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Re: Ctrl+V


On Mar 27, 12:16 pm, Don Kresch

> >> >So then when you say that only governments create monopolies that's a

> >> >purely semantic argument.


> >> Nope. It's fact.


> >Prove it.


> Already did.


Saying "false" doesn't prove something.



> Show how competition can be prevented without the force of

> law. NOW.


Show? This is a text based medium. I can only tell.


(Psst. The answer is "By controlling the only economical source of the good or service, or by just shooting your competitors")

I smell troll.

"So the voices in your head' date=' they control you?" Jane stares at Tom. "Tom, what are you afraid of?[/quote']

At a guess, I'd say the voices in his head are what he's afraid of! Freud, she is not.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The PCs get lost out in the wilderness, by running out of gas, breaking their compass, losing their map; anything to make them truly lost and on foot.


When a few days pass, they should be running low on food and water. As soon as the first stage of hunger sets in, have all of them smell the scent of freshly baked cookies. Hopefully all of them will follow, if not for the hunger, then for the curiousity as to why it smells like cookies out in the wilderness.


The PCs pass over a crest of a hill, and look down into a small grassy area with several elaborately decorated tables covered in food, and of course some cookies. Being very hungry and very thirsty, the PCs should investigate and probably eat something from these tables.


Looking around, there are no buildings, no fires, no sign of activity or footsteps around the area... just tables with food. As the PCs start eating the delicious food, tell them that every once in awhile they have to pick out something from their mouth, and it looks like just a piece of cartilage or something similar.


After maybe an hour of eating, they realize that the food is not delicious food, but, rather, raw dead people. They take another look at the tables, and they are just covered in dead rotting bodies.

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Re: Ctrl+V


"Improvised Weapons


You sometimes want to hit a foe with something other than a “real”

weapon. If so, the GM should treat the object as the weapon it resembles

most closely: a stick would be a baton, light club, or quarterstaff; a

heavy tool would be equivalent to a mace or a maul; a length of chain

would serve as a clumsy morningstar; and so on.


If an improvised weapon is especially clumsy, add a penalty of -1 to

-3 to hit or parry with it, or increase the minimum ST required. If it is

shorter or lighter than a “real” weapon of the same type (or not very

sharp, for a blade), reduce damage."

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Re: Ctrl+V


It was with a combination of fear and excitement that our party reacted when our GM reported that by some ritual, the whole town of Saint-Aglain (fictional, less than 30k pop) was sent to some other world. The magnetic north shifted, the sun is blue, large, and not as bright as ours (-1 to vision in the morning), and there are some other changes we hadn't noticed yet.

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Re: Ctrl+V


*Personally, I prefer Ludlum's Bourne to Damon's Bourne as a literary character, but I figured that Damon's Bourne is a European specialist which fits better than Ludlum's Bourne who is a Far East specialist. Plus, my bet is that more people on these boards are familiar with the movies more so than the Ludulm's books.

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