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Kobold Kommandos


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From here we have the famous brainstorming session, in which they

determine the following:

a) unicorns are hard to find, because they run fast.

B) unicorns are attracted to virgins for some unexplainable reason.

c) virgins are hard to find, possibly because unicorns run fast and are

attracted to virgins.

d) princesses are supposed to be virgins (at least, princesses locked in

towers should be).

e) princesses are easy to find, because they are locked in towers, and

therefore can't run very far.

The obvious solution is not to find the unicorn, but to find the

nearest princess. This has the added benefit that princesses rarely

weigh 1500+ pounds and even more rarely have six foot spears grafted

to their foreheads.


The full article: https://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.frp.dnd/msg/86f9780c6a3adbb8?hl=nl&pli=1

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Re: Kobold Kommandos


Can't seem to reach the article, instead being asked to sign in to a Dutch-language Googlegroups server.


Nonetheless the quoted excerpt is quite funny. What they fail to take into account, of course, is that these days most princesses are more than capable of taking care of themselves and can get you into a great deal of trouble....


EDIT: I read the whole thing now. VERY funny. And a very indulgent gamemaster who evidently decided to let the players have their fun in spite of themselves.

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Re: Kobold Kommandos


Can't seem to reach the article, instead being asked to sign in to a Dutch-language Googlegroups server.


Nonetheless the quoted excerpt is quite funny. What they fail to take into account, of course, is that these days most princesses are more than capable of taking care of themselves and can get you into a great deal of trouble....

Try Google Translate.

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Re: Kobold Kommandos


I can't find them in HSB or FH.


Yeah, that's right... I'm thinking those frog-men. Or the lizard-men... or something. Well, it can't be that hard to create something appropriate, right? Take a lizard-man and make him halfling size?

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Re: Kobold Kommandos


Well, I found my MMM PDF and managed to print out the Ratling sheet. Kobolds are a little bit bigger than a foot tall, so I adjusted the stats a little bit but came up with some quite serviceable, cannon-fodder kobolds. Even if I go no further with this project it was a desirable result.


For comment and correction, a typical, run-of-the-mill Kobold's stats. Not the most original writeup, but is it a start?


[b]Kobold - [/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
7    STR     -3   7      10-       HTH Damage 1d6  END [1]
12    DEX     4   12      11-       
8    CON     -2   8      11-
7    BODY    -3   7      
10    INT     0   10      11-       PER Roll 11-
10    EGO     0   10      11-       
8    PRE     -2   8      11-       PRE Attack: 1 1/2d6

2    PD      0   2             2 PD (0 rPD)
2    ED      0   2             2 ED (0 rED)
3    SPD     10   3                 Phases:  4, 8, 12
3    REC     -1   3
18    END     0   18
14    STUN    -3   14
9    RUN      -3   9m                END [1]
4    SWIM     0   4m                END [1]
4    LEAP     0   4m                4m forward, 2m upward

[b]CHA Cost: 7[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
7      Climbing 11-
7      Concealment 13-
7      Stealth 13-
2      WF:  Common Melee Weapons
2      WF:  Common Missile Weapons

[b]SKILLS Cost: 25[/b]

Base Pts: 75
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 32


(Note: this is for 6e).

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Re: Kobold Kommandos


I'm thinking of buying back full Running because kobolds are quick little buggers. They are short and have short little legs but I'm not sure their legs are that short. They probably wouldn't be any slower than a halfling and halflings are traditionally pretty quick.


The increase in DCV seems appropriate 00 they are small targets -- but should I enhance the OCV a little bit for a standard kobold?

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Re: Kobold Kommandos


I'm not seeing any CV on the sheet.


The export format apparently dopes not include the CV characteristics. I don't believe any of the board-friendly ones do. I'd ask if this was fixable, but since my HD subscription is apparently up even a revision would do me little good until I renew.

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Re: Kobold Kommandos


The export format apparently dopes not include the CV characteristics. I don't believe any of the board-friendly ones do. I'd ask if this was fixable' date=' but since my HD subscription is apparently up even a revision would do me little good until I renew.[/quote']

Ah - Go to "Hero Designer" on the Hero Game home page. Then, click on "Characters". Upload the .hdc there. The upload description will include a number. Put that in {hd=#}BlahText{/hd}, only, using square brackets. Your post will display the character sheet.

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Re: Kobold Kommandos


Ah - Go to "Hero Designer" on the Hero Game home page. Then' date=' click on "Characters". Upload the .hdc there. The upload description will include a number. Put that in {hd=#}BlahText{/hd}, only, using square brackets. Your post will display the character sheet.[/quote']


IIRC, that service remains only available to current HD subscribers. Perhaps Dan could clarify this.

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Re: Kobold Kommandos


I put in the infravision. I'm not sure they need tails that can manipulate objects, though. The purpose of most kobolds in a game, after all, is to die on the end of the swords of the PCs.


These are special Kobolds, of course. The big problem will be the sorcerer. I really have no idea what all he'd need to be able to do to carry out his role in the adventure.

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