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Re: Ctrl+V


"Think of the most peace loving thing you can friend, how cute'n'soft and non-violent and pretty. Now throw that idea clean out the window cause that's bout as far a thing from super muties as you can get. They ain't somethin ya wanna take home to momma, that's fer sure. Get ready for a fight, it's ain't gonna be pretty."

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Re: Ctrl+V


The mob doesn't heed your words. In fact, it seems to reaffirm that what they're doing is right.


There's a loud crack! as you fire the heavy rifle, the sound of the shot echoing around the town square. The bullet misses its intended target by about 6 inches. A spray of blood comes from the edge of the crowd as the bullet strikes the child who brought the rope in the forehead, sending bits of shattered bone, mangled brain, and hair that is sticky with blood flying in every direction. The small entry wound is deceptive - as the young boy falls face first into the dirt, you can see that the entire back of his head has been blown away. The bullet doesn't stop there, however. It fires clean through the right arm of a man standing behind the boy and then lodges itself in the left arm of a woman behind him.


Screams of pain, horror, and fear come up from the crowd. "Alan!" The man on the stage shouts. "He killed Alan - he killed my son! I told you he was a harrier! Kiiiillll him!" A frightening number of people in the crowd raise knives, sticks, tools and axes, wading their way through the more stunned onlookers towards you.




Ooooooh, crap. I hit the kid, I hit the kid. GODDAMNIT!


"Come Kai. Time to run!"


James turns and runs like Hell.


This is why I don't like crowds.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The blast door between Hairy and the main entrance room slides shut; Hairy begins to struggle into the vacc suit like a man possessed. Several of the techs assist him, which speeds the process somewhat.


In the right-hand airlock, Tim is aware of the inner airlock door sliding shut behind him. His vacc suit goes from being slack on his body to fully inflated, as the HUD inside the visor indicates outside air pressure dropping rapidly to zero. As it reaches the zero mark, the outer airlock door begins to edge open.


"Okay, Tim," says Colonel Jackson over his suit radio. "I'll give you a count from five. When I say go, you're up. And for God's sake pull your hands back quickly once you let it go, because I'm overriding the safety interlocks. Those doors are going to close fast." She pauses. "Starting ... now. Five. Four. Three. Two. One ... Go!"


As she says the last word, the blast doors slide open smoothly to leave a three-foot wide gap. Outside is the lunar surface, giving way to a concrete apron before the airlock doors. On the apron are twenty or so robots, holding firearms in a rough approximation of military readiness. Fortunately for Tim, they are all looking at the other airlock door as the squat tracked form of the tunnelling machine lumbers slowly toward it, drill bits already spinning up.


Unfortunately, the motion catches the attention of some of them ...

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Re: Ctrl+V


"This is Constable Christopher Carter. Lemme tell you about our situation!" he begins, an odd amalgam of joy and frustration. "There're these... these... things on the television. I was stationed here to watch this guy me and Finlay picked up, and then one of the nurses attacked me! I'd definately say we've got a bloody situation! Get me through to the precinct; there're sick and injured people who need to get out, and I don't know how many more of these things are roamin' around the halls lookin' to take a bite outta me!"

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Re: Ctrl+V


The transparent cover to Roberta's cryotube begins sliding shut. When it reaches the far end of the tube, it seals and then Roberta feels the blue goop filling up the tube. The level rises far more quickly than she had expected, the chemically-induced cold soaking into her bones even before it passes her hips. By the time it reaches her neck, her body is already beginning to float free; the design of the tube ensures that she will float at an angle in almost the precise centreline of the tube.


It's cold.


Even as she begins to gasp from the sheer chill of it, the level of the blue goop reaches her face ... and covers it.


Intellectually, she knows that this is intentional; the best results come from the test subjects inhaling the goop so as to ensure an even interpenetration of all bodily tissues. But it feels far too much like drowning for her instincts to ever be comfortable with it.


But there's one other fact that she knows.


Her body will go into cryogenic stasis long before she ever drowns.


As she slips over the edge, the first human being to undergo reversible cryogenic stasis, she makes one final discovery.


Eternity is blue.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The logical part of Roberta mind said this was different. That this time, it would be alright.


Unfortunately, the logical part of her brain had been far overwhelmed with the memories of Roberta crawling on her belly through the devastation of the base, wishing she could find anything to cut her own leg off at the hip to stop the agony. In truth, she had even been more than a little tempted to sever it between two pieces of jagged concrete, only Tranquillity managed to stop her.


The pain had been blinding, and all because she had trusted someone else to safeguard her while she went into an unnatural slumber. The fault was not theirs...but nor could the memories be forgotten just because it was once again in her best interest to do so.


Roberta took a giant...half step shuffle into the theatre.


She could operate on anyone else. Put them to sleep and do her job. She had been doing her job for the last thirteen years while her patients *slept*.


But this was different.


As a doctor, she had the control.


She doubted she could ever relinquish that control again.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Nick Knight rested his fingertips on the smooth keys and waited. He remembered his entire repertoire--all but one. He'd managed to play only a few measures of the distantly familiar piece, but worse yet, he still couldn't remember its name. Maybe he was trying too hard. He closed his eyes and willed himself to relax.


And he played.


He heard the music before he realized his hands were moving. Smiling, he watched his fingers work the keyboard as if they were controlled by someone else. The tune was beautiful, a lilting melody called . . . called . . .


"Fur Elise. Ludwig Van Beethoven." Lucien LaCroix spoke the words with a precise German accent. He stood behind and slightly to the right of his most beloved creation. "Your memories *are* almost complete . . . wunderbar."


The ancient vampire turned and walked toward the center of the room. He sat at one end of the couch and refilled his stemmed glass from a bottle on the table in front of him. Sipping the blood-wine mixture, he enjoyed the music, noting that Nicholas was playing the piece as well as he ever had. He closed his eyes and tried not to think about what that meant. They had not spent this much time together in so long, first the day at the Raven and now the evening in Nick's loft, and LaCroix dreaded it coming to an end, though he knew it would. If only for the next few minutes, he intended to glory in the fact that he was with his Nicholas, and that Nicholas welcomed him there.


When Nick was finished, he turned from the piano and headed toward LaCroix. As he threw himself down in an adjacent chair he laughed, his eyes locking with his master's.

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