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Getting started in Champions with two young boys

Jim McKeeth

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I played Champions 4th Edition years ago. Only had the main Champions book, and no longer have it. Now I have two boys, 10 and 12 who have a friend playing D&D, so they are interested in RPGs. I figure I would rather start them out right with Champions, but am not sure where to start. I want to keep it fairly simple to start, both to not overwhelm them, and to not be too heavily invested it they loose interest. Not sure how many books were available in 4th Edition, but there are a lot available now.


I am interested in running a super hero campaign. I see that I need a Hero System Rule book in addition to the Champions book. If I understand correctly, the books to get in order of priority are:


* Hero System Basic Rulebook

* Champions

* Champions Universe (optional)


Later I may get the full rulebooks, but figure the Basic Rulebook is a good place to start.


So my question is if this is a good plan, or if I am missing something (like Champions for Pre-Teen Boys) or making it too complex (only need one book to get started).


When I have asked in other forums it usually turns into a 5th Edition vs. 6th Edition battle. From what I can see the 5th Edition is getting harder to find, so I might as well jump into the 6th Edition.



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Re: Getting started in Champions with two young boys


I do a once a month Kids Game.....all the munchkins are between 10-12. Basically, I've got the Main books myself, and a couple of copies of the basic book for them, but if you want to keep the price down, the basic book is a good enough place to start. The Chamions book will just give you the "super hero genre" and a lot of premade templates that are handy for quickie generation. The Champs Universe book, is for the Universe if that's what you want to them to play in, so if you like that setting it's a good book.


So yeah it's a good plan and no it's not to complex, if anything, it's going to be a touch simple at the start but for kids that age, that's not really an issue.



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Re: Getting started in Champions with two young boys


for two boys i suggest a TEEN CHAMPIONS CAMPAIGN TO START


Or PS238 -- though I believe that's written using the 5e (basic) ruleset. Which I also believe is included with the sourcebook, but I won't swear to it...


Though the bottom line is what sort of game the boys' in question are interested in and that Jim is interested in running, which makes the 6e Basic book a darn good place to start imo...

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Re: Getting started in Champions with two young boys


Or PS238 -- though I believe that's written using the 5e (basic) ruleset. Which I also believe is included with the sourcebook' date=' but I won't swear to it...[/quote']


PS238 would have been my suggestion as well. It's based on the popular webcomic of the same name, which you can read here. This book, available in the Hero Games online store, combines a setting -- a school for pre-teen supers, with maps and fully-statted NPCs -- with a simplified version of Fifth Edition HERO System tailored to it, and to introducing newcomers, especially young players, to the game. This one book would provide all you need to start a campaign, so if it doesn't go over well you're not out a lot. Fifth and Sixth Edition are actually very much alike in most respects, so if you ever decide to "upgrade" to the full 6E rules it won't be difficult.

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Re: Getting started in Champions with two young boys


Personally I would stick with 6th as 5th is no longer supported, might as well make the switch now (even though I personally prefer 5th). I've been playing Champions since 3rd Edition, this is what I would suggest you buy in order of importance:


Hero System Basic Rulebook

Hero Designer


That's really all you need. If you are familiar with running a Superheroes game, Champions is a nice to have if you have money to burn. I feel it really isn't for someone who's run superhero games before, you can get much more bang for the buck with other books. I would get Champions Universe before I'd buy Champions. CU gives you a ready made world. There are some "example" characters in there to give you an idea of what you should be looking at.


Hero Designer is an absolute MUST for any beginner. This is the character maker software. While you may think, "I'm not that lazy, I can do it by hand", I'm not recommending because of it makes your life THOUSANDS of times easier (it really does) I'm recommending it because it will teach you so much about making characters. Believe me I've always been the "I'll do it by hand" guy, used to make 4th ed characters without a single book in Chemistry class. I decided to be a Beta tester of the original Hero Designer (It's on version 3 now), and it absolutely convinced me to buy it and keep it current (you actually buy a two year contract that gives you the program, forever, and updates for up to two years. You are also able to access a database where other users contribute Characters, prefabs, and templates, which will make more sense when you buy it).

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Re: Getting started in Champions with two young boys


Given the boys age, I'd use the Basic Rulebook first and run a Teen Champions game. Once they get the hang of things, I'd move them up to standard champions and buy the Big Blue Books.


As supplemental stuff, you might want to buy the Ult. Martial Arts book if they seem to tend more towards the Batman like stuff and the Champions Powers Book if they are having problems coming up with unique powers.

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Re: Getting started in Champions with two young boys


Good advice.

I can only add keep the stories simple with lots of combat. Kids will zone out during any lengthy role play and things like deduction, and criminology will be beyond them. They will basically want to look cool and kick A--!


I suggest you introduce them to the Bruce Tim hero site (elsewhere in this forum) so they can make their own heroes.


Oh, and look disappointed when they beat up your villains.

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