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Re: Ctrl+V


...wasn't upsetting due to whatever historical/ethnic tones there were to the act, but because survivors were needlessly destroying potential supplies.


And before you make comments such as "it's just merchandise", be aware that pretty inventive folk can do amazing things with everyday items.

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Re: Ctrl+V


"No sir, that's not how I was raised"


Thomas Smith [160]


Basic Attributes [70]

ST 11 [10], DX 11 [20], IQ 11 [20], HT 12 [20]


Secondary Attributes [15]

HP 11 [0], Will 13 [10], Per 12 [5], FP 12 [0].

Basic Speed 5.75 [0], Basic Move 5 [0], Dodge 9, Parry 10 (Brawling), Damage: 1d-1 Thrust / 1d+1 Swing


Height: 6' Weight: 180 lbs., Age: 29, Appearance: Attractive, Coordination: Right Handed.

Languages: English (Native) [0], Culture: Western, Tech Level: 7


Advantages [47]

Absolute Direction [5], Appearance (Attractive) [4], Combat Reflexes [15], Common Sense (Reliable 2, +10%) [11], Fearlessness [2], Fit [5], Rapid Healing [5]


Disadvantages [-28]

Code of Honor (Gentleman's) [-10], Low TL (TL7) [-5], Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10], Unnatural Features 3 (Monochrome Body) [-3]


Perks [3]

Classic Features (All-American), Good with Kids, Honest Face


Quirks [-5]

Broad-Minded, Doesn't use drugs, Humble, Responsive, Vow (Assist those who's vehicle is broken down on the side of the road)


Skills [60]

Brawling 12 [DX/Easy, 2], Carpentry 13 [iQ/Easy, 4], Detect Lies 11 [Per/Hard, 2], Diplomacy 11 [iQ/Hard, 4], Driving/TL7 (Automobile) 13 [DX/Average, 8], Farming/TL7 12 [iQ/Average, 4], Hiking 13 [HT/Average, 4], Guns/TL7 (Pistol) 13 [DX/Easy, 4], Guns/TL7 (Rifle) 13 [DX/Easy, 4] , Mechanic/TL7 (Automobile) 12 [iQ/Average, 4] , Navigation/TL7 (Land) 12/15 with Absolute Direction [iQ/Average, 4], Running 13 [HT/Average, 4], Soldier/TL7 (Army) 12 [iQ/Average, 4], Sports (Baseball) 12 [DX/Average, 4], Throwing 12 [DX/Average, 4]




Name: Thomas Smith


Race: Human, North American (United States)


Nature of Abilities: Fairly average man that was formerly a soldier in World War II, with quite a bit of rural experience.


Backstory: In the 1950's, there was a popular TV series called Mr. Smith Comes Home, showing the life of a Thomas Smith that returned home from the war to live with his family on a tall hill in the Flint Hills. Having learned important life lessons, as well as becoming a man during his ordeals, he sets out to help others around the city of Manhattan, Kansas, getting mixed up in all sorts of adventures along the way.


Then, one day, the accident happened...


Essentially a man with a solid moral core based on family values that looks like he was lifted directly out of a 1950's TV set (monochrome color scheme and all), Tom is largely out of place in the hustle and bustle of a colorful yet distant world nearly sixty years later. However, he still does the best he can to lighten everyone else's load while he finds a way back home.


Tom stands at six feet tall, with light brown hair parted at the side and hazel eyes (nearly entirely green) that accentuate his indescribably American looks. He has a slightly above-average build reflected by his time in the Army and time on the farm. His accent is still very Midwestern, but it also has been somewhat tinged by his experiences in Europe.


How Skinny Wronged You:


Ol' Skinny has been trying as of late to find the means of transporting resources in and out of the various fictional worlds that exist out there. And, what better way of doing so than with cheesy 1950's television, where everyone is so deliciously innocent?


One of these worlds happens to be he black and white near-utopia of Manhattan, Kansas in the TV series Mr. Smith Comes Home. While his mages were confident they could pull off pulling a simple truck when the characters weren't on screen (Season 2, Episode 2), they didn't account for Thomas to come out during the night to work on the vehicle's transmission.


Aim off, they pulled a soon to be very confused young Midwestern man. With a rather hasty explanation, and (unlike their master) a desire to avoid any kind of murder, they sent him out onto the streets to fend for himself.


With just a name to go on, Thomas did his best to keep quiet and find allies that could help confront this "Skinny" and possibly get back to his Manhattan.


Until now.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Come away with me in the night

Come away with me

And I will write you a song


Come away with me on a bus

Come away where they can't tempt us

With their lies


I want to walk with you

On a cloudy day

In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high

So won't you try to come


Come away with me and we'll kiss

On a mountaintop

Come away with me

And I'll never stop loving you


And I want to wake up with the rain

Falling on a tin roof

While I'm safe there in your arms

So all I ask is for you

To come away with me in the night

Come away with me

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Re: Ctrl+V




Here's how you think about Cyar: it's a big ball of mud. Volcanic, hissing, spitting mud, like you see at Yellowstone. But, actually, it's even worse than that. It's so active that the mud creates a dense black "mist" above it for maybe a thousand feet or so. The mist is black because it carries a lot of ferrous, magnetic particles in it, and because those are heavy, the mist can't rise too much: it's almost like an ocean.


Jutting out of the mist are tall, vegetation-covered mountains, the only parts of the surface of Cyar which ever seen the sun. They're actually perfectly pleasant places, like islands in the sea of black mist, with pleasant, cool mountain pastures and temperate climates. There's an archipelago of these mountain/islands where all the habitation is.


The human and duros inhabitants have built large bridges between some of the most important islands (which largely serve industrial traffic -- people tend to take flying vehicles), the arches of the bridges coming a few hundred feet above the "surface" of the black mist.


Almost nobody besides a few mining concerns go down into the hellish black mist, as it's a very destructive environment for technology.


Cyar is a mid-Rim world with a population in the tens of millions, with only one major city (and space port), the but a large suburban and exurban population. Its chief resources are certain minerals strained out of the mud ocean beneath the mists, and the flocks of exotic animals that are raised on its mountain slopes for their meat and pelts.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Constants, Identities, Units and Formulas

x =rcos, y =rsin

r =x2y2, =tan−1



sin90 ̊ =cos

sin180 ̊ =−sin

sin270 ̊ =−cos

sin360 ̊ =sin

cos360 ̊ =cos

cos90 ̊ =−sin

cos180 ̊ =−cos

cos270 ̊ =sin

cos− =cos

sin− =−sin




sin2 =2sincos

cos2 =cos2−sin2

circumference =2r

arclength =r where θ is in

radians and r is the radius of the circle.

Area of a circle: A=r2

Quadratic formula: If ax2bxc =0 ,

then x =−b±b




m=10−3 =0.001

k =103 =1000

c =10−2 =0.01

1minute =60seconds

1hour =60minutes =3600seconds

g =9.80ms−2 =9.80N/kg


1J =1Nm=1kgm2 s−2

1W=1J s−1

vxf =vxi ax t

xf =xi vxi t 1



vxf2 =vxi22axx

projectile range: xf =vi





t ; =



f =1/T; =2f

f =i t

f =i i t 1



f2 =i22

Circular motion: a =v


r =



Newton's 2nd Law: F =ma

Friction: Fs≤sn; Fk =kn; Fr =rn

Drag: D=1

2CDair Av



D=6rv (water)

Gravity: F =


r2 ,


Hooke's Law spring: F =−kx

k =YA

L ; FA =Y


L ; F =Ywt


4L3 d

with Y being "Young's modulus"

=RFsin=RF⊥ =R⊥F

=I I=∑MR2

critical angle of stability: c =tan



h 

PHYS 121, Final exam "cover sheet" page 1 of 2

Constants, Identities, Units and Formulas

Center of gravity:

xc.o.g. =∑mi xi

∑mi , y

c.o.g. =∑mi yi


Impulse, momentum, angular momentum:

J = F

avg t =p; p =mv

L =I; net t =L

Inelastic collisions, body 2 initially at rest:

m1 v1,i =m1m2 vcombined, f

Perfectly elastic collisions, body 2 initially

at rest:

v1x, f =m1−m2

m1m2 v1x,i

v2x, f = 2m1

m1m2 v1x,i

Work, energy, power:

Kinetic K=1/2mv2, K=1/2I 2

Gravitational potential: Ug =mgy

Spring/elastic potential: Us =1/2kx2

Work: W=Fdcos

Power: P=E

t , P=Fv

1horsepowerhp =746W

PHYS 121, Final exam "cover sheet" page 2 of 2

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