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Re: Ctrl+V


The footsteps upon the stone cold floor reverberated across the deserted prison as the first two members of the newest Justice League team strolled through their soon to be base of operations. The irony of using the prison of the “Hard Rock,” Pena Dura, as their headquarters was just too perfect to be avoided. Bane knew that any ghosts he still here, he needed to face before the team fully assembled. So the tour of the facility with the Question at his side was vital.


The cobwebs in the corners and the cracks upon the walls displayed the age and the vulnerability the structure now possessed. It had a long process ahead of it to make it Justice League worthy.


“’Bout time you boys got here,” a voice said, sending both the Question and Bane spinning around.


The bandaged face staring at them had an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips. In one quick motion, the man lit the cigarette and inhaled deeply. The smoke exhaled from him directly up into the air. His dark leather coat wrapped tightly, looking dry. He had not been caught in the torrential downpour that the other two had been.


“I’m hearing that you boys are putting together a group of Leaguers here, and I believe that I am ready to join. “


“Good to see you, Soldier,” said the Question. The Unknown Soldier tapped the brim of his fedora in respect toward the Question.


“There are things happening here… more than you know. The word that I have is that it is not just a drug cartel that has infiltrated the shores. It is the Shadowspire. “


Bane turned quickly at the words spoken by the Unknown Soldier. He had not known that the terrorist organization was behind the new drugs strangling the island nation. This would be a difficult thing.


“And…” the Soldier said, knowing that he had the others complete attention, “the intel that I have indicates that they are planning more than just running a new designer drug form of Venom.”


Soldier eyed Bane as he spoke these words. He was fully aware and briefed on Bane’s addiction to the drug that once supplied the extra power to his bulging biceps. The drug that once flowed through the tubs connected to Bane’s head and arms. Bane had been clean from those drugs for nearly a year, but would this be putting him into too much of a dangerous situation.


“This is much more global of a threat than you could ever image,” said Soldier, “and we must not fail. “


The Question and Bane knew that the Unknown Soldier was not one for hyperbole. The danger was more than they had originally expected. The formation of the new Caribbean branch of the Justice League was vital. No other words were needed. The three of them turned to prepare for what was ahead.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Modifiers: -3 for Gullibility; -3 for Low Empathy; -1 to -4 for Shyness. -3 for illegal goods, unless you have Streetwise at 12+ or specialize in such goods; -2 in an unfamiliar area, until you have had time to familiarize yourself with local market conditions; Cultural Familiarity modifiers. These last two modifiers 'stack', and frequently occur together.

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Re: Ctrl+V


We recruited a player off the internet for a Pulp game that was pretty well established. At first, he fit right in. He even ran a few sessions when I wanted a break. As a player he knew his character really well, got the jist of the game, and really helped drive the story along. Though he had a mild case of the unwashed sometimes, I as the GM appreciated him being in the game, and he played with us for over half a year.


Then one day, our host, the guy who's house we use, told us all that he was going to have to leave the game and that we could no longer use his place. It was very sudden. Our host really didn't want to say anything about it to anyone, but with some cajoling I was able to get it out of him. Seems that our newest player would occasionally urinate on the floor of our host's bathroom. I don't mean he would miss a bit sometimes, but the would actually go in the middle of the floor, with no intention of actually hitting the toilet at all. Our host did some investigation, a little process of elimination, and had it pinned down to this one player, our newest. The host, being a very non-confrontational sort of guy didn't want to make any waves at all, so he figured that he would just kill the game for a few months, and then get folks back together minus the urinator.


I have not gone more than a few weeks in a row since I was about 12 without a regular weekly game, so going a few months was simply out of the question. We simply didn't invite the urinator back and the bathroom floors have been dry since.


Today, it is part of our group lore to return from the restroom and state, "My aim was true." We all laugh, but for our host, who having to clean up after the urinator, simply groans.

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Re: Ctrl+V


I'm still sad that he got booted from SG-1.


I can understand why they didn't write him into this episode. Having a friend on Langara would have destroyed the whole point of distrusting the Langarans in their dealings with the Lucian Alliance.


Jonas Quinn was one of my favourite characters.

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