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Re: Ctrl+V


So I am not in fact proposing a way to make beheading an enemy an easier way of killing them, just another option for approaching a combat. This does not make for a cinematic option, nor does it imply that heads go flying in mass battle--because military maneuvers are about taking the easy way to kill the enemy. Fighting between men, the better option will almost always be to strike their favored arm--easy to hit and gives a tremendous penalty to the other guy if it causes even minimal damage. Hence, this won't nerf realism in any way--the smart money always goes with Dismemberer, it's just that Beheader seems a lot more terrifying when he actually succeeds.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Pynevba jnf unatvat nebhaq jvgu Noenxnqnoen gur cbfre orpnhfr ur sbhaq uvz ragregnvavat naq orpnhfr gur gbjre jnf cebonoyl orggre cercnerq sbe vagehqvat punbf ybeqf guna sbe crbcyr jub qba'g hfr zntvp ng nyy.


Gur qrny Xrag naq Jnyyl znqr jvgu Anoh jnf gung Xrag'f tubfg jbhyq unat nebhaq vafvqr gur uryzrg gb xrrc Anoh pbzcnal juvyr ur jnvgrq sbe Jnyyl gb svaq fbzrbar jvgu npghny zntvpny cbgragvny jub jbhyq or jvyyvat gb qba gur uryzrg.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Pynevba jnf unatvat nebhaq jvgu Noenxnqnoen gur cbfre orpnhfr ur sbhaq uvz ragregnvavat naq orpnhfr gur gbjre jnf cebonoyl orggre cercnerq sbe vagehqvat punbf ybeqf guna sbe crbcyr jub qba'g hfr zntvp ng nyy.


Gur qrny Xrag naq Jnyyl znqr jvgu Anoh jnf gung Xrag'f tubfg jbhyq unat nebhaq vafvqr gur uryzrg gb xrrc Anoh pbzcnal juvyr ur jnvgrq sbe Jnyyl gb svaq fbzrbar jvgu npghny zntvpny cbgragvny jub jbhyq or jvyyvat gb qba gur uryzrg.

Easy for you to say! :)

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