) OAF -1


So the Active cost would be(?); 22[ 15*1.5] and the Real Cost would be 7pts [22/1+(1.25+1)]


Am I even in the ball park here?





Well, first of all, you don't need Range.


I know why you have it there - you're thinking you throw the hook so you're "using it at range" right?


But you're not really using the power of Clinging at Range. The hook and line is a "special effect" that explains how you're using the Clinging power to go up a wall.


Lucius Alexander


House of the Palindromedary

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