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Re: Ctrl+V


On a failure, the spirit remains and

you must wait at least a week before

you can repeat the ritual. On a critical

failure, immediately roll 3d+10 on the

Fright Check Table (p. 360). Even if you

keep your sanity, you may never

attempt to exorcise this particular

spirit again.

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Re: Ctrl+V


What's that from?


Ugh, I should have answered this sooner.


It's a reply from a topic on the Order of the Stick Forum in regards to how, that, once a character reaches Skill 16 in GURPS, it is pointless to raise it further. In fact, it can be VERY worth it if your GM is hitting you with stiff penalties in high powered games that would cause *most* people to fail.

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Re: Ctrl+V




Real Name: Sif.

Occupation: Shieldmaiden, former fertility goddess.

Identity: The general populace of Earth does not believe Sif to be anything more than a mythological figure.

Legal Status: Princess of Asgard.

Other Aliases: Sif Goldenhair (a common epitaph), Violet Nordstrom (her alias on Earth).

Place of Birth: Vanaheim.

Marital Status: Separated.

Known Relatives: Thor (husband, separated), Uller (son by Odin; brother-in-law), Thrud (alias Trudy Nordstrom, daughter by Thor), Magni, Modi (step-sons), Odin (father-in-law), Balder, Hoder, Heimdall, Vidar, Bragi (brothers-in-law), Loki (foster brother-in-law), Freyja (foster sister-in-law), Frigga (step-mother-in-law).

Group Affiliation: Gods of Asgard.

Base of Operations: New York City, also Asgard and Vanaheim.

History: Sif grew to adulthood as one of the Vanir of Vanaheim, one of the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology. The Vanir are a sister race to the Aesir; together, the two represent the race of Asgardian gods (see Asgardians). Sif's parentage is unknown.


Sif was widely held to be one of the most beautiful of the Vanir, second only to Freyja (see Freyja). Unlike other Vanir women, however, Sif also learned the arts of warfare, although she preferred not to use those skills when less violent methods could suffice. Her beauty was apparent when she was just reaching adulthood; so much so that Odin, the ruler of the Aesir who was visiting Vanaheim, seduced her (see Odin). This union resulted in the birth of Sif's son, Uller.


During the brief war between the Aesir and the Vanir, Sif was due to fight a duel on a given morning with Odin's son, Thor (see Thor). Knowing that facing Odin's violent red-haired son in battle would mean her death, Sif decided on a different tactic. When the day of the duel dawned, both Sif and Thor were no-shows, due to them having spent the entire night together in his bed. This incident prompted Odin and the Vanir's leader, Njord, to set aside their differences and end the war (see Njord). Sif married Thor not long afterwards, and has been faithful to him ever since. On their wedding night, she placed her sword in a storage bin in their palace, and she embraced her role as a fertility and agricultural goddess. (These events are not known to present-day mythographers, having been lost in the purges of Norse lore by the spread of Christianity. Later mythographers mistakenly placed Sif amongst the Aesir.)


At one point, one of the pranks pulled by Loki, the god of mischief, went too far, and Sif's pride and joy – her mane of golden blond hair – was shaved off and destroyed (see Loki). (Some mythographers have indicated that Loki must have either seduced her or impersonated Thor in order to get close enough to pull this off, based on passages from his flyte, or "insult poem", from right before his imprisonment, when he claimed that she was not always faithful to Thor.) Due to Thor's not-so-subtle manhandling of Loki in retaliation, Loki bargained with the dwarves of Nidavallir to produce a mane of hair spun from pure gold, which took root and grew the moment it touched her scalp.


After the worship of the Norse gods came to an end, Sif continued to help raise Thor's children – two of whom, Magni and Modi, were Thor's sons by a different goddess, although some say their mother was a giantess (see Magni, Modi). Thor, on the other hand, grew more sullen and violent as time went on. It was only after Thor hit Sif in a drunken fit of anger that she left him, taking their daughter Thrud and his sons with her; Sif made sure that Thor saw she was taking her sword with her (see Thrud). Sif returned to Vanaheim, but not without regrets. While there she set aside her role as a fertility goddess, embracing her skill as a warrior.


Sif has recently appeared on Earth, living in an apartment off Central Park West in Manhattan with her daughter and stepsons, and going by the alias "Violet Nordstrom". She has been keeping close watch on Thor's activities, now that he is trapped in the body of a mortal, and has even come to his aid on a number of occasions. Recent discussions with Loki have led her to the conclusion that to release the god she loves, the mortal aspect he is trapped in must die. To this end, she has manipulated various foes of Thor's into combat with his mortal identity. Sif is not aware that Loki is manipulating her into killing her husband, as Thor's mortal and immortal sides cannot presently exist without each other.


Height: 6".

Weight: 650 lbs.

Eyes: Blue.

Hair: Golden blond.

Uniform: When entering or expecting combat, Sif wears a suit of mail with a custom-fitted breastplate. These appear to be made of Asgardian steel, which is three times as heavy and durable as normal steel. She often wears a green cloak attached to the breastplate's collar.

Strength Level: Sif possesses superhuman strength greater than that of a standard Asgardian goddess. She is able to lift (press) 35 tons (the average Asgardian goddess can only lift (press) 25 tons).

Known Superhuman Powers: Sif possesses the standard superhuman traits of an Asgardian goddess (see Asgardians). As an agricultural goddess, Sif possesses various powers over plants, causing them to grow quickly and to move as she directs. Since taking up the sword again, she rarely uses these powers, preferring to hold them in reserve unless necessary.

Other Abilities: Sif is an accomplished swordswoman and unarmed combatant.

Weapons: Sif wields an enchanted uru broadsword named Gatecleaver, which is capable of slicing through almost any material known to man or god, with the possible exception of adamantium. This sword weighs nine pounds (normal broadswords are three pounds), and has been enchanted to permit its wielder to pass between Asgard, Midgard (Earth), and Vanaheim with ease. She also wields a round shield made of the same material; the shield has not to date shown any magical traits.

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Re: Ctrl+V


>> He should. He showed up with people under his command. That's instant Status.


>Is it? I can see it as Rank.


And Rank gives you imputed Status.



>But Status is defined as a place in society, in the social pecking order. A bandit with a gang of thugs is not >the social equal of a baron.


Of course he isn't. Not only is the baron probably richer and certainly has more people answering to him, but the baron also doesn't have Social Stigma: Known Criminal.


>And besides, the social status of the officer-and-gentleman compared to that of his me, in the society that >established the norms which guide their behaviour towards one another might be larger than that implied for a >baron with a couple of dozen men-at-arms. Suppose, for example, that Edward, Prince of Wales and a platoon >of the Grenadier Guards got transported to Mars in 1916. To the guardsmen, he would be an enormously big >cheese, and getting him back to Earth would be hugely important.


The characters should be designed as they are in the Reference Society. So on Barsoom, Edward, Prince of Wales, will likely be accepted as someone important in some far-off place nobody has ever heard of, like in the Dreadnought Hoax http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadnought_hoax. He acts like he's someone important and he has a group of followers who attest to his importance, so the locals will likely accept that he's someone important in a place that doesn't matter to them. He ends up with a Status of maybe 2 or 3. Better if he manages to make time with a local princess. The platoon get a Sense of Duty to him and call it a day.

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