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Re: Ctrl+V


The assumption behind the "if you have nothing to hide" claim is that the authorities will always be benign, will always reliably identify and interfere with genuinely bad people only, will never find themselves engaging in "mission creep" with more and more uses to put their new powers and capabilities to, will not redefine crimes, and even various behaviours or views now regarded as acceptable, to extend the range of things for which people can be placed under suspicion - and so considerably on.


It is all or some of naive, lazy and irresponsible not to be maximally vigilant regarding civil liberties and human rights, because it is a datum that the liberties of individuals are inconvenient for all states and their security services, and in dispensations where there are few if any restraints (think the Soviet Union, or even today's Russia - and China) it is liberty which quickly and comprehensively suffers.


Where an alert populace can use its liberties such as free speech to defend its other liberties vigorously, the universal tendency of states to increase their policing powers can be resisted: but even in such countries as the UK and US it takes real effort to mount and maintain such resistance. Consequently it is not acceptable to rest content with the "if you have nothing to hide" argument, for it is one of the most seductive self-betrayals of liberty one can imagine.

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Re: Ctrl+V


In California, all peace officers have authority anywhere in the state:


(1) As to any public offense committed or which there is probable

cause to believe has been committed within the political subdivision

that employs the peace officer or in which the peace officer serves.


(2) Where the peace officer has the prior consent of the chief of

police or chief, director, or chief executive officer of a

consolidated municipal public safety agency, or person authorized by

him or her to give consent, if the place is within a city or of the

sheriff, or person authorized by him or her to give consent, if the

place is within a county.


(3) As to any public offense committed or which there is probable

cause to believe has been committed in the peace officer's presence,

and with respect to which there is immediate danger to person or

property, or of the escape of the perpetrator of the offense.

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Re: Ctrl+V


If anything, he is quintessentially American. That is, he doesn't discriminate by class, sex, ethnicity or religion. If religion needs to be brought into it then he is obviously atheist or at best agnostic. His use of violence already establishes that the spiritual world or 'god' is not his top priority. Instead his top priority seems to be making the world a safer place for the people he loves.


In fact, in the film, Mills, when impersonating a police officer, gives a speech about immigration, that is not about ethnicity, religion, morals or even about crime, but about economics. Which demonstrates he understands on some level, taking an amoral perspective on things, highly useful if he was CIA blackops.

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Re: Ctrl+V


If anything, he is quintessentially American. That is, he doesn't discriminate by class, sex, ethnicity or religion. If religion needs to be brought into it then he is obviously atheist or at best agnostic. His use of violence already establishes that the spiritual world or 'god' is not his top priority. Instead his top priority seems to be making the world a safer place for the people he loves.


In fact, in the film, Mills, when impersonating a police officer, gives a speech about immigration, that is not about ethnicity, religion, morals or even about crime, but about economics. Which demonstrates he understands on some level, taking an amoral perspective on things, highly useful if he was CIA blackops.

What is this in reference to?

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Re: Ctrl+V


GM: “You put on a burst of speed and get out of the way of the sedan as the driver whips the wheel to the side ending up smashing into a light pole, bringing it crashing to the ground in a screech of metal and smashing of glass. Give me another Agility roll to see how well you’re doing with the chase.”

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