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Re: Ctrl+V


In Hero System 4th Edition, let's say a baby has a 3 STR (that's some strong baby!), and that baby has a grenade (-25 STR to pick it up, so anybody can pick up a grenade). Now throwing distances are based on the character's extra strength after "paying" for the weight of the object. So the baby would have an adjusted 22 points of Strength to determine distance with the grenade. On the distance chart for throwing, the "running throw" distance for adjusted 20 STR (assuming we round down, poor baby) is 16" or 32 meters. A standing throw is half that, or 8"/16 meters. And a prone throw would be a quarter that, or 4"/8 meters. That's some baby!


EDIT: Damn! I added that wrong. The baby would have an adjusted 28 STR, which would be throwing distances of 22"/11"/5.5" (44m/22m/11m) for running/standing/prone throwing...


On the superheroic scale the throwing rules work fine. But on the small scale it's very cinematic. I doubt that baby would be able to hit a wide receiver with a football, though. Their accuracy would suck!

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Re: Ctrl+V


Each day that you do not get enough nutrition*, make an HT roll to avoid the loss of 1 Fatigue Point, or 2 Fatigue if the margin of failure was 3+ (or a critical failure). Fatigue lost through malnutrition can only be regained at the rate of one per day, and requires that you recieved proper nutrition that day.


Apply a -1 to the role for each full meal that you missed. A Skinny build gives an additional -2, an Overwieght build gives a +2, a Fat or Very Fat build gives a +3 to the roll. The GM may impose additional modifiers due to the level of exertion, such as a +1 for no physical activity at all, to -3 for extreme activity. Treat the level of exertion in very cold environments as if it were higher than it actually was. Bonuses for Fitness do not apply to this roll!


Once Fatigue has been reduced to 0 or less from starvation, any critical failure also reduces both ST and HT by one. To regain lost attributes, you must first recover all lost fatigue due to starvation, then continue to recieve proper nutrition for an additional 1d days for each attribute point regained (you may choose the order in which the points are restored).


Regardless of success or failure, you still lose half a pound of weight per meal that you missed, or up to double this for very high levels of exertion. If starvation persists long enough, it will alter your Build (B.18), which will change the modifiers to your roll. For non-human characters, weight loss per missed meal is equal to ((Average Racial Weight / 100) divided by the number of meals eaten per day), modified for any Increased or Reduced Consumption traits.




* Note that this roll can apply for poor food quality even if the enough meals are eaten during a day.

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Re: Ctrl+V


If you really want to have the bounce come into play, you'll start by saying that objects thrown at hexes typically bounce on impact unless you succeed on the attack by 5+. How far they bounce depends on how "bouncy" the item+ground combination is. Let's have 3 categories - Bouncy, Semi-bouncy, and Nonbouncy. Bouncy would be like a grenade and a good solid floor, semi-bouncy would be a less-ideal floor (say, grass), and nonbouncy would be something like sand or loose soil. On a golf field, these would be the Green, the Rough, and the Sandtrap. Bouncy results in a one yard deviation per point by which you missed the MoS 5, semi-bouncy is one yard per two points (round up), non-bouncy simply doesn't bounce.


Scatter should be a bit different than normal. The object should tend to bounce in the direction it was thrown, rather than being completely random. At the point of impact, give the object a facing, with the Rear hex facing the character who threw it. Roll 3d on the following table to determine which hex it travels in the direction of.



Roll Hex

3 Rear

4-5 Left Side

6-8 Front Left

9-12 Front Center

13-15 Front Right

16-17 Right Side

18 Rear


This gives a 48.1% chance of continuing straight, 42.6% chance of veering to one side or the other (21.3% each), 8.33% chance of bouncing backwards to one side or the other (4.27% each), and 0.926% chance of bouncing straight back. Note these are numbers I snatched from the air and may not be very realistic (the bounce system also comes from a similar source).


If a character is within 50% of his throwing range, he can opt to take a -2 to the check and throw such that the object lands without much angle, reducing its bounciness one step (so Bouncy->Semi-bouncy). If within 25%, he may opt to do this twice, rendering a Bouncy throw Non-Bouncy by giving up the +4 gained by throwing at a hex.

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Re: Ctrl+V


By choosing and acting, entities inevitably enforce upon themselves the consequences of their own acts. Whether one's power is measured against stars or against mere molecules, all beings with Free Will must abide their own decisions; if choices had no consequences, would not Free Will itself be a meaningless mockery?


Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: Ctrl+V


They stole the vote from Gore and lied. They lied about knowing Bin Laden was going to attack. They lied about WMD. They lied about losing 1.3 trillion dollars the day before 9/11. They lied about losing track of billions of dollars Bush appropriated for the wars. They lied and lied and lied. Now they've lied about creating jobs being their priority while, in fact, they try to decriminalize rape, cut education, cut social benefits etc. How many lies before we stop electing them?

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