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Re: Ctrl+V


It seems it’s not just dismemberment of the legs; his body is torn in two, in a way that would be obviously fatal to a normal person (in picture 3 you can see some of his internal organs hanging out). How much damage does it take to tear someone in two? And what is needed to survive such a maiming?

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Re: Ctrl+V


Ignoring the notion of "sparks" that was later introduced to the series, do you think that Transformers should have AI or just Digital Mind? They appeared to be created by the super-computer deep within Cybertron, but I get the impression that they can't be reprogrammed in the AI sense, if at all.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Vigilance (supers revenant)

ST 13 (30) DX 11 (20) IQ 13 (60), HT 13 (30)


Doesn't Breathe (20), Eat (10), or Sleep (20). High Pain Threshold (10), Injury Tolerance - Unliving (20), Immunity to Metabolic Hazards (30), Legal Powers - Private Investagor (5), Regeneration-Instant (100), Unkillable II (100), Regrowth (40), Single-Minded (5), Terror (30), Unfazable (15). Supernatural .38 Revolver (See Below, 49).


Supernatural .38 Revolver: Innate Attack 2d pi (10 base), Affects Insubstantial (+20%), Ignores DR (Cosmic +300%), Increased Range 10x - 100/1000 yds (+30%), RoF 3 (50%), Extra Recoil -2 (-10%). Total 49 points.


Amnesia (-10), Bad Smell (-10), Compulsion-Patrolling (-5), Disturbing Voice (-10), Frightens Animals (-10), Honesty (-10), Lifebane (-10), Loner (-5), Numb (-20), No Body Heat (-5), Obsession- Justice (9, -15), Pallor (-10), Truthfulness (-5).



Area Knowledge- City 13 (1), Brawling-12 (2), Criminology-13 (2), Detect Lies-13 (4), Driving (Car)-12 (4), Forensics-12 (2), Innate Attack (Projectile)-12 (4), Interrogation-12 (1), Law (Criminal)-12 (2), Observation-12 (1), Search-14 (4), Shadowing-14 (4).



Flashlight, Handcuffs (2 sets), '88 Mustang.


Attributes 140

Advantages 454 points

Disadvantages -125 points

Skills 31

Total 500 points


Vigilance was an investigator that was murdered while investigating a serial killer. He didn't stay dead, though. Minutes after his death, he awoke missing significant chunks of his memory (probably from having his brain blown out) but with a burning passion to bring justice to the lawless.


He does not remember his former life, though as a pretty good investigator, he's pieced together who he was and what he used to do. Since being policeman wasn't really an option, he's been pulling duty as a bounty hunter. It appeals to his sense of justice (tracking down fugitives) and since his needs are very modest (basically no needs other than buying equipment) he's effectively pretty well off.


Vigilance is pretty unstoppable (worse than the Terminator) and has a tendency to obsess. Lawless/wanted PCs could easily end up hunted by him!


Most Supers might think they can laugh off his pistol - but it's very supernatural. It doesn't run out of bullets, it cannot be taken away, and it completely ignores DR. Fortunately, Vigilance will not use it unless provoked (policeman mentality).

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Re: Ctrl+V


Bad Smell actually basically mentions that those that feed on carrion might be ATTRACTED to those with the Disadvantage.


Frightening animals that want to eat you isn't much of a disadvantage




This paragraph seems to make no sense unless you are confusing Justin and Elliot therein.

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Re: Ctrl+V


jura va gur pbhefr bs uhzna riragf vg orpbzrf arprffnel gb qvffbyir gur cbyvgvpny obaqf juvpu unf uryq vg gb nabgure


sbhe fpber naq frira lrnef ntb bhe sbersnguref frg sbe ba guvf pbagvarag n arj angvba, pbaprvirq va yvoregl, naq qrqvpngrq gb gur cebcbfvgvba gung nyy zra ner perngrq rdhny.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Frightening animals that want to eat you isn't much of a disadvantage


Who said only animals would be attracted to the smell (also, note that there is nothing that says only those that wish to eat the character will be attracted) ;)?


Anyhow, game designers can't conceive every combination of every Trait. If the points given back are too much, then feel free to decrease the severity of a given Disadvantage in a combination.




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