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A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character

Mystic Pilgrim

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Here's my first attempt at creating a character in the HERO system. Jacob is not a super... In fact, he's not even a heroic character. He is actually your run-of-the-mill pubescent teenage boy scout.


Granted, this character is not much, and he doesn't really test out any of the "cool" stuff about the system; but I have learned that the modular nature of HERO is AMAZING!!! Once I actually starting stating out the equipment, using the Hero Designer, I started to realize just how much you can do with it. I know I have just scratched the surface.


So, any feedback you guys could give at this level would be greatly appreciated.


[b]Jacob Roush - [/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
8    STR     -2   8      11-       HTH Damage 1 1/2d6  END [2]
9    DEX     -3   9      11-       OCV 3 DCV 3
8    CON     -4   8      11-
9    BODY    -2   9      11-
11    INT     1   11      11-       PER Roll 11-
8    EGO     -4   8      11-       ECV: 3
9    PRE     -1   9      11-       PRE Attack: 1 1/2d6
9    COM     0   9      11-
2    PD      0   2             2 PD (0 rPD)
2    ED      0   2             2 ED (0 rED)
1    SPD     0   1                 Phases:  7
4    REC     0   4
20    END     2   20
17    STUN    0   17
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
2    LEAP     0   1 1/2"                1 1/2" forward, 0 1/2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: -13[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
1      AK: Highland County, Ohio 8-
0      Acting 8-
0      Climbing 8-
0      Concealment 8-
0      Conversation 8-
0      Deduction 8-
1      Language:  English (American) (imitate dialects) (5 Active Points)
1      Mimicry 8-
4      PS: Boy Scouting 13-
0      Paramedics 8-
0      Persuasion 8-
0      Shadowing 8-
0      Stealth 8-
3      Survival 11-
1      TF:  Automobiles

[b]SKILLS Cost: 11[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]TALENTS[/u][/b]
1      Fantastic Sense of Direction (Bump of Direction) (3 Active Points); Must Have Time To Get His Bearings (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Must Be Above Ground (-1/4)
1      Tell The Time By The Sun (3 Active Points); It Must Be Daytime (-1), The Sun Must Be Visible (-1/4)

[b]TALENTS Cost: 2[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]EQUIPMENT[/u][/b]
$140      Kelty Trekker 3950 External Frame Backpack
     1)  [i][b]Boy Scout Handbook: [/i][/b]+2 with PS: Boy Scouting
     2)  [i][b]First Aid Merit Badge Book: [/i][/b]+1 with Paramedics
     3)  [i][b]Wilderness Survival Merit Badge Book: [/i][/b]+1 with Survival
$63      4)  [i][b]Lodge Logic 8-Quart Pre-Seasoned Cast-Iron Camp Dutch Oven: [/i][/b]+1 with PS: Boy Scouting; Only While Camp Cooking (-1 1/2)
$6      5)  [i][b]5mmx50' Rope: [/i][/b]Climbing 11-
$76      6)  [i][b]Eureka Apex 2XT Adventure 7' 5" by 4' 11" Two-Person Tent: [/i][/b]+1 with Survival (2 Active Points); Only When Inside The Tent (-1 1/2)
$34      7)  [i][b]Suisse Sport Adult Adventurer Mummy Ultra-Compactable Sleeping Bag: [/i][/b]+1 with Survival (2 Active Points); Only When Inside the Sleeping Bag Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (-1 1/2)
$5      8)  [i][b]Emergency Fire Starter (Flint and Steel): [/i][/b]Survival 11- (3 Active Points); Only For Use In Starting Fires and With The Proper Tender and Kindling (-2), Requires Concentration To Use effectively (1/2 DCV; -1/4)
$12      9)  [i][b]Water Disinfectant With Iodine Crystals: [/i][/b]+1 with Survival (2 Active Points); 2000 Quarts Purified (-2), Only When Purifying Drinking Water (-2)
$35      [i][b]Victorinox Swiss Army Champion Plus Pocket Knife: [/i][/b]Survival 11- (3 Active Points); Only For Use When Using The Knives, Screwdriver, Can/Bottle Opener, File, Hook, or Saw (-1 1/2)

[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
15     Allergic  To Bee Stings:  1d6 damage per Turn (Common)
10     Reputation:  Comes From A Poor Family, 11-

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 25[/b]

Base Pts: 0
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 0

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


Guess you picked up 5th edition stuff on the cheap to start out with?


And one of the proudest moments I had with HERO:


I was finally getting my D20 group to give it a try, and they made characters. We got to discussing some other geeky topic, and my friend immediately started talking about how to simulate whatever it was in HERO. I even recall liking his "build" for it.

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


Actually, I'm using my friend's hard drive, which has all of the 5th edition pdfs he could buy... (He's OCD that way. lol)


When I finally get the point that I want to run a game, does anyone have any thoughts as to a good game manager for HERO? I've used Maptool for my GURPS and 3.5 games... I like to have maps and whatnot for my adventures, because I can use a program like Maptool to put it on my HDTV... Gods, I love big screens lol.


Ok, sorry. I know the manager question is off-topic.

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


I wish I had time to mess with MapTools and whatnot. I use some combat record sheets I made myself, and any maps I make in AutoREALM then save as a .jpeg


On your build: I would recommend everything be "+1 with (Skill), (Only while doing X)" rather than their own rolls. A tent has no ability to survive, nor does it need to, but it provides a bonus to survival - and you use your own survival skill to put the silly thing together. Just my opinion, naturally - there is rarely a "wrong" way to do things in HERO, so long as it works for you and your players then it is "right."

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


"+1 with (Skill)' date=' (Only while doing X)" rather than their own rolls. A tent has no ability to survive, nor does it need to, but it provides a bonus to survival - and you use your own survival skill to put the silly thing together. Just my opinion, naturally - there is rarely a "wrong" way to do things in HERO, so long as it works for you and your players then it is "right."[/quote']


Actually, that's kinda what I was thinking it did. Did I get the semantics of the system wrong? Should I have piled on the modifers in a different way to get that result?

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


Well, your tent is listed as "Survival 11-" which, to me, looks like you just bought it as the Survival skill, rather than as a Survival Skill Level.


Some times that is the right way to go. But usually, any tool is built as "+X with (skill)" - a Skill Level, with the Focus limitation, and possibly a Limited Power limitation. In fact, most of the time you don't even build tools, per se, but rather the GM provides a bonus or penalty depending on the presence or absence of, and quality of, materials or tools available. Building them as an exercise in how to make stuff in HERO is encouraged and always helpful. See the classic example of "how do you build a flashlight?"


The tent, I would not normally build, but if I did, it would be:


Skill Level: +1 with Survival; Focus (OAF, -1), Limited Power (Only for finding shelter, -2)
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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


Sorry, your tent is fine, the flint and steel looks "wrong":


Emergency Fire Starter (Flint and Steel): Survival 11- (3 Active Points); Only For Use In Starting Fires and With The Proper Tender and Kindling (-2), Requires Concentration To Use effectively (1/2 DCV; -1/4)


Instead, it "should" be:


Emergency Fire Starter (Flint and Steel): +1 with Survival (2 Active Points); Only For Use In Starting Fires and With The Proper Tender and Kindling (-2), Requires Concentration To Use effectively (1/2 DCV; -1/4)
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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


I see you're working towards a merit badge in Hero System.


About the allergy:


I'm not sure how much damage in Hero terms a bee sting normally does, actually.


Normally, a Susceptibility to something like a bee sting is "instant" because actually being stung isn't something that goes on and on - but if you want damage to accumulate after the initial sting, you could build it as you have as a "per turn" effect, but you should probably define about how many turns a bee sting is likely to effect the character.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says O G I C A B

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


I'm a tad long in the tooth for a merit badge of any kind... lol


Well, honestly, I think it's a person by person basis. I've seen some who are allergic that it is annoying, but not a big deal; but I've also known those who is can be life or death. I would agree that I could have put the disadvantage points a little more effectively. So, something to think about.

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


Here's to making a tent way too complicated....


Put up a tent: Summon 5-point Tent (5 pt Base), Slavishly Devoted (You've never been betrayed by a tent, have you?; +1), Specific Being (You can't set up a tent you didn't bring...; +1) (3 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Arrives Under Own Power (Or more likely, you brought it yourself; -1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (Or rather, you have to have a suitable campsite; -1/2), Requires A Roll (PS roll, -1 per 5 Active Points modifier; Can choose which of two rolls to make from use to use; Either Survival or PS: Boy Scout; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) Real Cost: 1


edit: also, if this boy has a basic PS: Scouting roll of, what did you give him, 13 or less? he's probably an exceptional scout.


Imitate Dialects and Mimicry - an interesting and talented child.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says if you play Hero while out camping, the game will be in tents

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


Looking at your stats, I would have done some things differently:

STR is okay, but I HATE half dice (your punch would be 1 1/2d6)

DEX is in a weird spot. Combat Value = DEX/3, and DEX based Skill Rolls are (DEX/5)+9 and remember you always round up. If you dropped DEX to 8 you pretty much have the same CV and Skill Rolls. Now, DEX also matters for intuitive so you'd go before all the chumps who went for the break point, and that may be worth the 3 points to you.

INT is wasted. An 11 INT may make you feel better, but mechanically speaking it does absolutely nothing for you. Again, skill rolls and perception rolls are (INT/5)+9. You'll see no difference unless you go at least a 13 in INT.

COM there really is no reason to drop it one point. HD may keep track of the half point you save (not sure if it does or not), but honestly you're just making yourself uglier for no real gain.

SPD, I think even kids should be at least a SPD 2. I picture a SPD 1 being an 80 year old grandma.

I like where your head is at.




Eagle Scout:

12 +1 Overall Level

1 Perk: Eagle Scout


Total Cost: 13 points

Just to make sure this doesn't confuse anyone, in 5th ed. an Overall Skill level is 10 points. In 6th ed. it's 12 (I assume).

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


Put up a tent: Summon 5-point Tent (5 pt Base)' date=' Slavishly Devoted (You've never been betrayed by a tent, have you?; +1), Specific Being (You can't set up a tent you didn't bring...; +1) (3 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 1/4), OAF (-1), Arrives Under Own Power (Or more likely, you brought it yourself; -1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (Or rather, you have to have a suitable campsite; -1/2), Requires A Roll (PS roll, -1 per 5 Active Points modifier; Can choose which of two rolls to make from use to use; Either Survival or PS: Boy Scout; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) Real Cost: 1[/quote']


This is fascinating to me; because, altho I would have naturally thought of the tent as just a simple skill booster, what you described here is another, just as viable, way of doing things. This is why I'm excited about discovering HERO.


I'm just bummed because I can't concentrate on it in the next 24; because I have to run a 3.5 game tomorrow night. BAH HUMBUG!

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


This is fascinating to me; because, altho I would have naturally thought of the tent as just a simple skill booster, what you described here is another, just as viable, way of doing things. This is why I'm excited about discovering HERO.


I'm just bummed because I can't concentrate on it in the next 24; because I have to run a 3.5 game tomorrow night. BAH HUMBUG!


Part of the Tao of Hero is knowing when to not stat out stuff as well. You could just lump all that into "Camping Gear" with +x to survival, +x to paramedics, etc. It all depends on how detailed your camping adventures are going to be.


Also, you forgot the food in his backpack. :)

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character




Survival 11- (OAF Array: Camping Stuff)




Also, equipment that costs money doesn't need a build. Really, the only thing that needs a build is something that is useful and intended for combat time situations. Everything else is made of handwavium.


However, as an exercise to learn the rules, it can be fun to try to build misc things as a tempest in a teacup.

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


You've never been betrayed by a tent, have you?

I have! lol.


A couple of things you could add. PS: Knots tying. Also I'd give him both a postive and negative rep. Some people still respect the Scouts. And some (I can't mention what I would like to call them) spot on cubscouts. : ( !!!

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


Also, don't forget you can go abstract and just buy a general skill like


PS: Boy Scout




KS: Things a Boy Scout Should Know


You don't necessarily have to break everything down to a granular level if you don't want to. Basically, the more general a skill, the GM just assesses a reasonable skill penalty for resolving specific things. It is often both more economical and more practical to buy umbrella skills with some levels to offset penalties.

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


Further, the less realistic the campaign is supposed to be, you can push the envelope and view something like "Boy Scout" as just a justification for various abilities. You can get very tongue and cheek with this in sillier campaigns.


"How'd you know how to fix that nuclear reactor Billy?"


"I learned how when i was getting my Reactor Remediator Badge back when I was going for Eagle Scout".

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


Further, the less realistic the campaign is supposed to be, you can push the envelope and view something like "Boy Scout" as just a justification for various abilities. You can get very tongue and cheek with this in sillier campaigns.


"How'd you know how to fix that nuclear reactor Billy?"


"I learned how when i was getting my Reactor Remediator Badge back when I was going for Eagle Scout".


It's well known that the Junior Woodchuck Guide has over 1 million pages.

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Re: A Boy Scout - First HERO System Character


It's well known that the Junior Woodchuck Guide has over 1 million pages.


I heard it contains all and only that information not found in any other published book.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary wonders how much junior wood a junior woodchuck would chuck

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