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Re: Ctrl+V


So? You didn't pay for this. Why do people insist on demands when it comes to FREE entertainment? Blows my mind...


When is entertainment really free?


At the least, one usually has to pay attention.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that Lucius is mistaken: some people do seem to get out of paying even that.

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Re: Ctrl+V


When is entertainment really free?


At the least, one usually has to pay attention.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that Lucius is mistaken: some people do seem to get out of paying even that.


That was me in response to someone demanding a song be changed on some Youtube videos. Irks me that people get whiny and feel entitled when the person putting up videos on a regular basis is doing it of their own free will, so that others can (and the majority do) enjoy their work.

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Re: Ctrl+V


This is a means of safely and completely shutting down

a person’s metabolism, putting him into a state of permanent

suspended animation, in which no special preservation

tank is needed. It uses bio-nanomachines to install

protective scaffolding and fixatives around and within

every cell in the patient’s body. Once placed in stasis, an

organism will not require any oxygen or food, and cannot

age or deteriorate, although it remains vulnerable to

physical damage. Reversal of nanostasis requires using

similar bio-nanotech to remove the preservatives and

restart bodily functions. It can be thought of as a highly

advanced form of vitrification

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Re: Ctrl+V


Like it or not, you might be responsible for harm caused by your employees. Under a handful of legal theories, courts have held employers liable for injuries their employees inflicted on coworkers, customers, or total strangers.


In D&D' date=' Clerics and Paladins are almost always rubbish at the Knowledge (Religion) Skill as it is based on Intelligence rather than Wisdom. A Wizard will generally win a theological debate, hands down.[/quote']


Except how many Wizards bother to get any Knowledge (Religion) skill?

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Re: Ctrl+V


Except how many Wizards bother to get any Knowledge (Religion) skill?


Likely, those that deal with a lot of undead or beings covered by religious scope. They could also have a strong theological belief, without being a Cleric. Finally, a Skill may grant bonuses on certain rolls, be it via Synergy, or a complementary roll.


They certainly tend to have Skill Points to burn.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Up ahead, Archer suddenly stopped. "Here," he said, turning around and walking back towards them.


"Here what?"


"We're stopping here."


Maddy watched him pace around the small clearing. He never stopped moving, did he?




He glanced at her. "Ja. You're exhausted, Maddy."


"Huh." She folded her arms. "Strange to hear that coming from you."


He snorted. "Don't take that the wrong way. I've staked a lot on keeping you and Solomon alive, and I'll have a damn harder time doing that tomorrow if you're too tired to walk."


Maddy frowned and let her bag slip off her shoulder. It fell to the ground with a muffled thump. Crouching beside it, she pulled a couple of granola bars out of the side pocket and tossed one to Solomon. He murmured his thanks.


"Do you want one?" she asked Archer, sitting down beside her bag.


He shrugged, searching his pockets for a cigarette. Coming up empty-handed, he wandered over to her. "D'you have a smoke?"


She raised her eyebrows. "No, of course not. Don't you remember?"


He scowled. "Well, I'm not a ****Ing journalist, now am I?"


She ignored him and held up the granola bar. After glaring at her for good few seconds, he swiped it out of her hand and bit into it hungrily. Maddy sighed, and fetched her canteen. Despite saving her life earlier today, he was impossibly frustrating. Unscrewing the cap, she tilted her head and gulped down a mouthful of water. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Archer saunter off to gather firewood.


"Are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked him as he passed by her for the third time, dumping wood on the jungle floor.


"If you don't want to be freezing cold tonight, ja."


"Won't it attract attention?"


He shot her one of those sharp looks of his, a sign he wanted her to be quiet. "I know what I'm doing, Maddy. Those thugs aren't going to find us, trust me. Now stop asking stupid questions and get some rest, or you'll be in no shape to move in the morning."


Maddy waved that comment aside and left him to his work.

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Re: Ctrl+V




Race: Human (Super)

Age: 29

Points: 294 (Super) + 62 (Normal) = 356/500 (Needs Skills)


Description: A Telekinetic of great power. Weighing 110 lbs, Slammer has an obvious disorder that causes facial ticks and minor uncontrollable tremors in his body. His mind, expanded to make room for his powers, is not in perfect working order. He has the ability to fly as well as throw extremely large objects with ease. Finally, he keeps a forward facing force field up in front of himself when in battle.


History: He was one of the first “natural born supers” (both parents have died sense then). His powers were small when he was young. He could make pencils fly around the room and could lift up to a computer monitor with some effort. When he hit puberty, his full powers manifested and something within his brain broke. This affected his physical body and his mental acuity to an extent. He is trying to find a cure for his current mental problems, but is also trying to live life and be appreciative for what he has… as his parents taught him, before they died.




ST 9 [-10]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 11 [0].

Basic Speed 5.25 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]; Dodge 8; Parry ?; Block ?.





Psychokinetic Talent +3 [15]

Powerful TK [198]: Compartmentalized Mind (TK Only, -20%; Super Psychokinetic Power, -10%) [35] + Telekinesis 25 (Super Psychokinetic Power, -10%) [113] + Telekinesis 25 (Super Psychokinetic Power, -10%; Max Duration, 10/min, -50%) [50]


  • Description: He can mentally push and move things about with great force. He can only operate at full strength (anything over 25) for a limited amount of time before he must rest for 5 minutes to let his neural pathways cool down.
  • Effect: ST 50 TK power. TK Damage = 5d+2/8d-1. TK Punch = 5d. TK Shove = 3d+4*2 knockback damage. TK Throw = 500 lb @ 30 yards for 7d damage. Slam a guy into a hard wall = HP * 2 * Velocity / 100 (10d damage for 180 lb guy with 10 HP, all armor is treated as flexible for this).

Regenerating Force Field [95]: DR 30 (Force field, +20%; Fully Ablative, -80%; Front Only, -20%; Super Psychokinetic Power, -10%) [75] + Fast Regeneration (1/min; Force field only, -50%; Super Psychokinetic Power, -10%) [20]


  • The same force he creates with his Telekinesis can allow him to to deflect large amounts of damage from a single 3 hex side direction. It has a fully ablative DR 30 that regenerates 1 DR / min.

Flight (Super Psychokinetic Power, -10%) [36]


  • He can move himself with his Psychokinetic power at a move of 10 yards per second. If he assists his flight with his TK 50 power, he can move +50 yards per second making a total of 60 yd/s (120 mph).



Skinny [-5]


  • Description: He is 5’5” and only 110 lbs.
  • Effect: Gives -2 to St to resist knockback, -2 to Disguise skill or Shadowing, and HT may not be above 14.

Mild Neurological Disorder [-15]


  • Description: His mind, expanded to make room for his powers, is not in perfect working order. He suffers from facial ticks and minor uncontrollable tremors in his body.
  • Effect: -2 to tasks that involve fine manipulation, and such tasks take twice the normal time. Also has -2 to social skills.



Brawling DX/E 16 15 (+3 from Talent when used with TK)

Wrestling DX/E 16 15 (+3 from Talent when used with TK)





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