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Little help building electromagnetic pulse as a beam or ray


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Building a Power suit based on magnetics and I want to properly build a EMP beam or ray with decent range and targetable not AoE.


I started off with using dispell with the discriptor electronics only. Is this correct? if so whats the range on a dispell?


Thank you

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Re: Little help building electromagnetic pulse as a beam or ray


Building a Power suit based on magnetics and I want to properly build a EMP beam or ray with decent range and targetable not AoE.


I started off with using dispell with the discriptor electronics only. Is this correct? if so whats the range on a dispell?


Thank you




Hmmm...Not sure on range...But keep in mind that EMP in the real world has (basically) line of sight effects. So you might want to add that mod onto your Dispel.....maybe.


You might find some insights here:




or here:





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Re: Little help building electromagnetic pulse as a beam or ray


There was a thread on this a month or two ago. There's more than one way to build an EMP, and IIRC the top methods were:

1) Dispel, all Electronics

2) Transform (electronics/vehicles/robots to non-functional "")

3) RKA, NND, Does Body, Fully Indirect, Only vs Electronics


All of them are expensive (at least as an instantaneous pulse). The first two work fine in most cases, but run into some situations where they're inapplicable because of how a power/vehicle/automaton was build. The third is pretty comprehensive, but allowing a power to bypass the standard BODY and directly damage internal components is a rather dangerous precedent.

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