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Re: Ctrl+V


Snake then remembered that he had to check in with his annoying nerd sidekick Otacon. He knelt down in plain sight and touched his ear, as that seemed to help the Codec communication device stimulate the small bones of his ear.


“This is Snake. Do you read me, Otacon?” he said into the air.


“Loud and clear, Snake”, came the high pitched nasally whine of a reply.


“Kept you waiting, huh? I'm at the sneak point. Speaking of points, I think I got mine across.”


“Oh no! Snake, what have you done?” This reply was typical of Otacon. Snake considered him to be a cry baby and a bit of a Nancy, but he understood technical junk, like how to turn the stealth camo back on.


“The stealth camo's busted. Landing impact.” Snake waited for Otacon's smart reply.


“Just press the...”


“LOOK! I‘m not all smart with electric things like you Otacon, you nerd,” Snake cut in. The Codec remained silent for a few moments. Snake thought he could hear sobbing.


“Now Snake, the mission. We have intel on a new model Metal Gear. I need you to get photographic evidence...”


Snake jumped in again. “JEEZ OTACON! Photographic evidence? Recon? What do I look like, some little ***** too scared to blow stuff up?! I’m sick of talking to you! Here’s all you need to know! There are now Russian soldiers on the ship armed with AKS-74u’s. There is a Kasatka in the air. Civilian model, and some dude with Russian hair is on it. Now, it’s party time. I’m gonna go crack some skulls, snap some necks and create some explosions.”


“Snake, Russians? What...” Snake heard no more as he shut the Codec off and went on his way. As he moved off, something dug into his back. He pulled it out. It was a tranquilizer pistol.


“Ha. The only sleep I’ll be causing is eternal”. With that he tossed the weapon overboard, and unslung his 12 gauge, pump-action shotgun.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Just after Roland agrees to Paxton's sentiment, Vasily visibly motions with his left hand to catch your attention and lightly points in the direction towards the apartment opposite of the entrance.


It appears the officers have become a little restless. They once again start a quicker foot patrol around the citizens...if past behavior is any indication, this a precursor to this break's end.


"We do not have much time. I will go now. Slow, but I have enough of a start to reach our friend when the moment is right", says Vasily, especially sarcastic at mention of the guard.


He gently slides off the bench until he's clear, reaching forward in a stretch to grab his feet, and then stands up at a faster pace until he also stretches his arms up, but not too high.


Relaxing his stance, he regards Mark once more before walking off.


"If I die, then just leave as far as you can. Do not take too many risks, and only seize a chance to leave this city if you are wholly certain.", he imparts while flashing a small smile.


Advice given, the Slavic man begins to slowly saunter away from the group's collective left, careful to not disturb anyone he comes across.




You're now left alone without Vasily's guidance. Act now for freedom, but risk immediate death. Stay put for safety, yet likely die later.


The choice is yours.

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Re: Ctrl+V


I was a mere "lad of a gamer." A "semi-famous" GM/game developer was runnning his world, this was my second venture on his world.


Everyone was a 3d level and the GM's girlfriend/wife was with us. She had a stack of magic cards almost an inch thick.


First we were drenched with a downpour of rain, most of us elected to huddle together in our wet clothes sharing body warmth. The GM's girlfriend declaired that was pretty stupid since the water in our clothes would make us colder. She them preceeded to strip naked and prance around in the gale saying that this way she was "warmer" than us with the waterlogged clothing. The GM (known for his realism in his world) shook his head and told us that we were fools and should so as she did, some of us declined the offer and were given various illnesses because of the weather.


later on the GM's girlfriend began to have side bar conversations with various members of the the party, paying them to side with her agains the other party members if need be. After several combats in the dungeon we were envolved in an epic battle, fighting several monsters at one time in a confined space. When we tried to move away from the monsters we were told that the space was "too tight" we had to face the monsters we had.


The monsters began to get the better of us but those of us at the end found a clear door, we pried it open, then the GM's girlfriend announced that she was running out the door (despite the face she was on the other end of the combat.)


The GM smiled and said "Well she got out.....but the rest of you are trapped." We were lucky despite being trapped we killed the rest of the monsters and got out.

The GM's girlfriend joined us and demanded her part of the treasure....


it went down hill from there as we squabbled over the loot, she took several pieces of good treasure, all of it good, the rest of the treasure was cursed and killed several party members.


Yes I'm STILL bitter and it happened YEARS ago......and I still flinch when people rave about this GM on various boards....Bleaaaaaah


Okay...I'm done.

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