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Help with a goofy power build


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First thank everyone for their help on my earlier questions. Now I have a new series. A player for an upcoming game has a request for a unique power. Here is the effect:


Her mood effects the area immediately around her (4m radius). If she's depressed, the area gets gloomy. If she's happy, it's sunny, etc... The player and the character both enjoy being comic relief in our group, and both love small animals. Taking that into consideration, I have added a change environment for the simple effect of having small animals participate in her mood swings.


This is not meant to be a combat effective power. It is a story/character quirk ability. Here is the build so far:


Change Environment (Mood setting)

Base Cost - 24 pts

Temperature Level +/- 8 (10 degrees/level)

Area Effect Radius up to 4m +1/4

Reduced END (0 END) +1/2

42 42 42 0 (Active/Real/Total/END)


Change Environment (Group participation)

Base Cost - 10 pts)

Area Effect Radius up to 4m +1/4

Reduced END (0 END) +1/2

Linked (Mood setting) -1/2

18 12 12 0


Change Environment (Mood enhancement)

Base Cost - 4 pts)

Perception roll -4

Reduced END (0 END) +1/2

Linked (Mood setting) -1/2

7 5 5 0


The second part of the question is control. Since this is all set to her mood, should I put a roll on the power for the power not to happen?

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Re: Help with a goofy power build


Sorry, not really getting this power. She can change the temperature by plus or minus 80 degrees? She can obscure vision with the same effectiveness of total darkness? This sounds like a lot more than simply making things gloomy or brightening things up. Why so much oomph for what is suppose to be a cosmetic sort of power?


Also, what is group participation?

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Re: Help with a goofy power build


Sorry, not really getting this power. She can change the temperature by plus or minus 80 degrees? She can obscure vision with the same effectiveness of total darkness? This sounds like a lot more than simply making things gloomy or brightening things up. Why so much oomph for what is suppose to be a cosmetic sort of power?


Also, what is group participation?


You do have a point. Maybe I can get the GM to simply give her the ability without having to build it. The PC wants her mood to effect the immediate area. For example; in the middle of summer when it's 100+ degrees and someone hacks her off it might suddenly start snowing in her immediate area (hence the 8 levels of temp change). The group participation is strictly for small animals. The player and the PC both love small animals. I was trying to make it so any small animals in her immediate area also participate in her mood swings. Using the previous example of snow, any small animals might throw tiny snowballs at the persons who angered her, or shake branch causing more snow to fall on the person.

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Re: Help with a goofy power build


For the temperature adjustment, I would throw a limitation in "Only Within Normal Temperature Range", maybe -1. Normally, +/- 80 degrees would let you turn cold weather to lethally freezing and hot weather to oven-like, so the lack of ability to do that would be a significant limitation.


If the small animals don't have a significant effect, they could just be 5 points, or even just part of the SFX.


As for control, it depends on how well she can influence her own mood. If she can't, or at least not quickly, then this would merit the No Conscious Control limitation. If she's good at doing so, maybe Always On, plus RAR (EGO roll), with the roll being to change the effect, not to activate it.

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Re: Help with a goofy power build


I have a shaman in a fantasy that has darkness versus both sight and hearing defined as summoning crows that get in the faces and cawing at his enemies.


Her animals could be a SFX to negative modifier to PER roll or the group participation could be removed and OCV penalty defined as detracting small animals in its place.

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