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Re: Ctrl+V


/ mandatory orders header

/ do NOT dare to forget this!!

/ team abbrev manager name week label

orders: IRL Three drunken idiots


/ mandatory seed number for the RNG

/ accepted range 1 -> 99999999

/ seed: 69141160

seed: 90098095


/ optional entry which allows you to send orders in advance

/ valid entries: 1, 2, 3, ..., 30, cup1, ..., cup6

/ if week is not given, current week is always assumed

week: cup2

/ v2.00



/ for the final time.



roster: ALL


/ mandatory lineup header


vs CZE


/ optional team cases

/ Agrsiveness order

/ case: T>0 0

case: U>2 0

case: V>0 0

case: T>HT G>-3 G<1 +

case: G<-2 0

case: T>HT G>3 -

/ Tactic order

case: T>0 N

case: G>-2 G<2 L

case: T>72 G>1 S

case: T>HTet G>1 S

/ Bullshit order

/ case: T=90 G<0 "Aah, the ineffable suckitude."

/ case: T=120 G<0 "Aah, the ineffable suckitude."


/ 11 players

/ the GK

GK _. Cowthulhu

case: T>0 0

case: G>2 -

case: G<-2 -

case: T>HT @@ S5


/ 10 outfielders

/ minimum lineup is 2 DF, 2 MF and 2 FW


SW W. Asset

case: T>0 0

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -


DF C. MOOlester

case: T>0 ! 0

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

DF S. Haven

case: T>0 : N. OBock

case: %L |

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

DF T. Mavericks

/ Mavericks is (A), so PAL orders are impossible.

case: T>0 0 : B. UbbleBoy

case: %S |


MF K. Time

case: T>0 0

case: %N G<0 C MF |

case: %N G>-1 C MF <

case: %L G<1 C FW |

case: %L G>0 C DF |

case: %S C DF |

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

MF I. Treaty

case: T>0 | 0

case: %L <

case: %S <

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

MF A. Bonus

case: T>0 | 0

case: %L <

case: %S <

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

case: T>HT @@ S1


FW C. Knowledge ^ +

case: T>0 0 ^

case: %S < -

case: %L +

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

FW C. Calf ^ +

case: T>0 0 ^

case: %L +

case: %S < -

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

FW R. Extremist

case: T>0 ! 0

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

case: T>HT @@ S2


/ max 5 subs can be listed

/ list enough subs ... one for each position is a good strategy

/ do NOT list your backup GK as S1


S1 F. Terrain

case: T>0 C MF | 0

case: %L C MF <

case: %S C MF <

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

S2 E. Replica

case: T>0 ! 0

case: %S < -

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

S3 D. Heir

case: T>0 C DF | -

S4 O. Fact

case: T>0 0

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -

S5 C. Proximity

case: T>0 C GK 0

case: G>2 T>HT -

case: G<-2 T>HT -


/ optional comments for Commish


Version 2.0: Chris makes a decent argument to try a LB, so I've patched

that in here. I hope these work.


This match is against CZE, with the new Second Division Portuguese refs.

On the basis of the DPs they handed out this season, I think they will

rate as STRONG FAIR: a total of 244 DPs, with 3 refs giving out more

(nor, aut, eng, of which the first two are the known STRICT refs, while

eng is FAIR and the other FAIR refs gave 216 (swi) and 204 (arg), while

the LOOSE ones gave 210 (sco) and 170 (fra).


CZE is MRV in the regular season. They are missing one guy, MF

EcretCrush, to suspension. He is nothing special, an Age 1 (I)

MF picked up as a 0/13(I) in week 29 of season 15. No, the secret

to MRV is their monster GK, and a couple of other monsters: FW OBock

was SL 40 in week 20 against us (27:94 shooting for the regular

season), FW UbbleBoy was 30++(BS) (26:76), and FW Agel was 1/25(I) in

week 20 (14:52). FW ApaneseXmas has no data in week 20 but was 5/32(T),

maybe, in week 5 (5:25). Two strong DFs UltiFlu was 2/30(I) in week 5

(DNP week 20), Olong was 2/high 20s in week 20. They have some OST,

because we log some offsides in the MC even though they play a rookie

unchar SW. They thus have a bunch of (I) bonus and more CK than we do,

though it's not near limit value. MRV ran a LB against MOO in week 20,

but MOO's SW is well known to be Not Real Good.


Their lineup in the first round was a 1-3-2-4, and they ran an Opp

against SWE that they won (like us) in extra time. Naphalaxis went

0:16 and they collected 5 YCs, though only one turned into a suspension.


Eduard likes pushing the tactical buttons, so the LB they showed vs

MOO is the same one that turned into an Opp against SWE (though SWE

is playing a FSC-like 6-MF lineup with the Opp tactic; the Opp by

CZE could well be a safety play against the usual BC one would expect

from that set.) They will be missing one of their starting MFs, but

MRV's MFs are vaguely schmucky; they use the (T) FW ApaneseXmas at MF.

The replacement for EcretCrush will be a significant step down, as MRV

doesn't keep a lot of depth on the roster. They have already spent

all their CPs: they had zero remaining in the Group B day 3 box score.

So they can't pump themselves back up after the extra-time match

(though they had to have sky-high PL in their previous two matches,

unless of course they staggered into the WC with badly depleted PLs;

hard to guess either way, though MRV seems to use enough PAL- so I

have my doubts about it).


I think we have to CP PL for the last time here. Aside from our own

extra-time PL drain, three guys ate extra-time injuries (Time, Treaty,

Knowledge) ... conditioning will put Time up to PL 982, Treaty to 1003,

Knowledge to 1005. Everyone else of the guys getting playing time will

be well over 1000. We did get away with TAL+ the whole time in the

match against HOL; I called the LOOSE referee right, I think. This

match it's a little less clear-cut, but let's do it anyway.


We haven't varied our lineup or tactic, outside of things that can be

understood as injury recovery moves, in the tournament so far, except

the couple-of-minute episodes of LB against GER. About all I can say

about what the opponent is likely to show is that I find it hard to

imagine they'll run a BC. Otherwise it could be N, L, or Opp.


The only real attraction to a LB is that it focuses shots to our FWs

more. The downside is that we have problems with defense, which make

it impossible to mark. Last season MOO tried marking as much of their

FWs as possible and all we got to show for it was a draw and two bad

losses. We could try marking the three uberFWs (who get lots of

playing time oop, it is to be noted) but the only one who must be

taken care of is UbbleBoy, since with his WP and the amplification

of the CK special shots not marking him out is massively stupid.


Otherwise I think we (N), just like before. I don't want to give away

SLs with the ooping it would take to put up a plausible BC. We avoid

any Opp because MRV's panic offense is LB. Because they have a chunk

of (I) bonus I include some mark-down-(I) orders, and if we are up by

more than one late then there's a stall to get into.


/ optional submission to Press Magazine

/ keep in mind those juicy press awards


Today, CZE continues its historical dominance over IRL. About the

only thing the two teams have in common is a national tradition of

good beer.



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Re: Ctrl+V


We were gaming in my friend's basement (we'll call him Gary). The house was old with thin floors and walls (no insulation). Well, we were 2 hours into a Robotech game when we hear some pounding upstairs. It got louder and faster.


Turns out, Gary's mom's bedroom was right above our table and so was she with her boyfriend of the week. Now, Gary's mom was a troll of a woman, easily 300 lbs. and would always wear a robe thta would find its way open. This woman would eaily kill anybody's MILF fantasy in a heartbeat.


Last time we ever gamed at Gary's

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Re: Ctrl+V


Effectively emulating a sci-fi serial takes more than just adjusting the chances of being taken out in combat.


Yes. Roleplaying.


A "villain" in a modern day, realistic setting, will tend to put bullets in the brains of PCs she's captured.


In a pulp or superhero setting, they will tend to monologue, which typically allows PCs to escape somehow, and/or fight back.


I'd say this is pretty independent of a system, though

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Re: Ctrl+V


Lockpicking/TL - IQ/Average

Default: IQ-5.


This is the ability to open locks without the key or combination. Each attempt requires one minute. If you make the roll and open the lock, each point by which you succeeded shaves five seconds off the required time. (Safecracking and similar challenges can take more time, at the GM's discretion.)

Note that if the lock has a trap or alarm attached, you must make a separate Traps roll to circumvent it.



Modifiers: Equipment modifiers; -5 if working by touch (e.g., in total darkness.) Inside information gives a bonus at GM's discretion. If the GM requires a DX-based roll (for instance, to work with a particularly delicate mechanism), modifiers for High Manual Dexterity or Ham-Fisted will apply.

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