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We recently sat down with the BAMF! Podcast to talk spandex and the House of Steel Kickstarter. We explore various factions, characters, and the history of Metahumans Rising.
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#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Kickstarter
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I still find it utterly unbelievable that nobody can see Rey’s gigantic crippling flaws. Why doesn’t anyone stop to wonder, if she is as ridiculously powerful as she is, why is she so damn useless?

Why when Han Solo, her hero, offers to be her substitute dad and take her off on a life of adventure, does she say “No, thanks I’d rather go back to my sh of a planet and continue to wait for people I know perfectly well are never coming back.”?

Why when someone hands her baby’s first lightsaber does she scream, drop it and run away into the woods to be captured?

Why is being captured her only contribution to the destruction of Deathstar 3.0 with the guys who chase after her being the ones who actually do something useful?

Why in the second movie, as the Resistance faces obliteration, is she off in the ass end of the galaxy trying to convince a man in his seventies to come back and be the protagonist instead of her? And why does she fail?

After her failure, why does she think it’s a good idea to go get captured by the bad guy in the hope that she can convince Ren to be the protagonist instead of her? And why is her only contribution to the death of Snoke to act as the distraction?

When you ask her where she’s from, she says “nowhere”. When you ask her who her parents were, she says “they were nobody”.

Over the course of two movies despite her vast powers, and her admiration for the Resistance’s cause, she does her absolute best to be a supporting character in her own life. People who think she doesn’t have a flaw didn’t actually look at her and see her for what she was, and that was a profoundly crippled human being who simply had no self-esteem, and had real problems facing reality.

Rey is one of the most flawed heroic protagonists I’ve ever seen.

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My recollection is that the details of something like social interaction varied quite a bit. Sometimes it would be pure roleplay, outcome dependent on player persuasiveness or DM ruling (often but not always modified by how they felt the NPC would react, or by how high the PC's charisma was). I recall one campaign (in junior high) where everything was mercenary - NPCs were not all out to betray you... but every single one of them had their price, and you weren't going to interact with any NPC without paying for the privilege.


The one I recall enjoying the most was a DM who made you play out you character's pitch, and then rolled dice (modified only by Cha) to see if it worked. Sometimes that had hilarious outcomes, like when the bard's reasoned and eloquent plea for entry into the fortress failed, only for the low-charisma halfling to stomp up, declare the whole motley party was there to fix the drains and succeed.

The most common was a reaction roll, with bonuses for Charisma, the reasonableness or roleplaying effort involved in the offer, and anything else from the loyalty/reaction table (or beyond) the DM felt applicable.


These days, when I'm running 1E (and thus aiming for a more or less classic feel), I actually roll reaction first, before any real interaction takes place, to get a feel for whether that particular monster/NPC is well or poorly disposed to the idea of interacting with PCs. That leads to a degree of spontaneity that seems to add to the game quite a bit. The LG paladin NPC got a 03? Perhaps he's hot on the heels of someone like the PCs, or even disguised as the PCs! (Quick, what local antagonists do I have who would do such a thing?) Conversely, if I get a 99 for an orc warband, they're actively looking for adventurers, or at least a member of [class/race]. (Why? Let's see if I can get one of the players to blurt that out for me...) From there, I tend to play the NPC or monster without further rolling, with things that would add to reaction (either passively or offered by the PCs) making them friendlier, and things that would detract making them more belligerent.

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“classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

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