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Re: Ctrl+V


He stared at them from the shadows, hidden from their view. This team of Justice Leaguers who were here to attempt to throw a wrench into his plans. That would simply not do. He had easily entered the old prison without their knowledge… who chooses a rundown prison as a headquarters? Bringing this team to its knees could be easier than he thought.


Bane was already showing impatience. Bane was an intelligent man, despite his portrayal to the world at large, but patience was not his strong point. Bane tried to remain calm as the group worked on their base, but the struggle was clear.


The Question walked inside, pausing for a moment to look at the progress of the others.


“Things are starting to look up,” he said. Optimism doesn’t suit him. “I talked to Uncle Sam. He’ll be along later tonight. I think the old guy is feeling a little homesick.”


“Is he going to be worth a League membership here?” Bane snarled, showing his level of frustration at this moment. “Isn’t he weaker outside of the States?”


“He’ll be fine,” said the Question, not diving into much detail. The Unknown Soldier worked quietly at the desk. “What are you doing, Solider?”


“Studying the maps of this area. Knowledge of his island is vital for us all. Bane already knows the land, but it should be a key for both you and I to know everything we can about our surroundings.”


The Unknown Soldier will be a problem, the man in the shadows thought. He is a clever man. He could see through the cloud to the sky beyond. He would need to be careful with him.


“Where is Bloodwynd?” the Soldier asked.


“I’m not sure,” answered the Question. “Last time I saw him, he was bonding with the prison.”


“That hombre is loco,’ Bane said. “Who would bond with this place?”


“I’m sure the ghosts of this prison called out to him. I could feel them myself when I first walked into this place, and I’m not a necromancer. I can’t begin to comprehend what he is feeling.”


Yes, this Soldier will be a problem. Perhaps…


“Hell-OOOOOOOOOOOO?” the female voice echoed across the room disrupting the mysterious man’s thoughts. The thin girl with the blonde ponytails dragged a suitcase across the floor that was larger than she was. Bane straightened up, standing before the woman, towering over her. Following her eyes up the massive frame, the girl said, “Hiya Banie.”


“Harley,” Bane replied, without even the slightest show of emotion.


What was this? The man in the shadows thought. He did not expect the girlfriend of the Joker here. This was something that needed to be considered. Where Harley Quinn was, would the Clown be far behind?


“Thanks guys for giving me the chance,” Harley said, letting the suitcase drop at Bane’s feet, a smile to the strong man. She looked over to the Question. “You won’t be sorry. Who would ever think that I would be a member of the Justice League?”


“We do have an eclectic crew here,” said the Question.


Harley looked over the Unknown Soldier.


Hey,” she whispered, “that really him?”


“In the flesh,” Question said. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you introduced yourself.”


Harley turned a little green. “Maybe later.” Looking at Bane with a glance back to her suitcase, Harley gains some extra gumption, tapping her left foot. “C’mon Banie… I’m not getting any younger.”


The Question was shocked when Bane picked up the suitcase and followed behind Harley. He stifled a laugh, not wanting to push the big guy any further.


Maybe something did have to be done, thought the hidden man. He had spent the last several minutes trying to determine how much of a threat to his plan this Justice League would be. Something must be done, he continued to think. The trespasser followed the shadows departing from the prison.


A few seconds later, the Unknown Soldier picked his head up from the maps he studied and peeked over his shoulder toward the darkness of the prison’s pathways.

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Re: Ctrl+V


It's more a complaint against point builds for broadly-spanning generic games at large - if I want to play "cinematic" I don't want to bother sorting through a system that will let me build a fantastic fisherman, tabulating and collating the right skills and whatnot to produce my master assassin shop teacher - the act of doing so is in direct opposition to what I think of as fun. I'm not saying that it's wrong, it just isn't my bag.


I don't want to have to "build" competency or capability into my character. I am a lazy entity. I want competency and ability to leap forth from a handful of words/phrases/ideas that I throw at character generation, and commence to kick ass. I also don't want the act of kicking ass to be a lesson in physics or a tutorial in modern combat techniques. I want asskicking to be about the "rule of cool" and how far we can stretch credulity before it shatters into a fantastic action tsunami, upon which my character surfs with twin desert eagles blazing while delivering a Kirk-kick to a dozen ninjas.


Someone mentioned "cinematic" being akin to the level of detail found in a movie script - I don't think I've ever seen a movie script that detailed combat. I've seen some that say "amazing stunts commence, which defy the laws of gravity and good taste!" From what I understand, most of the actual on-screen fighting is left to stunt coordinators that take some input from the director/producer/guy with the money as to what sorts of things they want to see, and they choreograph things from there.


There's an old story about John Woo coming to make a film in Hollywood for the first time and being told by his appointed American stunt coordinator/fight consultant/whatever something to the effect of "no one would ever leap through the air firing two guns at once - that would be ridiculous, and the audience would never accept it." That guy, despite being professionally involved in the creation of action films, did not understand what "cinematic" means to me.

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Re: Ctrl+V


It wasn't looking good. The vehicles; massive, shiny, alien trucks, were firing everywhere, and these soldiers seemed better trained than the last batch.


I jammed three more shells into my shotgun. Blasted a Combine in the back, then again in the head when he fell. Pulled out my Desert Eagle and started trying to shoot the enemies in the head. I was a pretty good shot, and killed three in the first magazine. Well, I knocked three down, I don't know if they were dead.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Arthur Green HP: 1, Shock: -4


5 points of crushing basic damage to the Face - 0 DR leaves 5 points of penetrating damage. Arthur's HP are reduced to 1 and he has a shock penalty of -4.


As this was a hit to the Face sufficient to cause a Shock penalty, Arthur must check for Knockdown and Stunning. He rolls 3d6 against his HT of 10 and gets 12 - a failure. He falls down prone and suffers Stun; he is also no longer grappling Zach (due to the Knockdown, B420: "if you were holding anything, you drop it").



He now also has less than 1/3 his HP, so his Move and Dodge are halved.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Yes I know there's another thread on this subject but it was side-tracked by word-use more ill-conceived than the plot device.


Seriously? "Love" as a parameter of a computer program? Does love not require a physical component based in chemistry? How does one program "love" anyway?

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