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Re: Ctrl+V


You see, according to his plan, I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think; I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind of guy who likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I WANT high cholesterol. I wanna eat bacon and butter and BUCKETS of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked with green Jell-o all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener"

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Re: Ctrl+V


You see' date=' according to his plan, I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think; I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind of guy who likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I WANT high cholesterol. I wanna eat bacon and butter and BUCKETS of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked with green Jell-o all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener"[/i']


46. I'm 46.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Spotted, the shriek alerted the villagers. In a matter of seconds, Leon could hear angry cries from all around the village, and the sounds of running footsteps in his direction. Turning around, he could see a woman running toward him, her shirt front spattered with blood, her face fixed with a look of sheer lunacy, of crazed madness. Her eyes wide, she ran at him, a long knife raised in her hand. Leon opened fire, firing two rounds in quick succession. The bullets sliced into her torso, spurting blood onto the brown earth. She screamed in pain, and stumbled back a few steps. He began to run at her, taking advantage of the few seconds to evade. As he ran past her, she let out a lunging cry, swinging the blade wildly. Leon turned around and quickly fired another round into the back of her skull, immediately staining her white headdress with dark, crimson blood. With that, she let out a moan and fell to the ground.

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Re: Ctrl+V


1 - One D&D game we had an all demi-human party. Not a single humie in the bunch. Elf ranger, dwarven fighter, half-orc rogue, halfling wizard, and my gnome illusionist, Gonzo the Great.


After we've done all of our character creation(in front of the GM, I might add), our story begins outside a small town. Upon our entering the town, the GM tells us that in this town, all non-human races are treated with suspicion and contempt. Not just half-orcs, ALL non-human races. So no one will trade with us, or heal us, or even talk to us unless its to be insulting. As we leave town, kids throw rocks and taunts at us.


So we go through the woods to another town. This time, the peasants meet us with torches and farm implements and tell us to get lost. By now, the dwarf is a little pissed, and draws his axe. That's when the 20 armed guardsmen materialize out of thin air and beat the living crap out of the dwarf, elf, and half-orc. Me and the halfling had already made a break for it.


The party gets away with their skins relatively intact, and don't even bother going near the third town we encounter. We just build a fire and sit around it talking about what a bunch of asshats humans are. There are no animals in these woods. No bandits or any other form of random encounter. After about an hour, the GM finally got the message that we weren't going to do anything else. "Tell you what, guys. Let's call it a night." Might as well, we certainly couldn't call it a game.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The Time Lords got it from the Angels. To quote Rassilon:


"The vote is taken, only two stand against. As testament to their shame, they shall stand with us like the Weeping Angels of old. And now the vanguard stands prepared, the children of Gallifrey are ready to rejoin the universe. To Earth!"

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Re: Ctrl+V


The following was dumb, but was actually very enjoyable.


We were playing Shadowrun. We players, all two of us, were playing cybered guns, guns, guns types. I was playing the light but highly wired one and my companion was playing the big and tough one. Mr Johnson gave us a job to infiltrate some building and get some McGuffin.


We thought it was odd, once we got in the building, that all the hallways were really wide. But, we snuck around and found the McGuffin. Then the alarms went off. We discovered the hallways were so wide because the security force drove around in F**KING PANZERS inside the building.


The next few minutes of the adventure were both of our characters frantically trying to find a way out of the building. It turns out it was ultra armored or some shit, thus keeping any panzer-mayhem contained inside. Somehow we escaped and made our way back to Mr. Johnson.


Predictably, our Johnson decides not to pay us, so we threaten him. It turns out he has a mask on, so we pull it off to reveal...


an old granny.


Granny starts talking japanese or hong kong phooey or something, and then jumps out of Mr. Johnson's suit, revealing herself to be in a black ninja outfit. Suddenly, we are surrounded by about 20 to 30 similarly clad old lady ninjas.


It seems we had somehow offended the SECRET SOCIETY OF NINJA GRANDMOTHERS.


There was a lot of carnage after that point. Our characters never did get paid.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The following was dumb, but was actually very enjoyable.


We were playing Shadowrun. We players, all two of us, were playing cybered guns, guns, guns types. I was playing the light but highly wired one and my companion was playing the big and tough one. Mr Johnson gave us a job to infiltrate some building and get some McGuffin.


We thought it was odd, once we got in the building, that all the hallways were really wide. But, we snuck around and found the McGuffin. Then the alarms went off. We discovered the hallways were so wide because the security force drove around in F**KING PANZERS inside the building.


The next few minutes of the adventure were both of our characters frantically trying to find a way out of the building. It turns out it was ultra armored or some shit, thus keeping any panzer-mayhem contained inside. Somehow we escaped and made our way back to Mr. Johnson.


Predictably, our Johnson decides not to pay us, so we threaten him. It turns out he has a mask on, so we pull it off to reveal...


an old granny.


Granny starts talking japanese or hong kong phooey or something, and then jumps out of Mr. Johnson's suit, revealing herself to be in a black ninja outfit. Suddenly, we are surrounded by about 20 to 30 similarly clad old lady ninjas.


It seems we had somehow offended the SECRET SOCIETY OF NINJA GRANDMOTHERS.


There was a lot of carnage after that point. Our characters never did get paid.


Sounds like a Shadowrun game to me.


- - -


08:27:15 AM: Jane Doe just posted a response to the Everything Falls Together thread on the Story Board for Rainbow's End under the title of Phase 3

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Re: Ctrl+V


From the first session of a D&D game back in the 80's. I had just rolled up a Ranger.


DM: "On the other end of the tavern you see two men wearing well-worn green cloaks. They are loudly discussing their plans for what sounds like some sort of journey."


Me: (Hm, that's probably the plot hook) "I walk over and introduce myself. I start by saying..."


DM: "No, you can't do that."


Me: "Why?"


DM: "It says here in the DM's Guide that Rangers don't congregate in groups of more than two. Look, right here, on this page. (waves book at me) I thought you said you knew how to play this game?"


The adventure went downhill from there.

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