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Re: Ctrl+V


Tightening Grip: (Total: 100 Active Cost, 83 Real Cost) Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF (50 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Can only be used after initial Entangle; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (Collection Unit also suffers damage done to Entangle; -0) (Real Cost: 33) plus Energy Blast 10d6 (Real Cost: 50)

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Re: Ctrl+V


With your non-combatants generally surrounded by those who are able fighters, you set yourself in a stance that you believe will allow you to react to poor footing on arrival. And you wait. Slowly the room seems to darken to pitch blackness... even the projected lines indicating where walls should be dim to near nothingness. Those facing the door to the room notice that there is no indication of light from outside the room; you appear to be sealed in.


The humming increases in intensity in proportion to the decrease in light. Just when you begin to wonder whether you still see the white lines on the wooden floor around your party or whether it is just a trick that your mind is playing, you being to feel a tingle across your exposed skin. Your hair can be felt to rise in response to the build-up of static electricity... and you now seem to have to consciously command yourself to breathe, as if that no longer was possible by instinct alone.


Then ... it happens!


A flash of light like that of a single bright strobe flicker issues from each of the eight projectors simultaneously, adding the final element to your conditioning and sending you hurtling through realities. You seem to be nowhere and to see nothing. Arms and legs move freely as if in mid-air, but you do not fall. You feel nothing... nothing except disorientation. Your mind and your body react violently... dizziness and nausea begin to take charge.


You know that you have arrived as you feel the floor beneath you come into existence. There is a little light penetrating a series of small glass block windows set high in the northern wall. There also is a slight chill to this place. Your eyes begin to focus on your surroundings. Shiny, dark tiles divide the cold floor into small squares, and stone walls can be seen in every direction.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Zach Red HP: 14, FP: 5


Opts to spend 1 FP to choose Feverish Defense for a +2 Parry bonus. Rolls 3d6 against his effective Parry of 12 (-3 for Deceptive Attack, +2 for Feverish Defense) and gets 14 - he fails to Parry.


Zach is thrown to the ground and is prone, occupying the two hexes as shown in the diagram (Arthur's choice). He rolls 3d6 against his HT of 10 to avoid being stunned and gets 12 - he is now suffering from Stun. He is still grappled (though Basic doesn't address this one way or the other, Martial Arts p. 75 states that the grapple is only lost if the throw is a critical failure).

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Re: Ctrl+V


The Truth is the Law and the Salvation and the Good that comes to us all.


Thus begins another ceremony in the Grand Temple of Pokruk, the largest place of worship in the Raurenar faith. The Grand Sage is reading the Lecture, an occurrence that is even rarer today than in the past, and so, all are listening with great anticipation. He begins with the same epitaph as always, the one with which he has been starting His Lectures for at least ten years.


The Truth is all that is and all that shall be, and the Lie is but an illusion. There is only the Law and the Order and the Salvation, and there is the only calm to be found. When people stray from the Truth and the Law, they harm only themselves, for the Lie cannot touch that which is True. The Creator made the All and the All shall never perish.


Everybody in the temple bowed their heads, from the poorest to the richest, even the emperor. He, as his predecessors, only ruled because he did not stray from the Truth – If he were to divert from it, he would find himself thrown from the ranks of the mighty and into the abyss. As long as he did, however, he would be preserved by the Order as its chief instrument in the mortal world.


He had not told a lie in forty years, since the time when he was but a child. He had not said much, in truth – When one spoke the Truth, others would seek to use it for malicious purposes, and even with the protection of the Creator and the Order, there was no reason to be stupid. One did not live long, that way, and even if he was eternally preserved, he had no wish to join his ancestors yet.


Still, even with the danger that it brought, he could not stray from the Truth. The common folk could – with their weaknesses, they could not be expected to act correctly at all times, even if they could be expected to try – and even a Sage could, if it were to protect the True. He, however, was neither Sage nor common man. He was the emperor, and thus were his responsibilities.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The brown boots cautiously stepped into the headquarters of the Shadowspire on the isle of Santa Prisca as the man moved forward. The brown trench coat covered the red jump suit beneath it. He was spotted by Baron Blitzkrieg, who had been expecting him.


“Deadshot,” said the Baron, greeting the new arrival. “Welcome.”


The silver face plate with the red targeting eye turned to the villainous henchman. He silently nodded to him.


“We hear you are here to help us with the infestation taking place on the island,” said the Baron.


Deadshot ignored the Baron, looking around the headquarters.


“Is there anything I can do for you?” the Baron asked.


“I want to see him,” said Deadshot, not wanting to deal with the help.


The Baron felt the flush of anger cross his face, but he held himself back. He did not like being dismissed by this assassin for hire, but he knew that the boss wanted him involved… and so Baron Blitzkrieg wanted it as well.


“Follow me,” Baron Blitzkrieg said, biting his tongue and hoping one day to show this arrogant man that he was more than a servant. The Baron led Deadshot into the darkness, where the man sat, cloaked within the black.


“Deadshot…” he said, slowly. “I have a job for you.”


Baron Blitzkrieg turned, exited the room, and closed the door behind him.

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Re: Ctrl+V


1. The unit called the “gross register ton”, used in shipping to specify the cargo volume of a ship, is equal to 100 cubic feet (exact). Assuming 1 foot = 0.305 meters, convert the Mayflower’s capacity of 180 gross register tons to cubic meters. (5 points)

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