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Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.

SSgt Baloo

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I've revised my timeline and WWII supplement, freely benchmarking what I considered the best material available. I need to ensure that credit goes where it is due, so if you recognize the source for bits of either of these, let me know. Also, suggestions for additional information, untapped subjects, or any other potential improvements are welcome. (Especially with the Technology & culture sections of the WWII supplement.)

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


A nitpick on Page 7 of the first document--The Island Of Doctor Moreau was written by H. G. Wells, not Jules Verne.


Perhaps there could be a place in your timeline for Mister Terrific--




or Captain Nice--




Mr. Terrific could definitely be an OSI experiment for developing metahuman powers in ordinary folk, while Captain Nice could be a private discovery by a police chemist working independently of OSI.


Hope that helps. I'll let you know about the World War II document later.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


A nitpick on Page 7 of the first document--The Island Of Doctor Moreau was written by H. G. Wells' date=' not Jules Verne.[/quote']


Thanks. I've corrected that in the current version


Perhaps there could be a place in your timeline for Mister Terrific--




or Captain Nice--




Mr. Terrific could definitely be an OSI experiment for developing metahuman powers in ordinary folk, while Captain Nice could be a private discovery by a police chemist working independently of OSI.

Already done, as per your request.
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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


C'mon! I'm practically begging for the spelling and grammar Nazis to mug me over these documents, and nobody says a thing? I know I'm not that perfect. Also, I used someone else's Wold-Newton timeline as a framework upon which to hang my own. Does nobody recognize the underlying structure enough to steer me to the guy I should give credit to? Guess I'll have to keep looking. :P

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


After a considerable lot of rummaging around' date=' I suspect Oddhat might be the guy. I'll have to P.M. him and find out.[/quote']


Yup, much of this was adapted or borrowed from my work here: http://surbrook.devermore.net/herosource/champions/wold_newton.html


My timeline contains many further citations showing where I adapted the work of the Wold Newton family of authors, as presented (among other places) in Win Scott Eckert's Crossover Chronology. I got permission from Win Scott Eckert, Jess Nevins, David Powers, and Al Schroder to adapt their work.


So long as my timeline is cited when anything is actually put up online, I'm happy to see parts of it being adapted for people's campaigns; that's what it's there for. :)

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


Yup, much of this was adapted or borrowed from my work here: http://surbrook.devermore.net/herosource/champions/wold_newton.html


My timeline contains many further citations showing where I adapted the work of the Wold Newton family of authors, as presented (among other places) in Win Scott Eckert's Crossover Chronology. I got permission from Win Scott Eckert, Jess Nevins, David Powers, and Al Schroder to adapt their work.


So long as my timeline is cited when anything is actually put up online, I'm happy to see parts of it being adapted for people's campaigns; that's what it's there for. :)


How would you like to be credited?


ETA: I'm kind of new at this.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


How would you like to be credited?


ETA: I'm kind of new at this.


Just "This timeline draws on multiple sources, including Robert Dorf's timeline posted here: http://surbrook.devermore.net/herosource/champions/wold_newton.html" would be great. :)


Anybody really interested can then go there and find there way back to Win's amazing Wold Newton pages for more detailed cites.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


Just "This timeline draws on multiple sources, including Robert Dorf's timeline posted here: http://surbrook.devermore.net/herosource/champions/wold_newton.html" would be great. :)


Anybody really interested can then go there and find there way back to Win's amazing Wold Newton pages for more detailed cites.


Gotcha. Thanks!

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


[Take two: The above post became garbled and I forgot to include the attachments.]


Did some more revisioning. Victor Fronkensteen :D added to the 1930s, creating two creatures: Johann (rather like the one from the movies) and Herman.


I'm uploading the latest version of the two supplements and hope everyone gets a kick (or fun education) from either or both.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


[Take two: The above post became garbled and I forgot to include the attachments.]


Did some more revisioning. Victor Fronkensteen :D added to the 1930s, creating two creatures: Johann (rather like the one from the movies) and Herman.


I'm uploading the latest version of the two supplements and hope everyone gets a kick (or fun education) from either or both.

heran as in munster?
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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


Latest update. The '50s are slightly different and I decided I'd sleep better if someone else (Steve Rogers, it turns out) were the father of Wonder Woman's love child. I always felt uneasy having 14-year-old Billy Batson, even in his Captain Marvel identity, becoming a father.


I also added Wakanda into the mix, as well as adding multiple outbreaks of zombies and Giant Monsters in the desert southwest (there are an abundance of movies to draw from*). I added the George Pal version of The War of the Worlds, but superheroes made shorter work of them than the germs did. I also added The Incredible Mr. Limpet and a 1925 Fortean report of werewolf attacks in England.


* There will be more additions, I assure you, but I just can't remember everything at once.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


I'm still massaging the timeline. There are just too many 1950s Alien Invader and Giant Creature sci-fi movies to mention each one, though I still hope to include Attack of the 50-Foot Woman, some reference to Plan Nine from Outer Space, and George Pal's Destination Moon. Yes, the existence of Super Science (and Mad Science) has changed things a little, but not so much as to make things unrecognizeable.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


I'm still massaging the timeline. There are just too many 1950s Alien Invader and Giant Creature sci-fi movies to mention each one' date=' though I still hope to include [i']Attack of the 50-Foot Woman[/i], some reference to Plan Nine from Outer Space, and George Pal's Destination Moon. Yes, the existence of Super Science (and Mad Science) has changed things a little, but not so much as to make things unrecognizeable.


One of the rules I tried to follow when making my own timeline was to consolodate characters and events when & where I could, so long as it worked well as a story. Have a bunch of guys with Superman's basic power set? Most of them were Superman, either wearing different costumes or misreported (intentionally or un-intentionally). Have a bunch of different movies about Alien Invasions with very similar plots? There was only one invasion, but lots of movies made about it, and (again) people intentionally and unintentionally got details wrong. Where things couldn't be simply reconciled and I still wanted to use them, I created links. So, Plastic Man links to Reed Richards and The Elongated Man; all of the Japanese Giant Monsters and Robots are linked (an easy one, since many of them are officially linked in their own continuity); and so on.


It makes the story of your timeline easier to follow, and easier to use as the jumping off point for adventures.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


An incomplete list of additions and changes:


Added vague descriptions for the Ancient Ones and the Krell.


Changed the entry on the origins of Gorilla City to explain why they weren't able to de-ape themselves.


Edited the Amazons' history so their behavior and attitudes make more sense.


Added an entry referencing Mysterious Island.


Changed the 1873 entry so it was the Krell, not the Ancient Ones, who seeded Hugo Danner's homeworld.


Added a bit more regarding the Electric Horse.


Changed the description of what constitutes a "Mystery Man".


Added references to "hollow Earth" and Nazi Flying Saucers.


Attached is the latest version as of now.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


Nice to see how it's evolving, and I like the pictures.


Yes, that was a Rocky Horror ref. Part of my "If it was a live action movie or TV show, was cool, and doesn't directly conflict with something else, it's more or less true" rule. :)

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


Good to hear. I'm still looking for a limpet-like creature to represent the Krell, but the Great Race of Yith was the first thing I thought of when I watched the movie back in the mid-80s. I'd seen the movie several times before but it wasn't until then that I became aware of the Cthulhu mythos, at first through D&D and later through ICE's Call of Cthulhu" game. I still remember fondly the first game where an insane or dead character could be fun, depending on how he got that way.



My google-fu isn't always up to the task, so I'm asking folks to look for pictures that might be useful to me in illustrating this document. I'm especially proud of finding the Marilyn Monroe-as-Supergirl image, and the agricultural equipment that became Hugo Danner/Kal-El's spaceship, but I think I just got lucky. Besides, I'm easily distracted and often forget what I was looking for in the first place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


I made a few changes, including the decision to make the Ancient Ones aquatic (or at least amphibious) and changing the picture to something rather more slug-like. There are lots of other tweaks, including some revision of poor, troubled Roy Hinkley's biography.

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Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties.


I made a few changes' date=' including the decision to make the Ancient Ones aquatic (or at least amphibious) and changing the picture to something rather more slug-like. There are lots of other tweaks, including some revision of poor, troubled Roy Hinkley's biography.[/quote']


When I was doing Roy Hinkley in my WN timeline, the running joke was that almost every movie or TV show the actor (Russell Johnson) appeared in was something that The Professor had lived through. This was easy, as Russell Johnson had a long string of Scientist roles in B movies and TV shows.

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