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Re: Ctrl+V


Light Sources


GURPS also gives no way of estimating how light level varies with distance from a given illuminated area. The above chart is designed to work with the standard range levels, by a simple formula: determine the brightness of light the source gives at a fixed range, and then add half the difference in range modifiers. Thus, if a given light produces no penalty out to 100 yards (range -10), at 1,000 yards (range -16) it gives a light level of -3. Note that the example above is a very very bright light source.



For standardized light sources, it's useful to give the light source a 'brightness'. This is the range modifier at which it will give a light level of 0. To determine the actual light level, add the brightness and the range modifier, and divide by 2, rounding down (so if b + rm = -1, that's a light level of -1, not 0).



Firelight is surprisingly dim, and is also quite uneven, making it poor light at best. Typically, a fire has a brightness no higher than its size modifier, and it may be much lower. In addition, anyone seeing by flame, even if they have night vision, should normally take an additional -2 to DX and perception because the light flickers.


Note that many lights only produce light in a relatively narrow cone. Assume that the width of the cone is equal to its length * degrees/60, so a typical flashlight beam is about 1 hex wide per 15 yards distance. There are searchlights that produce 100 million candlepower in a 1 degree beam. There are personal halogen flashlights that produce a million candlepower, again in a very tight beam.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Page 1 is a solar system map, with the bottom at 0.3 AU from the sun; page 2-9 are maps of planetary orbital space, with the bottom at the surface of the planet. Mercury and Venus probably won't be very interesting, and none of these maps are actually corrected for the year 2100, though lunar orbital periods are short enough that you are unlikely to notice the error.


Most orbits have a small spoke above the orbit with i=n° next to it. The spoke indicates the point at which the orbit crosses the solar equator; n indicates the inclination of the orbit.


Each orbit has an X on it. This indicates the point 90 degrees forward of the aphelion. This is intended for the project noted above; however, it may be interesting to know that horizontal velocity, at this distance, is equal to the velocity of a circular orbit at the same altitude.

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Re: Ctrl+V


as well.


He has several clones floating around, gathering information on subjects he finds fascinating: strange plants, food, demons, and mortals. From encounters with these clones people have discerned that the real Kharl must enjoy toying with mortals for the clones are slobs who forget things constantly and make messes.

He gets his title from the two birds that sits upon his shoulders: Right Bird and Left Bird. He is also seen occasionally with his Demon Dog, Sinistora.

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Re: Ctrl+V


as well.


He has several clones floating around, gathering information on subjects he finds fascinating: strange plants, food, demons, and mortals. From encounters with these clones people have discerned that the real Kharl must enjoy toying with mortals for the clones are slobs who forget things constantly and make messes.

He gets his title from the two birds that sits upon his shoulders: Right Bird and Left Bird. He is also seen occasionally with his Demon Dog, Sinistora.






I've also been in games where things got serious & something as little as one person not playing along on a small point has pretty much ruined everything... killing the mood & ending the game.


Any examples come to mind?

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Re: Ctrl+V


A wooden guidepost, marked "pueblo" pointed the direction toward the village. As Leon walked down the road, he could hear the sounds of an animal in the distance—the sound of a dog whining. Quickening the pace a little, he passed a rundown shack. He checked inside to see if that's where the dog was, but the glance yielded nothing. In the distance, maybe fifty yards ahead was the dog—a light colored mutt, its fur caked with dirt, looking at the approaching man pitifully, its whining continued. It didn't take long to figure out why the dog was whining—one of its hind legs was trapped in a metal bear trap, with blood seeping around where the trap clamped down.



Poor mutt…


Kneeling down, he used his strength to pry apart the jaws just enough so that the dog could get his leg out before the resistance clamped it back shut, nearly catching his fingers in the process. The dog let out a yelp, but it didn't seem to be in too much pain as it quickly ran away in a direction diagonal to that of village and out of site. He chuckled.



My good deed for the day, I guess.


Continuing on, he passed another guidepost and another of the small, broken ramshackle sheds. After walking a few hundred feet, he noticed something red sticking up out of the ground. It was a red piece of wood, maybe a tree branch. At the top, two pieces of wood formed an X, and dangling off each end was a skull.



Hmm…my guess is that these people don't like outsiders. Best to be careful.



Not too far ahead, he spotted a bridge, but before it was another small rotted shack. As he ventured closer to the bridge, he sniffed the air, noticing something was off. Something smelled foul, the air starting to reek of death. It was a pungent aroma that was all too familiar to him—the smell of rotting, fetid flesh.



Damn, that reeks—there a dead animal nearby or something?


The smell was getting stronger as he approached the bridge, becoming nearly intoxicating as he began walking past the shack. Curiosity starting to get the better of him, he walked into the shack—

-and what he saw made his eyes open in slight surprise. Axed to the wall, hanging off the floor, was what was left of a woman, probably a local. The axe was firmly lodged through her head, the handle and her peasant-style clothes covered in decaying, coagulated blood. A group of flies buzzed around the remains of her skull, adding to the effect.



Shit, that's disgusting-! If the locals are this violent, then Ashley may be in a shitload more danger than I thought. Better get to the village, and FAST.

Suddenly, he felt that the situation was more urgent than originally anticipated.



Nausea was starting to make itself known inside Leon, and he got back outside to the path before that could progress any further. He slowly made his way across the wooden bridge, but stopped as he heard a voice further up the path. Tilting his head in the direction of the sound, he spotted a group of three males on a small patch of raised land off the path, one of them pointing at him and muttering something in Spanish. Before Leon could attempt to pursue, the three of them ran off like frightened deer into the barren forest.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Activation Time .67 sec Charge Time 1 sec Duration 20 sec Recharge 20 sec Lockdown Yes Pet Type Uncontrolled Pet Abilities Throw Bone: ~76 Piercing Damage

Zombie Maul: ~192 Crushing Damage

Bite: ~192 Toxic Damage

Pet Health 3,148 Stat Scaling Duration scales with Intelligence Effects Equilibrium set to 29 for 20 sec


What's this for?

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