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CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?

Steve Long

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Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I hope it's not too late to bring this up, but I just remembered that this continuity point has long puzzled me. In the Turakian Age setting book, the gods of Thun are described as Elder Worm imprisoned within the Earth in primordial times. However, the descriptions of their physical forms are radically different from, and their powers implicitly far greater than any Worm written up in 5E or 6E books to date. Some explanation for that discrepancy in the chapter on the Elder Worm would be welcome. (Personal theory/proposal: these "gods" were elite servants of the Kings of Edom among the Elder Worm, having undergone the same sort of empowering transformation by the Kings as was in a later age bestowed on Sharna-Gorak the Destroyer.)

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Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?


1. I would like to se alot of tech info from the different species like


What is it based on (organics/circuty/crystals)


what can it do? what can it not do? and how well can it do it?


what is it dependent on in materials/energy


rules for hybrid tech and adapting alien tech


My thoughts stem mostly from

"stargate sg1" and lex luthors newest Warsuit, that

is supposed to integrate human, apocaliptian and kryptonian technology.


2. some what if... scenarios on earth like our shadow biosphere



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Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?


1 campaign I was it had something like this but the substance was ketchup

it was illegal to have ketchup out side the Sol system


This is a cute idea, but I dont' think I would be happy with just one single idea. One idea tends not to fit all concepts for any game a GM might want to run. Having only one reason for aliens visiting Earth as the official reason tends to straight jacket a campaign in certain directions. Having a silly reason to visit Earth tends to straight jacket the campaign even more.


I'd suggest a side bar with various reasons, all of which are official, and would fit a variety of campaigns and scenarios.


For example:


1. Presence of light galactic enforcement and super technology makes Earth an attractive "hide-out" for various galactic criminal gangs. They typically dodge Star*Guard on their way in and then try to lay low while using various Earth bad guys and technologies to further their aims. Earth also makes a good place to fence intergalactic high-tech goods for various Earth products which can be resold/exchanged else where.


2. Mechanon. Incarnations of Mechanon have made it off planet, and while he was defeated fairly easily, his programming and the evolution thereof have intrigued the Prime Visor of the Empire of . They are interested in sending military scout teams to collect more samples for study.


3. Dr. Destoryer. His recent "bonding" with a dark entity was detected far out in space, and this sort of phenomena is almost unkown out side Earth. It may have religious or social reprocussions for . They wish to send emissaries to Earth, possibly to server Dr. D, or possibly to kick his butt if they determine he is a heretic.


4. Coffee/ketchup/chocolate, etc. Stimulating and worth a lot off planet.


5. Art -- certain art styles on Earth are unique and considered valuable off planet. They are sometimes stolen and fenced by unsavory members of the galaxcy.


6. Ditto for archeological sites and fossils, which are also fenceable off-planet.


7. Waffels -- desired by all members of the galaxcy, and actually worshipped as a manifestation of the godhead by a smallish race of beings. Woah to the off-worlders caught with these sacred objects.

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Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?


7. Waffles -- desired by all members of the galaxy' date=' and actually worshiped as a manifestation of the godhead by a smallish race of beings. Woe to the off-worlders caught with these sacred objects.[/quote']


Evil beware. Earth has waffles.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Thread necromancy! And hopefully in the nick of time....


The recent mention of your starting on the Qularr made me think of their "giant monsters." (I do have the right alien species, right? Anyway...) I'd love to see a "Kaiju Package Deal" (Template) in their chapter, to help the GM in making more.

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Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Super humans, rare elsewhere are far more common on earth.

Aliens may come to the belief that humans are evolving into a superhuman race. That makes humans a valuable commodity.


A breeding stock of super humans loyal to one race is enough to set galactic kidnappers to earth.

Cloners want genetic samples, and will raid graves of known supers and set wasp-like machines after living supers.

Other aliens want to protect earth from outside interference.

Conquerors want to either remove the threat or take control, and start their own breeding problem.


One race is so alarmed, they made contact with IHA and are running hi-tech weapons to eliminate supers before they can breed. Further, they are lurking about the asteroid belt looking for a planet killer rock, but have been driven off by several other groups.

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Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Just my $0.02


I wouldn't mind seeing also

1) The riff raff for the heroes. In comics like LSH, the heroes are always fighting some riff raff in every other issue. People with heavy duty blasters robbing a bank or causing other problems.

2) Some basic weapons and equipment you usually see.

2a) A few star ships like luxury liner, police vessel, pirate ship/smuggler ship, and private space ship.

2b) Standard blasters (pistols and rifles). Not a lot but enough to provide a little diversity.

2c) A space station (base) description as a location for heroes to use or save

2d) A standard colony (base) description as a location for heroes to use or save

3) Some info involving life in the future. Things like favorite Holovid programs("I'll buy that for a dollar","ISN news","Real Life:Mars"), recreational drugs(Soma), places to relax (is there a planet Rysa?), etc. Are there some shady megacorps (Brande corp)or major institutions (Time Institute)?


I think these things are mostly fodder for things like Star Hero' date=' [i']Galactic Champions[/i], and Terran Empire.


Not me. I agree with dsatow, There is a marked difference in Spacecraft and Weapons used in a Heroic game and those used in a Superheroic game.


Having a couple Superbases stat'd/mapped out plus a few ships stat'd/mapped out is a good thing. I'm not saying a big fleet, just a few that can be used. Most of the ships used by Supers I have read in comics or seen on TV tend to swerve away from 'realistic', where StarHero and such generally try to at least keep a thin coat of realistic paint on.


just an opinion....

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  • 6 months later...

Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?


This book is great, I loved it! A much needed book too I might add. Now if we could only get Darren to write up the Golden Age and Steve to do a Silver Age. I want to see Vanguard wrote up officially.

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Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?


It is indeed. It is stuffed. With stuff. Very stuffy stuff. Mars was well-handled. My fear that the Progenitors would be demystified by being given an origin was set to rest. I am professionally impressed by the way the planets are given pocket histories and geographies. Less than a page to deal with the "it was raining on Mongo that day" nonsense. The Star*Guard are much more interesting (to me) than their Green Lanterns originals.


It's missing some stuff that I would have liked to see in a perfect world, but to make up for that, also keeps a respectful silence on potential plothooks. We know what's going on on Mars, for example, and it is fascinating, particularly that the ancient Martians were apparently the first intelligent life in our Galaxy. (They're space elves!) But what about Venus? Anything could be down there.


Everyone should buy a copy, and I'm definitely leaving a copy of the PDF on the old laptop that I'm passing on to my nephew this week.

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Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Looking forward to seeing this. I noticed the new Star Hero is out, but I'm not likely to buy. My experience so far has been that it will mainly just be a translation of 5th ed. Star Hero to 6th. Not worth the price of a HB book. Champions Beyond should fill that hole in my existence.

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