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Re: Ctrl+V


It was the 1920s. Hard to find someone who wasn't one by modern standards.


And? So what? I still don't have to play it (the whole fatalistic Elder Evil 1920's/1930's setting also isn't my cup of cake either). Finally, there were exceptional bigots, even in those times.





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Re: Ctrl+V


Is this creature in the Midwest?


That would be a "Grave Robber" a hunter of Metahumans. The scientist calling himself the Harbinger has employed them to extract Quintessence from his previous creations. Quintessence being a refined form of KB2 which caused the first public Metahumans of the 1940's.


(Very nasty things with potent Teleporting ability, Entangles and a variety of attacks. One might be a hard challenge for a group of starting level superheroes.)


- - -


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Re: Ctrl+V


That would be a "Grave Robber" a hunter of Metahumans. The scientist calling himself the Harbinger has employed them to extract Quintessence from his previous creations. Quintessence being a refined form of KB2 which caused the first public Metahumans of the 1940's.


(Very nasty things with potent Teleporting ability, Entangles and a variety of attacks. One might be a hard challenge for a group of starting level superheroes.)


I may be off the mark here, but, isn't it more difficult to make a monster "scary" when the PCs have super powers?

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Re: Ctrl+V


I may be off the mark here' date=' but, isn't it more difficult to make a monster "scary" when the PCs have super powers?[/quote']


Depends on the characters. We are talking about a creature capable of extracting the very source of their powers. Also, sometimes you don't have to scare the characters you just need to scare the players.


Flurry of Tendrils: Hand-To-Hand Attack +9d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Area Of Effect (6" Radius; +1) (101 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)


That comes out to 17d6 after factoring in Strength. However, I hope that it's not the numbers that disturb the players. Harbinger, the man who controls the grave Robbers helped refine and create Quintessence a perfected serum capable of creating Metahuans. To date he has used this to create a stone woman with the mind of a child, an attempt to improve on the birth of another Metahuman who was empowered durring the robbery where he acquired all known traces of Quintessence. Various Animal men, mostly predators, boars, wolves that sort of thing, some notable exceptions include a man mixed with a shark (PC) and a another mixed with a snake. In addition to this he has also created the monster Detritus a parting gift for his backers that fused the bodies of several guards together into a mass of mouths and bone.


Now he's taken over a scientific research facility near the Philippines and is using these Grave Robbers to "take back" unused Quintessence from previous creations. While I'm certainly not going for a horror feel for the campaign this villain is someone the PCs have fought before and is directly and indirectly responsible for two of them gaining their powers. If I've done things right hopefully the Harbinger will have a gravitas to him. I'm really hoping this current adventure has a really epic feel to it.


Harbinger is also involved in several other plots in the campaign world to which he also has some more human looking guards now as well. However, as at least one of my PCs reads this board I'm sticking to only information they know. If you're interested I'm happy to send over the HDC files.

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Re: Ctrl+V


I know he is meant to be the villain and all, but there was an underlined pride within him.


He never betrayed anyone. No violence he committed was unwarranted - only punishing those who betrayed him and/or might lead to the end his life. And all he wanted was loyalty.


When Killifer betrayed Leiter and was punished (for capturing him) by having his legs ripped off, it would have been easy to put a bullet in Heller's head and call it a day. But, no. He stuck to his word and got him all of his money. And what happened to Felix was him sending a message not to screw with him. He didn't even kill the wife - as that was Dario's fault.


As for his ordering of the death of the man who slept with Lupe - well, - it was the result of a man (who probably worked for or had intimate contact with Sanchez) being besmirched and exercising his right to exact revenge on the man who soiled his manhood. Any king or man who knew they could get away with it would have done the same. Then he simply punished Lupe for the betrayal - but didn't end her life, which was remorseful.


He had Heller killed for betrayal. Krest died for what he perceived as treachery from what Bond set up. He killed the Chinese agents for threatening his life and organization, and only exercised his frustration by pumping the corpse of the dead woman with a few bullets. And Truman-Lodge died both because he would have fled the country with Franz's money and because he was irritating an already tense situation. That was as far as his violence went. He only did what was necessary.


Even with Bond - who he believed was loyal to him - was immune to anything but warmth. He was (perceivably) truthful to him. Sanchez defended and touted him with anything he wanted. Dario - his only loyal friend - was treated as if he were a son.


Franz may not have been an angel. But he was definitely a man of respect and honor in a hard business. He did nothing a normal corporate executive does every day - although less hands on.


I just didn't see him as a villain. More of a slightly flawed man in a demanding profession.

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