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Re: Ctrl+V


Libercratic courts are polycentric and operated by neutral authorities who guarantee that justice will be served through contract insurance.

For a court to be just and legitimate it must be neutral, no officer or jury member may have anything to gain personally from either side prevailing and so must remain totally unbiased, the prosecuter is not an officer of the court, is not a politician and does not work for the police, the prosecuter represents the victim who has the right to control prosecution. The court must not impose any particular political system nor may they take any part in imposing or enforcing laws, the court is a purely neutral referee who examines the evidence and makes a judgment based on the interpretation of the laws made by the parties in question according to their own constitution, legal codes, treaties and contracts.

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Re: Ctrl+V


This happened in the same campaign as the previous story. The charcters were no longer teenagers and had largely separated paths since school. (One delivered pizzas, another did Feng Shui consultation, one taught in the university. A couple had become rather successful, with one being a locally famous DJ, and the other a highly placed businesswoman. And the fat kid had fulfilled his dream of becoming a private eye.) The purchase and planned pulling down of the haunted factory brought the characters back together, and they started becoming ever more involved with the hidden mysteries of their hometown while trying to penetrate the various secrets of the factory, and the things and people involved with it.


While the characters were investigating a mysterious painter who apparently could trap people - and other things - in his paintings, the DJ had discovered a weird location. Down a side alley, in a hidden yard surrounded by deserted apartment builings, there was a large, old stone well, with a very old-looking tree growing beside it. So he went to fetch Sage (the Feng Shui consultant) who was the best person in the group to figure out whether there was something "off " about any particular place. The following happened:


Sage: "Just the two of us? Shouldn't we get the others?"

DJ: "They are investigating the painter and this place might turn out to be nothing after all. Let's check it out first. I already took a peek and there was no one in there. In case something happens, I have a gun. And those weird bullets we got."


So they leave the DJ's car and walk down the narrow alley, passing a couple of alleycats sitting on unused trash bins. Then they arrive to the inner yard, which is deserted except for another cat padding along the edge of the old well. Dark, partially boarded up windows of empty buildings look down on the stone well and the ancient tree. A movement in one of the windows startes the men slightly, but it turns out to be just one more cat, who climbs on the windowsill to look curiously down at them.


Sage: "This is definitely not an ordinary place. That tree looks centuries old, and the well is also way older than these surrounding buildings. I doubt that it is coincidence that they were left in place."

DJ: "And the Feng Shui stuff?"

Sage: "I think that this place was meant to channel energies. Perhaps into the well, perhaps out of it."


Sage goes to take a look at the well, shining a flashlight inside it. DJ takes out his gun just in case, but besides the two of them, the only creatures in the yard are the cats, with one more feline jumping on the edge of the well to join the one already on it.


Sage: "It is really deep, I can't even see the bottom. It might reach as far below as the factory sub-basement. You know, the factory is not that far away. Perhaps there is some sort of connection between that place and this one. If so, we might learn something here. Perhaps we could lower a camera down or something."

DJ: "The branches above the well might be sturdy enough that we could tie a rope to one. I'll take a look".


DJ starts to climb the tree, but is startled by angry hissing. Three cats are sitting in one of the lower branches, hissing at him.


DJ: "Damn it! Those things are everywhere! Actually... Is it just me or is there something odd about these cats? Like they were keeping an eye on us. Or the place..."


Backing away slightly, the men take a more careful look at the scene. It seems that more cats are arriving every moment. They are sitting on the windowsills of the surrounding houses. Padding down a fire escape. There are cats on the tree, hiding among the old trash near the walls of the houses. The cats on the alley they arrived from have been joined by a couple of dozen more, standing in the alley or sitting on the trash bins.


Sage: "Don't use the gun."

DJ: "Wasn't planning to."

Sage: "I doubt it would scare them."

DJ: "I think they might just attack."

Sage: "And there are dozens of them."

DJ: "Maybe hundreds. Those empty buildings seem to be full of them."

Sage: "So what do we do?"

DJ: "Try to get back to the car. Let's back off slowly, go back to the alley and hope that they let us leave."


Walking slowly, the men back off towards the alley, with the cats silently looking at them. There is a tense moment as they walk through the cats in the narrow alley, but the felines make no move to attack and let them pass. As they get past the cats they start to walk more rapidly, making haste to get back to the car and lock the doors.


DJ: "We need to get the others."

Sage: "What we need to do is find out what the hell that place is and why the cats are guarding it before we ever set foot in there again!"

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Re: Ctrl+V


Jayne, the man they call Jayne


He robbed from the rich

And he gave to the poor

Stood up to the man

And gave him what for

Our love for him now

Ain't hard to explain

The hero of Canton

The man they call Jayne


Our Jayne saw the mudders' backs breakin'

He saw the mudders' lament

And he saw the magistrate takin'

Every dollar and leavin' five cents

So he said "you can't do that to my people"

He said "you can't crush them under your heel"

So Jayne strapped on his hat

And in 5 seconds flat

Stole everythin' Boss Higgins had to steal


He robbed from the rich

And he gave to the poor

Stood up to the man

And gave him what for

Our love for him now

Ain't hard to explain

The hero of Canton

The man they call Jayne


Now here is what separates heroes

From common folk like you and I

The man they call Jayne

He turned 'round his plane

And let that money hit sky

He dropped it onto our houses

He dropped it into our yards

The man they called Jayne

He stole away our pain

And headed out for the stars


He robbed from the rich

And he gave to the poor

Stood up to the man

And gave him what for

Our love for him now

Ain't hard to explain

The hero of Canton

The man they call Jayne.

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Re: Ctrl+V


You will have no personal vehicles and perhaps other items that are commonly associated with middle-class society. Communications devices and computers are restricted in their access as you essentially are cut off from the rest of society while living on the Institute's grounds. You will, however, start with a very nice place to live and will have enough at home to keep you from getting bored. Institute workers, upon request, will maintain your flower gardens, shovel snow, and even feed your cat for you while you are away... and as you grow in prestige within the Institute may become more available to you at other times. However, if you want anything specific at home that is not commonly found in a middle-class home, you will have to buy it.

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Re: Ctrl+V


On Mar 27, 12:16 pm, Don Kresch wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 10:49:06 -0700 (PDT), David Johnston

> scrawled in blood:




> >On Mar 27, 11:37 am, Don Kresch wrote:

> >> On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 10:21:43 -0700 (PDT), David Johnston

> >> scrawled in blood:


> >> >On Mar 27, 10:59 am, Don Kresch wrote:

> >> >> On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 08:53:00 -0700 (PDT), David Johnston

> >> >> scrawled in blood:


> >> >> >On Mar 27, 8:30 am, Don Kresch wrote:

> >> >> >> On 27 Mar 2011 05:53:39 GMT, rfisc...@sonic.net (Ray Fischer) scrawled

> >> >> >> in blood:


> >> >> >> >BobR wrote:

> >> >> >> >>They just don't seem to get it, once the government takes over there

> >> >> >> >>will be no options to anything.


> >> >> >> >You justy don't seem to get it that once corporations create

> >> >> >> >monopolies


> >> >> >> Only governments create monopolies,


> >> >> >Any corporation that sets up a company town where the store in town

> >> >> >was the only place that would accept their scrip has created a

> >> >> >monopoly.


> >> >> False.


> >> >> > Any land owner in arid areas who has a river running

> >> >> >through their land and builds a dam or controls access to the animals

> >> >> >of his neighbours has created a monopoly.


> >> >> False.


> >> >> > Any guild that develops a

> >> >> >new technology and keeps it secret from all others has a monopoly on

> >> >> >it.


> >> >> Trivial. That's like saying you have the monopoly on being

> >> >> you.


> >> >My monopoly on being me isn't trivial.


> >> Yes, it is--trivial in the philosophical/mathematical sense.


> >We were discussing neither philosophy nor mathematics.


> But we are.




> >> >> > Any crime boss who controls the distribution of product in his

> >> >> >territory by killing his competition has created a monopoly.


> >> >> False.


> >> >So then when you say that only governments create monopolies that's a

> >> >purely semantic argument.


> >> Nope. It's fact.


> >Prove it.


> Already did.


Saying "false" doesn't prove something.



> Show how competition can be prevented without the force of

> law. NOW.


Show? This is a text based medium. I can only tell.


(Psst. The answer is "By controlling the only economical source of the good or service, or by just shooting your competitors")

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