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Re: Ctrl+V


I've decided that the theme of the elves in my setting will be "extreme over-the-top badasses," and one day I'm totally going to have one use an ultimate attack that looks like this:


-Pulls a rocket launcher out of thin air and fires.

-The rocket bursts open in midair and shotguns with katana-bayonets fly out.

-The shotguns go spinning around cutting people while shooting out miniature Desert Eagles.

-The Desert Eagles fire a bunch of explosive AP rounds, then burst like incendiary grenades and launch shuriken shrapnel everywhere.

-The shurikens are made of C4 and explode.


Going by the rules in most RPGs, this attack should destroy most of whatever continent the attacker is standing on. At the very least, the shotgun-katanas will chop most trees, tanks, and stacks of peasants in half.

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Re: Ctrl+V


With the way it's set up, phaser fights are DDeadly (with two capital D's). Logically, if there really were high-tech phasers like that fights with them would be really deadly.


But that doesn't really feel to me like it matches the source material. Am I wrong?


Should phaser fights be:


1) Hard to hit but if you hit the guy is DEAD?


2) Easy to hit and if you hit the guy is DEAD?


3) Easy to hit but you don't go down in one hit?


4) Hard to hit and you don't go down in one hit?


I feel like it should be number one. But in order to make it that way people would need lots of Dodge. Or have some other rule change somewhere.


How would you do it?

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Re: Ctrl+V


For those of you that do, how is the process handled?


What social ramifications are there for the party?


If needed, do you make clear(er) distinctions between reality and fantasy?


What race(s) do the slaves tend to be?


Are the PCs..."Good"...in Alignment?

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Re: Ctrl+V


“But how would that be intolerable? Elves are good.”


“Good? Good?” Hart repeated. “Ms. La Belle, elves aren’t ‘good’… they are better. These people can run twice as fast as you can without making a sound. They can see to the farthest horizon on a starless night and they can hear the heart beat of a mouse. They don’t sweat. If they fart, you’ll never hear about it. They can go into a human town and **** everybody’s wives, sons, and daughters for fifteen hours straight, they are going to live forever… and can you imagine what would happen if the brand-new emperor had stood before his people and said, ‘Hey, these are the people who are going to be in charge of you.’ Do you think the people who had just thrown off one tyrant would have just rolled over and accepted that?”

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Re: Ctrl+V


Elves are f***ing terrifying.


People talk about faerie magic and elven archmages. But in the end, an Elven Archmage isn't any different from the Archmage of another race.


No, what you should fear are Elven warriors.


You see, Elves laugh and sing during battle. Not the forced boisterousness of the the dwarves. Oh, they talk about bladesinging and war dancing other absurd nonsense, but really? There's no secret martial art. They laugh and sing with genuine joy and delight.


When you see them you should run on the battlefield you should. Willow thin creatures in ornate, alien armor who have taken one thousand years of delight and wonder from the mayhem wrought with their blades.

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Re: Ctrl+V


"you really reckon as how it can be made a mite smoother to fly?"


[talk]Absolutely, I can show you just what I mean, if you have the time.[/talk]


Hugo smiles and pats Saul on the back.


[talk]Oh, by the way, would it be all right if

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Re: Ctrl+V


I can sneak up on you, 'cause I'm an elf. You can't sneak up on me, though, 'cause I'm an elf. Hell, you can't even catch me sleeping, 'cause I'm an elf, and elves don't sleep. Even if I did sleep, it wouldn't work, because I blend into my surroundings due to my elf cape, which is just icing on the cake since my natural coloration helps me match my surroundings anyway. So here I am, not sleeping, not making a sound, and I can see you just fine because of my darkvision. And don't try enchanting me either, that shit ain't gonna fly, because I have magical elf immunity. Don't bother trying to outlive me, either; even though I have a diminished constitution, somehow I can live for over a dozen centuries. Did I mention I'm taller than you? How's the weather down there? It's awesome up here. Gives me a clear line of sight for when I plug you full of arrows from 300 yards. And if that doesn't take you down, no worries, I can bend bars and lift gates with the best of them, despite my lithe frame, so I can sure as hell waste your sorry ass with my elven curved blade if you get too close. Eww, do you smell that? Must have been you, because it definitely wasn't me. Elves don't fart. We glow, baby!

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