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Extra-Dimensional Personal Sanctuary...

Dr Divago

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Hi all

in my 5-edition turakian age campaign (very close to the one on the book) i'm planning some special "gift" (1)


so, for this one characther (who got tragic past of sexual abuse and demonic possession) i'm planning a way to let her "travel to her inner self demonic mansion"

i mean, something lilke a castle in demonic dimension, then they will discover this is the representation of her demonic inner self


i'm planning this as a "base" used for plot devices and for roleplay hook.


the problem is: i'm pretty sure they will abuse this gift, transforming it in a safe haven to go whenever they whant to avoid paying for inns, to store their loot (very poor loot but it's always loot) and like


so first question is: how i can create it? like a base, or just an extra-dimensional movement to another dimension?

second question is: how can i avoid abuse and transform it in a joyful and pleasantexperience?

third question is: what do you advice me to avoid the standard "yet another demonic dimension" cliché?


ty for your help :)



(1) they are planning a trip on irontooth; the subsequent session they wake up 2 months later with some difference: someone got a curse, someone got married, someone got some special item more like a curse... and of course they got also special items for compensation :)

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Re: Extra-Dimensional Personal Sanctuary...


so first question is: how i can create it? like a base' date=' or just an extra-dimensional movement to another dimension?[/quote']


I think (and that is normally my problem) buying the entire thing as a Base just stating that it is in a different dimension would work. Getting their would be some item, spell, effect that has Extra Dimensional Movement on it.


second question is: how can i avoid abuse and transform it in a joyful and pleasantexperience?

the problem is: i'm pretty sure they will abuse this gift' date=' transforming it in a safe haven to go whenever they whant to avoid paying for inns, to store their loot (very poor loot but it's always loot) and like[/quote']


I put these together cause they seem similar. If this is a reflection of the character and not a true 'Demonic Dimension' then the traps and creatures could always re-spawn, they are reflections of the character's innate fears. Also the further they go into the base the move numerous and destructive the effects. On the outer area it could simply be the character's fears creating the monsters however inside more you got not just the fears but also all those self defense mechanisms we throw up to protect are inner self.


third question is: what do you advice me to avoid the standard "yet another demonic dimension" cliché?


Change the environment constantly, whether by spending points to mechanically change it or the simple description. This is the character's inner self so their should be some reflection of the outside world in here.. just different perhaps more darker. Could also be that as the others start to stay their inner selves begin to leave their mark inside the base as maybe a room they always use starts to change to reflect their inner doubts and fears.


Of course if the players start destroying things in the base it could get interesting as what effect it will have on the character whose inner self makes this base possible.

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Re: Extra-Dimensional Personal Sanctuary...


second question is: how can i avoid abuse and transform it in a joyful and pleasantexperience?
I think you may have a problem here, at least if you feel that sleeping there or storing loot there is "abuse". You could easily prevent that by making the dimension intrinsically dangerous and unpredictable - but that's not going to be a "joyful and pleasant experience". I mean, if I had a personal dimensional castle, that was joyful to be in, of course I'd rather stay there than some filthy inn! That's kind of the point of having such a thing.


Now as for avoiding the "hop into it in the middle of battle" or "ultra stealth method" situations, that's easily enough done by making the entry/exit procedure take a minute or two and produce some visible effects - a gate of flame that hums resonantly, for instance.

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Re: Extra-Dimensional Personal Sanctuary...


I think (and that is normally my problem) buying the entire thing as a Base just stating that it is in a different dimension would work. Getting their would be some item' date=' spell, effect that has Extra Dimensional Movement on it. [/quote']

ok, but

it's better give them extra dimensional and leave the "base" as a "setting element" or rather make them pay for the base?

in this case, i got less flexibility BUT they know there are limits

I put these together cause they seem similar. If this is a reflection of the character and not a true 'Demonic Dimension' then the traps and creatures could always re-spawn, they are reflections of the character's innate fears. Also the further they go into the base the move numerous and destructive the effects. On the outer area it could simply be the character's fears creating the monsters however inside more you got not just the fears but also all those self defense mechanisms we throw up to protect are inner self.


the inhabitants could be reflexion of her fear, doubts, and like

i also like the idea there where some "imp servants" to clean the house and like, and also two "special guest", reflexion of the "light" side and "dark" side of the characther...

Change the environment constantly' date=' whether by spending points to mechanically change it or the simple description. This is the character's inner self so their should be some reflection of the outside world in here.. just different perhaps more darker. Could also be that as the others start to stay their inner selves begin to leave their mark inside the base as maybe a room they always use starts to change to reflect their inner doubts and fears.[/quote']


i like your idea of change the appearence (and items inside) of the rooms according to where they sleep and also made some appearence, some "special guest" who are reflexion of what this char think about the other players...


nice idea :D


as for Ice9 ideas (why i can't multiquote? x.x )

i'm planning to give extra time for entering the "mansion"; btw also like the idea of letting something in the real world, like a "crystal-like copy of the guy who enter the dimension" and also forbid equipment trasfert: whenever they enter the dimension, they only got the items really close to their inner selves (like a Personal END Reserve, artificial arm or a fused-on-the-skin piercing-armor and of course magical tattooes :) )

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Re: Extra-Dimensional Personal Sanctuary...


ok, but

it's better give them extra dimensional and leave the "base" as a "setting element" or rather make them pay for the base?

in this case, i got less flexibility BUT they know there are limits


Well that depends on the usage. You may want to have them pay for what is simply the safety zones, areas they can relax and be comfortable and not charge them for the parts that are hostile to them. Of course if this is Heroic you could not charge them points and in theory have the dimension go hostile or nice in a sort of 'mirrored mood swing' of the character.

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Re: Extra-Dimensional Personal Sanctuary...


The way you're describing it now, I wouldn't make them pay for it at all. If equipment stays behind, then it's not even possible to explore it without finding a safe spot in the normal world first - much less sleep, train, or take shelter in it. So it's not really a "base" in most senses, more like a location they might want to explore.

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Re: Extra-Dimensional Personal Sanctuary...


ok, ty all for your help :)

atm i'm planning on this:

1) object can't be used in the "infraworld"; btw, they can't take away object from "infraworld" to the real world. if they leave objects inside infraworld, they slowly become infraworld items :)

2) whenever they enter inside the infraworld, a crystal shell stay in the real world. crystal shell has same body than character, and char get damage if shell is damaged. so they will need to pay attention and don't enter the infraworld

they can also choose to sacrifice some items to use in infraworld, so they will be put at stake between using in the real or in the infra world

3) in the infraworld there are some people who can help them, if they did something in real world; something is something pleasent, sometime something unpleasent. sometime something seems pleasant but end up unpleasant


this way they will get some advantage, some plot hook to go into the infraworld but cannot use as a safe heaven


what do you think? do you like? :)

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