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Re: Ctrl+V


D&D 3.5, Pathfinder, Star Wars SAGA, Star Wars Revised Core Rules, GURPS 4th Edition, Shadowrun 4th Edition, Monte Cook's World of Darkness, New World of Darkness, Spycraft 2.0, d20 Modern, Alternity, Savage Worlds, HERO 6th Edition, and Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The Order of the Sun:


An ancient Scottish brotherhood, the Order of the Sun are monster hunters. They have stalked the beasts of legend through the centuries employing any means necessary to destroy their foes. With the recent growth in Metahuman activity the once secret order has been thrust into the light of day as they hunt both hero and villain alike. When choosing a target they are relentless and sadly they often come from the headlines meaning more often than not it is the heroes of the world that find themselves scrutinized by the Order. Often overlooking those Metahumans willing to work for the Order their message of defending the innocent is muddled by their strange choices of targets and employment.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The tropical rain pounded down against the walls of the run-downed prison once called Pena Dura, upon the Isle of Santa Prisca. It had been a while since he was here and even longer since he was out of Hub City. The rain rolled from the blue coat that covered his body. It was a miserable night. Not the night that he would have chosen to be here. Yet Vic Sage, known to the world as the Question, was responding to the cry for help.


Santa Prisca was overrun with drug dealers and lowlifes of all sorts, practically choking the citizens of the Caribbean island, making their life a horrendous struggle. The Question had heard the whispers of the shadowy organization that had gotten its slimy hands into the drug trade on the island. And the manufacture of the newest version of “Venom” was making its way into the United States and other Western countries. This could not be allowed to continue. The Question had some questions of his own about the conspiracy theory behind this entire trip.


So when he received the unexpected phone message, he was on the first plane. He knew how important this could become. He had heard about the expansion of the Justice League across the planet, but he had not expected to be involved, let alone leading a team. Before he knew it, he was engulfed by the warm and wet weather of the land.


Wiping the water from the Pseudoderm, featureless mask, the Question stalked the walls of the deserted prison that once held some of the worst of the world. The stench of death was still very strong. How is this location an appropriate location to set up a Justice League? Running some of the potential team names over in his head, the Question decided that this was apropos.


The splash behind him caused the vigilante to turn quickly, prepared for whatever danger was approaching him


“Oh, it’s you,” said the Question, still not easing back from his defensive position. He was still extremely unsure about this entire decision. And they called him paranoid.

; Apr 2nd, '11 at 05:18 PM.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Evan Douglas


Evan climbs out of the Taurus and takes cover behind it, brandishing the .38 revolver, but keeping it pointed skyward so as not to set off their adversary. Ready to fire at a moment's notice, his eyes flit around, looking for accomplices hiding amongst the ruins of the park.



HP 10/10

Will 13

Per 12

FP 10/10


12 - Guns: Pistol DX/Easy








Jacob takes a moment to aim the shot and shoots for the msked guy's head as soon as he stops moving. He knows the shot is harder but with the armoring they did to the truck he may have had or made a chest protector. He hopes the sighting he had done with the rifle while in the bunker has stayed true.




If the shot doesn't hit or doesn't hit well enough he will take a second shot, either way he is worried about the man's hand being clenched and will yell out for his friends to stay back incase it is a grenade.




HP: 3/10 FP: 8/10

DX: 12 BS: 5.5


Soldier: 14

Rifle: 14




Mike O'Neill




Mike exits the car swiftly as Jacob takes his shot, shotgun in hand and ready to run towards the hostage if Jacob's shot hits its target, otherwise taking cover behind the car.





HP 10/11

Will 10

Per 10

FP 11/12


Basic Speed 5.5

Basic Move 5

Dodge 8


Shotgun 12

Running 12

15 shotgun shells left









Stooping down the pet the dog, Raymond remembers reading something about pets lowering blood pressure and raising endorphins. In a world like this, he wonders, would an animal companion like this be as good as any drug?




"H-hey there boy!" He lets the canine sniff his hand, then gives him a good scratch behind the ear. "How in t-the w-w-world have y-you been out here on y-y-your own?"




He turns to Becky, smiling gently. "W-we had a dog the y-year we were u-underground. S-s-sir Reginald. G-great mutt, and he s-saved our l-lives the very first n-night we were o-out here. J-Jacob had to p-p-put him down...h-he had a special connection w-with that guy..."




Standing up, his gaze turns skyward for a moment, looking at the clouds, and wondering how the guys are faring in their plan. It'd be nice if he can give them some good news when they get back. "Th-this dog h-has managed to s-survive out h-here for a year. Either someone is f-feeding him, or he knows where to f-f-find food and water. Isn't that right, b-boy?"




June 23rd, 10:15 A.M.




Stumbling with little coordination, the older man makes his way towards the lot of you, mumbling incomprehensibly beneath his breath. Mere seconds after the masked man stops and demands the return of his brother, a shot rings out. Suddenly reeling, the man drops his shotgun, the hand darting up to the side of his neck as he begins screaming, blood oozing thickly between his fingers. He staggers a step or two as

Jacob preps for a second shot, a tuft of dirt exploding away as another incoming shot misses his foot. "WHORES!" he bellows, bolting uneasily, trying to zig and zag his way back to the van.




Jacob's got a shot for his back until the Taurus suddenly rocks hard on its shocks. Raymond hears the distant muted sound of an explosion. A shower of gore splatters against the Taurus and those outside of it. Mike is blown backwards off of his feet by the force of the blast, feeling a sharp and immediate pain in his right thigh. In the instant following the sound, and near simultaneous with the crimson shower, the

Taurus begins to rock and quake as dozens of metal zings and tinks reverberate. Evan manages to duck clear as a projectile whizzes overhead, and the windows on the vehicle shatter and rain shards of glass into the pandemonium.




As the sedan sinks on destroyed tires, the man is nearly back to the van. Jacob hurries to aim again, heart pounding and head aching--anything to get the bastard before he gets back into that vehicle of his. Watching him there, then, through the scope, Jacob is witness to the man suddenly and sharply sinking into the ground with a surprised cry. A small sinkhole has opened up, two feet in diameter--and the man is gone. Evan sees a few scorched ball bearings scattered around, lodged into the scant few things which stopped their trajectory.




Jacob barely hits on his mark, and gets a downgraded target. Mike's approach to the hostage is interrupted by the hostage being detonated with an explosive device. Evan managed to squeeze off a round on the fleeing man before taking cover from airborne ball-bearings. Mike is hit in the leg for 5 hit points of damage, and is bleeding.

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Re: Ctrl+V


7 Sting: Energy Blast 1d6, Penetrating (+1/2) (7 Active Points)1



20 Shock: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (40 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Linked (Sting; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -1/2)4



8 Toxin: Energy Blast 1d6, Continuous (+1), No Normal Defense ([standard]; LS: Immunity to Poison; +1) (15 Active Points); Linked (Shock; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4)1

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