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Re: Ctrl+V


The chances of the PCs getting a hold of a Gravity Gun' date=' at the moment, are pretty slim. However, there will likely be a gadgeteer in the party, so I can't wait to see what zany stuff they'll construct.[/quote']


Well, if you want it, email me. I also intend to develop Combine weapons and assorted aliens (Antlions, Headcrabs, and so on) with the intent of developing a Half Life 2: Escape From City 17 convention game for HERO.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Time has taken it's toll. Most everyone is working up a sweat, and those dedicated or fortunate enough to be fit are trying their best to stave off that particular inevitability. Few stand still with their brooms as support, and fewer still lean against brickwork. They are always pushed back to activity, be it with an open gloves hand, or knob of a baton, but thankfully no one has been beaten.




And another return to the illusion of freedom has slowly made itself visible: this time, as the seemingly random swirl of pollution in the sky above has seen fit to widen enough to allow sunshine down. The park is bathed in warm rays - a warmth equitable to huddling close to your flatmates, which is still better than nothing - that thankfully don't compound the past hour's fatigue. It also obliterates all the cold shadows of the looming building faces, giving the area an almost living quality.


Things brings a smile to even the hardest faces amongst you. There is at least one thing to enjoy this day.


Suddenly, the giant screen that was previously dormant on the Combine logo randomly shifts to a darker view. There is a loud instantaneous squeal of feedback that stabs into the ears, causing some citizens to flinch and drop their tools, but most get through it with only a grimace.


The view becomes clearer by the second: it's some sort of office, or at least elaborately decorated room with primarily metallic black backing. There is a wide wooden desk of extravagant craft, with a lone object on the far left side. It's nearly to tell what it is exactly (those with mechanical expertise note that it's the back of some sort of analog clock). Behind the desk is an equally extravagant leather chair and variety of bluish-white monitors, Combine monitors, above head level.


Of course, you first saw the man wearing a black shirt and tweed jacket in front of all of this, yet you'd rather look at inanimate objects than this excuse for a human being.


Wallace Breen.


Barring any prior information given to you by those more experienced, you were confused at first when you saw the kindly face of a Caucasian man that, by all accounts, could pass for your uncle. Why was he working with the aliens? Why wasn't he dead?


Then, that's when you heard one word: collaboration.


As the years ticked on, and the speeches piled up before collapsing into an incomprehensible pile of countless saccharine lies, you gained an automatic anger response to any appearance or mention of him at all.


His hair has whitened quite a bit since that day, but he's never been darker. A smile. It's the same kind you see from a dentist before he drills right into a nerve.


"Good morning and good day to you all ", he says, booming voice filling the park in that ever so balanced form, conveying both firm authority and a cloyingly false sense of sincerity.


"I want to start off this announcement by saying that I am pleased. Pleased to hear of the progress being made all across City 17 as usual, yes, but also pleased to hear of the progress certain groups in particular are making. It has been a long term goal of mine to restore City 17 to it's former glory beyond merely simple reconstruction"


The grey haired man by Mark doesn't answer his question. He does, however, shake his head and begin to start a spit at the ground, stopping in the nick of time as it seems he recognizes the futility of the action.


"No, there are aesthetic fronts to consider. I have made my case to our benefactors, who have seen fit to allow you to participate in a greater variety of projects which will enhance the quality of life for you, and all those on their way here or to whatever destination or destinations their journey takes them.


Creativity is the basis of humanity's oldest means of expression, as evidenced on the caves our ancestors inhabited, and the unknown sum of artifacts which have been crafted from whatever materials were available at the time. It is my hope that we can tame instinct in order to channel our own unique creativity in a special, non-destructive way. So, please, for the sake of not only you, but your neighbors, and future neighbors, continue to dedicate yourselves fully to your task at hand. I promise you that your efforts will not go unnoticed, and not go unrewarded"


His face, which had slowly faded from the smile to a more even expression during the course of his speech, immediately perks back up into a smile at the mention of a reward. Then, the video feed cuts out, returning the screen to it's default appearance once again.


There is also an immediate reaction amongst the crowd; it's not a smile. Many curses are tossed around, along with the usual helping of sarcasm.


"Rewarded huh? Does that mean I get two packs of crap instead of one?"




"I'd like to express my creativity all over his place. I'm thinking a nice shade of red..."



The offenders are assaulted in short order by the metrocops. Its numbers (and numbers alone) that prevent a total free-for-all from breaking out. Everyone eventually calms down, but not before a Caucasian man sporting a bushy mustache defiantly raises his right arm and flips off the giant screen.


No, wait. He's not giving the bird to the screen. Tilting your head to the side, you see his target is much further in the distance, the tall metal tower...the Citadel. Despite your best efforts to escape reality, regardless of when or when you go, it is there as a constant incidental reminder of your enslavement. In a funny sort of way, it's the Combine's own middle finger to the world.


A smug grin on his face, Mustache lowers his arm and resumes tugging weeds free. Everyone's vigor suddenly wanes, and they return to their mostly silent labor.


Grey steps away from his broom, pushes it forward, and continues working. After a matter of seconds, he looks to his left, at Mark, and asks "I am sorry. What did you say?" in a moderate to strong Slavic accent.

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Re: Ctrl+V


How about (cinematic) Tony Stark's miniaturized ARC reactor? He built one in a cave out of salvaged parts' date=' so even if your gadgeteer isn't a comparable genius, with the right facilities he or she should at least have a shot. ;)[/quote']


I know it's all superscience anyhow, but is a power output figure listed for it anywhere?

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Re: Ctrl+V


Infuriated, Jacob stood, once again infuriated that he had been horribly wounded and knocked out, and ONCE AGAIN having to be rescued by his irritating sister. Standing up he brushed the dirt and such off of him, circling around the large bush to the South. "You're going to pay for that, scum!!"

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