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"So officious and preoccupied with contracts was he that he earned the name 'Paper Tyrant' behind his back."

"I imagine he was not fond of that appellation."

"No, he was not. Soon enough the mouths that mocked most learned that even paper can cut."

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So on Fox News Sunday, Mulvaney tried to explain that op-ed by saying, “I really did believe that at the time. The stories are told back that up were true. I’ve seen the president be presidential before and I know that he has the ability to do it. He did it every single day. I don’t know what’s different.”

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Martial Arts In Metahumans Rising Part 26: Balintawak (Street) Eskrima
It's not just for the Bat Family, Eskrima has a long history in spandex. Balintawak Eskrima has a storied history of its own. This week we explore this weapons first martial art that has become ingrained in comics culture.
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #MartialArts #Eskrima #FMA
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In 2019 we released Metahumans Rising, an RPG inspired by comic books and superheroes. Now we are ramping up for our next Kickstarter: House of Steel.
This is a world book providing a host of new tools, from a fully realized setting to expanded power options, and a pair of adventures to help expand your game world.
We are planning some really cool stuff with this next book, and we hope you come along for the ride. The Kickstarter pre-launch page is available now.
If you want to support our work, follow on the page. We have some amazing stuff lined up for this book and we look forward to you joining us.
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Kickstarter
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Returning from the bazaar, Husar saw his favorite niece sitting on a low stone fence, idly tossing pebbles into the dirt. Her face was drawn, the corners of her mouth turned down. She looked as if she had swallowed a pitcher of sour milk. What is the matter, my child? asked the elder. Jamilia threw another stone and watched the dirt settle around it. Nothing. Very well, replied Husar. He straightened the cowl around his slim shoulders. Be sure to leave some stones for the other sullen children. He turned to leave. Wait, Said Jamilia. She tossed her black, silken hair behind her shoulders. Husar paused. He looked down his strong, aquiline nose at her. Yes? I failed my history examination today, she said, running tapered fingers over the stones cemented in the fence. My instructor said I must take it again. Then you have nothing to feel bad about, said Husar. Apply yourself diligently, and you are certain to pass the examination in your second attempt. But I do not want to study history. It is a waste of time. I have no use for so many facts. Husar settled down beside his petite niece. Hear this story, my child. It is about two twin boys, Umar and Karim. In appearance, they could not have been more similar, boasting chiseled features and strong bodies worthy of a sultan. But in outlook, they could not have been more different. Umar loved books and learning. By age two, he could identify birds by the sound of their songs. By age six, he could speak three languages. Karim, however, had no use for such things. He reacted so violently to his parents efforts to teach him reading and writing that they eventually gave up. Karim took pride in his ignorance, declaring that experience was a far better teacher than books, and that his brother was a fool for wasting his life stuffing his head with useless information. By the time the twins reached adolescence, their dispositions had manifested themselves physically. Umars head had doubled in size, becoming as large as a boulder. It was a marvelous thing; at will, Umar could command his head to inflate with air and carry him into the sky. So tough was his skull that it could batter down stone walls; in fact, when Umar breached the enemys castle by pummeling it with his head, he won the Siege of Essafah al-Ibahs. Karim, sadly, suffered a much different fate. His head withered and shrank, taking on the appearance of a rotten apple. His skull became as soft as mud. He died in a storm when a strong wind snapped his head from his neck and carried it away. Jumilia looked at her uncle incredulously. She cupped her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. I have listened to many of your fantastic tales, she said, but none so fantastic as this. Is it really true? No, admitted Husar. But it might as well be.

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Diversionary Tactics - A Metahumans Rising One Shot
Heroes race against time to as a villain targets the city's infrastructure.
Also, follow our Pre-Launch page for the upcoming House of Steel Kickstarter!
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Adventure 
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Light And Reflection, A Team Origin Part 5
The trio face their greatest challenge yet, the public, as we reach the climax of Light and Reflection.
Also, make sure to follow our upcoming Kickstarter: House of Steel as the world of Metahumans Rising is about to get a whole lot bigger.
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Fiction #TeamOrigin
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