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Re: Ctrl+V


Dana smiled bitterly. Having a pity party was the last thing on her mind. Suddenly, she felt too lazy to cook, so she quickly whipped up a peanut butter and honey sandwich along with a glass of 2 milk and brought it into the living room.



After she sat down, she picked up the remote and flipped through the channels. Nothing remotely interesting was on except for reruns of The Honeymooners.



Seeing Jackie Gleason and Audrey Meadows' characters so happy and just so together made Dana want to cry. She realized that she and Andrew barely ever spent enough time together as much anymore. In fact, Dana could only remember seeing him five days ago.



"Ugh. I need to get outta here before I lose my mind," Dana said out loud to herself.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Baron Blitzkrieg sat in the dark, alone and unsure of the next step. He had brought the shadowy organization known as Shadowspire to the shores of Santa Prisca because he had requested it… the new head of Shadowspire. How things like control over this organization actually worked was a little vague for the Chief of Shadows, yet there he was awaiting his arrival.


A flow of light washed the room with light as his fellow operative arrived on the scene. The hidden warehouse filed with the scientists and designers of the new version of Venom being sent into the United States and to the countries of Europe and South America.


Kodrescu, the psychic illusionist, and the two armored agents Mourn and Steelhawk entered the room.


“What are you sitting here in the dark for, Baron?” asked the emerald armored Steelhawk.


“Just relaxing with my thoughts,” he responded, though none of them believed him. He was the most dangerous of the group and they never would expect him to be in such a peaceful mood… especially with another person taking control of Shadowspire.


“When do we expect this new boss to make an appearance?” asked Mourn, not taking time to delve into the mystery of the Baron’s melancholy mood.


“He will be along in just a few moments,” the Baron said.


Those words were barely out of Baron Blitzkrieg’s mouth when the phone on the desk buzzed. He looked at it with longing before responding. Nodding, he turned to the others.


“He’s here,” he said, standing. “Let’s go.”


The four operatives exited the office into a large open area of the warehouse, where the grunts, scientists and field agents of the criminal organization milled about in excitement. The buzz was audible as soon as the Baron stepped out through the door. They all looked above to an unknown figure, obscured from view.


“This is the dawning of a new age, and Shadowspire shall be at the forefront,” said the mysterious figure. Most in attendance had no idea who this figure was, only that he was now in charge. Baron Blitzkrieg knew… and he still could not believe it. “All hail!”


As the mysterious figure threw his hand into the air, most of the others followed suit. One nearby man did not. He had a view of the face hidden in the shadows.

“I’m supposed to believe that you are the leader of this organization now?” he said, flushed with anger. The man rushed at the man, pulling a weapon. “Never!!!!”


As the Shadowspire agent rushed him, the mysterious man extended his hand and in a flash, the agent was gone. As if he never existed. The gasp from the assembled echoed through the warehouse. The few who had not fallen into line immediately joined in. Baron Blitzkrieg smiled beneath his mask.


“This is our day. Once we control Santa Prisca, the world shall be ours. But my friends, we have one problem. The Justice League is forming a group here. This must not be allowed to continue. This has become our top priority,” the mystery man said, and with a turn, disappeared into the nearby room.


Baron Blitzkrieg looked to his fellow operatives and silently nodded his head. The world was truly at their fingertips.

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Re: Ctrl+V


It's not so much the rules for me. I can take them or leave them in large part (though frankly, I can't see any sex rules being any more wonky than the social "combat" rules as you mention) but the whole strange stigma associated with the very idea of rping or even untilizing sex in a role playing narrative while its pretty much perfectly acceptable to go into lingering even obsessive detail about any kind violence and immoral behabior and act your fantasies of being say, a blood drinking supernatural serial killer created to murder the world or a shape shifting killing machine or insane glowing tyrant willing to spend his followers lives like water to acheive some ultimately termporary goal. That's "norma" but have any of the archtype want to get laid and want to play out the scene in any detail and suddenly its sleazy and immoral.

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