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For Adriana Aquarius, whose voice has gone hoarse from protesting every day since Saturday throughout central Oregon, demonstrating means showing up in areas where black people and people of color are often in the minority and don’t feel supported. After organizing a protest in Bend on Saturday, Aquarius, 21, was moved the next day to bring people to the nearby town of Prineville—a more conservative area of the state—where a local organizer was trying to put together a small protest despite receiving multiple death threats.


Just because a song claimed it wouldn’t happen in small towns because the friendly and peaceful inhabitants of those towns would kill them, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Sure, there aren’t any now that I know of, but they’ve pretty much stopped in the big cities too.

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For Elfquest specifically, and tales in general, we have a storytelling rule that we stick to just as much as possible.


In symbols, it is: 0 1 ∞


In words, it is this: A thing is either impossible (meaning it has a 0 chance of happening), unique (meaning there is truly only 1 example of it, ever) or it is common (thus, potentially, infinite).


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Quality Gear: Swapping Loadouts
This week we are stepping back from the regular gear updates to look at the intersection of mechanics and narrative, how to change gear and the impact to the story.
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Gear
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Interactive story: George went with two other MHI personnel (my initial guess was the Driver and the Sniper, but it could be just about any two) out to check out some fragmentary reports of “big ugly flying things” in the high Cascades a few miles south of Mount Baker. After getting to a high isolated viewpoint, they spotted two large winged humanoids flapping below. These were gargoyles, and after a couple of rifle shots – unclear whether they missed or bounced off – the gargoyles got sight of them and started gaining altitude to attack. George’s “thump gun” (the M79 grenade launcher) was very important in the trio getting out alive despite its modest range and low rate of fire, but it took more than just firepower to make that happen.


The really awkward part began after the second gargoyle was dispatched. (The first one had had the decency to drop into a rockfall under a rock scarp, where a broken stone golem would blend right in with the natural rubble.) That second one, killed in flight, fell into a section of forest actively being clear-cut by loggers, though thankfully not literally on their heads. Finding that dead thing was hard; manhandling the dead twelve-foot stone thing into the truck was another; and getting out of there without a mess of forest workers asking What in the actual f--- was yet another. But to get paid you had to have the corpse….

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I was reading MERP 3200 - Lorien & the Halls of the Elven Smiths when I came across the following excerpt regarding a vault in the "Jewel Halls" ->







"The doors to this vault are of smoky grey laen and locked, Absurd (-70) to pick. The doors are also trapped, the trap being Sheer Folly (-50) to disarm. Behind the doors is a slab of granite one foot thick, inscribed with a 20th level Symbol of Fear. If the trap is disarmed, the slab slowly lowers into a slot in the floor, rendered harmless; it rises back up and locks into place after the doors are closed. If the trap is not disarmed, the doors slide back into their wall niches, revealing the rune."


"Laen" is, apparently, "a very rare, unbreakable volcanic glass".


It would have been enough to state that the vaults are protected by indestructible doors with locks impossible to bypass or walls that move only at the behest of the highest Elven magic, but the designer(s) went out of their way to assign hard statistics to these formidable barriers. Were they planning on Player Characters attempting to bust their way into a treasure trove in what is likely the greatest stronghold in the world (a feat which would require, at the very least, a small army)? A little bit of D&D in your Middle-Earth...I suppose.

Edited by Ragitsu
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The stats are necessary in case a character tries to break into the vault. It is possible for someone who has a high level of skill in Pick Locks and Disarm Traps or if the player rolls exceptionally well (rolls are open ended with varying levels of success and failure). I personally wouldn't include a heist in my Middle-earth games, but the players may have their own ideas.

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57 minutes ago, tkdguy said:

The stats are necessary in case a character tries to break into the vault. It is possible for someone who has a high level of skill in Pick Locks and Disarm Traps or if the player rolls exceptionally well (rolls are open ended with varying levels of success and failure). I personally wouldn't include a heist in my Middle-earth games, but the players may have their own ideas.


Even if the PCs manage to circumvent the defenses and take their fill (after betraying the hospitality of their hosts...we are assuming they were openly invited), they will then be hounded by peerless immortal warriors, trackers and mages (all of whom have a vested interest in retrieving priceless cultural artifacts). Could the consequences be considered "fun"?

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50 minutes ago, Ragitsu said:


Even if the PCs manage to circumvent the defenses and take their fill (after betraying the hospitality of their hosts...we are assuming they were openly invited), they will then be hounded by peerless immortal warriors, trackers and mages (all of whom have a vested interest in retrieving priceless cultural artifacts). Could the consequences be considered "fun"?


If they've been warned and they still do it, it's fair game. You reap what you sow.


Of course, that would be a Second Age adventure. Most Middle-earth games are set in the Third Age, where the surviving Elves of Eregion have long abandoned the area. So the consequences may not be too severe.

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I imagined a coastal clifftop with jagged rocks below and scattered trees up high. Between the trees is a woman in white sitting astride an impressive steed in motion with two flanking men (also on horseback...her protectors?); the trio are being chased by a half-dozen or more hooded brigands wearing a mixture of regular leather and studded leather armor.

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Gillabess/Gilabess/Jillahbess (Jill-ah-bess)











Soulscratch (monster name)






Angelharp (surname)





























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🦃 Gobbler II: Fowlest Kaiju - A Metahumans Rising Adventure
Gobbler returns to battle for Turkey Day supremacy after the hunt for the perfect family feast gives birth to a new threat, Hen Zero. Can the heroes save those trapped in the wake of these fowl beasts?
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Thanksgiving #Kaiju #GiantMonsters
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