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Re: Ctrl+V


Even the dumbest raiders posted sentries while they slept, and that's why the four-man group outside was sitting out in the hot sun. Few of them had guns; they mostly relied on numbers to take out their human prey. But their leader had made sure all his sentries had at least one firearm. Getting the hunting rifle that 'Jesse' was using and the cargo of the merchant who was carrying it had cost the life of one of their newest recruits, but it was worth it. The traveling merchant had been carrying enough good booze for the entire band to relax for a few days, and so the large bunch was mostly sleeping and drinking.


Little did they know that a rather inexperienced young wanderer was about to inflict heavy casualties on them.




"What the hell was that?"


"Don't know. Maybe we finally got something to kill."


They all walked over to the old bus at the side of the parking lot. One of the annoyed raiders kicked the vehicle before they started moving around its side. "Ain't nothing here."


A short burst of gunfire after that statement was the last thing the four ever heard.


A single good throw was all it had taken to attract the raiders to the side of the old bus. Waiting until they were all nearly touching the vehicle, he sent a hail of gunfire into the approximate location of the bus's reactor. Several shots landed dead on, and a small mushroom cloud atomized all four of the morons.


Not waiting to see how long their friends would take to come out of the market, Michael dashed as fast as he could toward the bridge, not looking back for one moment. Thirty seconds later, he was halfway across while the other raiders had barely made it to the door of their evil lair. Using the rise on the far side of the bridge as cover, he laid down flat on his stomach and aimed down the sights of his rifle, hoping that the others hadn't noticed. He was just over a hundred yards away, but there was still a chance.



The few seconds that he might have been visible had been spent by the raiders staring at the nuclear fire surrounding the old bus's remains, and his distant hiding place wasn't suspected by a single one of them. Thirty minutes later, the large group posted a few new guards and went inside, pissed as hell that they couldn't find the bastard who'd taken out part of their group. Once the new sentries had sat down and started to chatter among themselves, he carefully crouched down and retreated to the safety of the ruins along the east bank of the river. "Major luck that model was fusion powered. Hydrogen explodes, uranium rods don't."

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Re: Ctrl+V


I have a very personal reason for asking if everyone could please put this as their status for 1 hour. I know the ones that will!! Think of the ones you know or love who have or had cancer. My wish is that in 2011, a cure will be found. Will you post it for 1 hour? Do it for all who have fought and who are fighting. I hope... to see this in all the status of all my friends

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Re: Ctrl+V


- Acrobatics 2 +4 (1st) +1 (2nd) +1 (3rd) +1 (4th) +1 (7th) = 9

- Athletics 6 +1 (2nd) +1 (3rd) +1 (4th) +1 (5th) +1 (6th) +1 (7th) = 12

- Firearms +4 (1st) +1 (4th) +1 (5th) +1 (6th) +1 (7th) = 8

- Influence +2 (1st) = 2

- Legal +2 (1st) = 2

- Medicine 4 +1 (2nd) +1 (3rd) = 6

- Perception +4 (1st) +1 (3rd) +1 (4th) +1 (5th) +1 (6th) +1 (7th) = 9

- Stealth +4 (1st) +1 (2nd) +1 (5th) +1 (6th) = 7

- Streetwise +4 (1st) = 4

- Vehicles 4 +1 (2nd) +1 (3rd) +1 (4th) +1 (5th) +1 (6th) +1 (7th) = 10

- Unarmed 2 +4 (1st) +1 (2nd) +1 (3rd) +1 (4th) +1 (5th) +1 (6th) +1 (7th) = 12

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Re: Ctrl+V


Quiz 4, on material in Chapter 4, will be this Wednesday, April 20, in lecture.


For the mid-term and all quizzes from now on, you are allowed one 8.5 by 11 sheet of notes (both sides) with whatever you want on it.

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