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How does flash work. AKA I am an idiot.


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Usually the book has GREAT examples, but this time it doesn't and I think I am at a loss. I have always read flash as you roll to attack, if hit, roll xd6 and that is how many segments the target is affected.


I read it TODAY, and it says normal BODY dam.


So, if I have a 5d6 flash attack (blinding attack) and I hit and roll 1,3,3,5,6 they are blinded for 5 segments or 18 (assuming no defense)?


This also begs the question of flash defense. Let's Assume I have 4 pts of flash defense, it would reduce the timelength to 1 (if 5 originally) or 14 (if 18 originally), correct?


Then what's the point of resistant flash defense? It seems as though flash defense reduces the "BODY" dam of a flash attack. That's what resistant defenses do, so I am sort of confused as to the point. Is there a way to augment flash attacks to penetrate flash defense, but NOT resistant flash defense??


Maybe I am missing something, but would love to hear from the audience.

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Re: How does flash work. AKA I am an idiot.


Flash works based on the Normal Dice Body rolled, so in your example, the target would be Flashed for 5 Segments (not 18).


Flash defense reduces on a 1 for 1 basis, so in your example, if the the target has 4 Flash Defense (Sight), the target would only be blinded for 1 Segment.


Flash would be WAY too powerful if it blinded for the total of the dice. In a 60 active point campaign, a single Flash would blind someone for 42 Segments on average, which is 3.5 Turns (so basically, take someone out of an entire fight with one attack).


As for resistant Flash defense, you're right in that 9 times out of 10 (if not 99 times out of 100) you won't need it. In fact, no "standard" Attack power works against Resistant Flash defense. The only way you'd have an attack work against Resistant Flash Defense would be if the advantage Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Attack Versus Limited Defense in 5e) was applied to an attack power and Resistant Flash Defense was specified as the defense. I suppose you could also have a No Normal Defense attack where the defense was "any resistant Flash Defense." But both of those things are very rare, or should be, anyway.

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Re: How does flash work. AKA I am an idiot.


Resistant Flash Defense resists AVLD (Flash Defense) Does Body Killing Attacks.


So, sonic waves that can turn your brain into jelly, Death rays that cause nerve damage via ocular nerves, torture devices that flay your skin, and so forth.


How rare or common such an attack might be will depend on the setting / GM / players. I've seen a character w/ resistant flash defense get to use it before (mostly in a force field), but fewer than 10 times total. It really depends on how lethal a campaign is, which is true of all resistant defense to lesser degree. If the campaign is darker and has sneaky brutal attacks that do body across exotic defenses then it might be a worthwhile investment.

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