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Re: Ctrl+V


Despite the failures of statist capitalism,

you’re a die-hard believer in

free markets—and when markets

aren’t free, you have no qualms

about undermining them.

You make a living supplying the

inner system and Jovian black markets,

whether that means running

blockades, smuggling contraband,

or pirating nanofab blueprints. In

an age of automated machines,

you’re a damn good pilot, and you

can talk or shoot your way out of

messy situations. Whereas many

people look down on synthmorphs,

you embrace the post-biological life

and its freedom from chemical and

biological dependencies.n

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Re: Ctrl+V


All gods are magic! Remember in that funny book (The bible), where the Jews were being mistreated by the Egyptians. god sorted that out straight away! Well, he turned into fire, convinced a bloke called moses to threaten the pharoh, unleashed a load of useless plagues etc. before killing thousands of innocent people! THEN the Jews were free! Brilliant! The best way of dealing with the problem possible.


That's the good thing about the god in the bible. He always acts in 'mysterious' ways. He creates devils in his garden, rules where rape victims are forced to marry the rapist, doesn't mention dinosaurs, makes diamonds and coal appear as if they would been millions of years to form (but they really formed in about 8,000...obviously). Some of his most lauded followers are murders and break numerous other 10 commandments (most of which are about himself!). That King David was a wrong-un, but god loved him more than most. Oh, and he is intent on blood sacrifice; made do with animals for a bit, then decided that only his own son being sacrificed would be enough. Enough to convince HIMSELF to forgive mankind.


god "I can't just forgive mankind. So I'll send my son (?!) to them, let them kill him, and take that as a sacrifice, and THEN i'll forgive them."


someone else "But god, what the point in that? Why don't you just fogive them? Why make a son, set up events so that he is killed, and then forgive them? And how is that a sacrifice? Surely your son will live on anyway? And you've sort of forced this whole issue, so surely it isn't a meaningful sacrifice?"


god "Ah, because then people will know how nice I am (vain). sacrificing my own son (that I made, and could remake at any point, and is with me eternally). How nice am I??! And he can teach them about me, and make them understand all the things i said COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY before, even though my explanations were obviously perfect, I need soemone else to explain them better (i.e. completely change them). And even though I can do anything, there are apparently loads of things I can't do, so I make up these RIDICULOUSLY CONVOLUTED schemes."


How about the Tower Of Babel? God apparently doesn't like people working together.


Also, don't forget that he's content to allow humanity to exist for two plus millenia while they occasionally kill each other over their own individual interpretations of a book.


From the above, I have concluded that God is a sadist.

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Re: Ctrl+V


While you may regard the workings of the car insurance industry to be misandrist, it should be pointed out that the overall impact of this EU finding for men is likely to be negative. For men currently over 50 who have a personal pension they have yet to begin drawing on, it's going to be overwhelmingly negative.


This finding is not solely about car insurance, and I suspect that in fact that area's probably going to be the smallest impact most people see from this finding over their whole lifetimes.


Granted, that statement of mine was more of a general observation about (typically recent) societal issues that involve notable discrimination of one gender over the other.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Table 2

List of Planetary Candidates and their Characteristics



KOI Kepler Object of Interest number † indicates that this KOI was detected on the basis of a single transit with the period derived

from the transit duration and stellar radius.

Dur Transit duration, first contact to last contact

Depth Transit depth at center of transit

SNR Total SNR of all transits detected. SNR=Depth/(Std*sqrt(N)) where Std is the standard deviation of all data outside of transits

(Q0 through Q5) and N is the total number of measurements inside of all transits.

t0, t0_unc Time of a transit center based a linear fit to all observed transits and its uncertainty

Period, P_unc Average interval between transits based on a linear fit to all observed transits and uncertainty

a/R*, a/R*_unc Ratio of semi-major axis to stellar radius assuming zero eccentricity, a parameter derived from the light curve, and uncertainty

r/R*, r/R*_unc Ratio of planet radius to stellar radius and uncertainty

b, b_unc Impact parameter of the transit and uncertainty. Note, there is a strong co-variance between b and a/R*

Rp Radius of planet in units of REarth = 6378 km

a Semi-major axis of orbit based on Newton’s generalization of Kepler’s third law and the stellar mass in Table 1.

Teq Equilibrium temperature of the planet (see main text and Appendix for discussion)

EB prob Probability of background eclipsing binary confused with planet’s host star (see text for discussion)

V Vetting flag

1 Confirmed and published planet

2 Strong probability candidate, cleanly passes tests that were applied

3 Moderate probability candidate, not all tests cleanly passed but no definite test failures

4 Insufficient follow-up to perform full suite of vetting tests

FOP Follow-up observation description (to be revised)

1 Reconnaissance spectra taken

2 Adaptive optics observations taken

3 Speckle observations taken

4 10 m/s RV spectra taken

5 2 m/s RV spectra taken

No Obs No observations yet taken

N Notes flag. A “1” indicates a note on this KOI or its host star in Table 3.


KOI ..... Dur Depth SNR t0 .... t0_unc . Period P_unc ... a/R* a/R*_unc r/R* r/R*_unc b b_unc Rp a Teq EB prob V FOP N

730.01 5.7701 687 20 109.796 0.0062 14.7845 0.00099 17 77 0.026 0.021 0.5 2.1 3.1 0.12 746 7.0e-05 2

730.02 5.4941 362 13 71.36 0.011 9.84978 0.00047 13.71 0.67 0.01915 0.00083 0.04 0.01 2.3 0.092 852 - 4

730.03 4.3590 316 9.7 68.131 0.011 9.85997 0.00051 12 103 0.021 0.033 0.7 2.4 2.5 0.092 852 - 4

730.04 5.2290 239 9.1 70.475 0.014 7.38469 0.00047 11.25 0.44 0.01532 0.00098 0.049 0.01 1.8 0.076 937 - 4

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Re: Ctrl+V



Powers: Gravity Manipulation

Source: Mutant

Motivation: To Prove Herself

Goals: World Domination

Affiliations: None

Story Seeds: Gravitar wants to take over the world and her powers are such that she may be able to play Queen of the mountain for a long stretch. However, to keep her reign at top she's going to need some middle management types. A Gravitar storyline could focus around her getting serious about world domination. Perhaps an early battle with her that leads to stories about her changing focus and gathering minions. Escaped Psychics from Viper and disenfranchised members of PSI. Conquerors Killers and Crooks offers a storyline where she gets some Psionic Amplification gear from Viper and this may take her from a hard fight early on in the story to a you had better have brought friends climax.

Level Range: 30-40

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