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Re: Ctrl+V


Political Correctness Gone Mad: Search-Replace "Black" with "African American"


"A local columnist wrote about Florida's spring wild-flowers, including the 'African American-eyed Susans'"

Tv Tropes

Sounds racist to me, assuming that every reference to "Black" must be a reference to an "African American person". *Snerk*

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Re: Ctrl+V



The police not enforcing the law means you try to get the officer arrested for breaking the law. (It is the law that the police have to enforce the law.)


There is no place I am aware of that has any such law.


("Sunrunners Fire" was posting to another forum)

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Re: Ctrl+V


My favorite quote on IMDB (from the Tears of the Sun message board).


TheDiesel: "Two black guys on a SEAL team? The chances of that is impossible, this film should be banned."


cinaman88-1: Dude you're *beep* dumb, "this film should be banned" What? Are you some damn racist bitch? And what is this about 2 black men in a SEAL team being too much? You truly are stupid, i've seen seen platoons with many Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, everything...but Black or White, these SEALs will fuc king kick your KKK-wannabe ass"

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Re: Ctrl+V


My favorite quote on IMDB (from the Tears of the Sun message board).


TheDiesel: "Two black guys on a SEAL team? The chances of that is impossible, this film should be banned."


cinaman88-1: Dude you're *beep* dumb, "this film should be banned" What? Are you some damn racist bitch? And what is this about 2 black men in a SEAL team being too much? You truly are stupid, i've seen seen platoons with many Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, everything...but Black or White, these SEALs will fuc king kick your KKK-wannabe ass"

...Recognize Sarcasm Critical Failure.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Mike O'Neill


Mike gives a primal shout of rage and terror as he shoots the cleaver-wielding man in the chest. When he hits the ground, Mike kicks him in the head, as hard as he can, before diving down himself, looking for any sign of the other man from beneath the truck, ready to shoot if the opportunity presents itself.


HP 10/11 Will 10 Per 10 FP 12 Shotgun 12, Brawling 12 16 rounds left


Thank you for the common sense vote





Jacob recognizes his chance. He saw the woman being attacked and he is mad now, very mad. He dashes out from cover straight for the corner and will release 1-2 shots at the corner trying just to make the masonry spray out from the hits until he can make the corner. When he does he will continue to run past it turning to shoot whomever is at taking cover there.


DX: 12 Per: 14 BS: 5.5 BM: 5 Dodge: 8

Bad Temper, Sense of Duty (protect others)

Brawling: 15 Guns (Pistols): 14 Running: 10 Soldier: 14





Seeing Jacob once again on the move, Brandon narrows his eyes and concentrates intensely on the forward sights of the revolver, waiting for his chance to fire again on the assailant at the far end should he show his face again.


HP 10/10 FP 12/12

Will 12 / Perception 12

Speed 5.5

Guns (Handgun) - 12



Jacob bolts from behind cover, another trio of shots joining his own two to fully drive the man into hiding--and what's more, Brandon's second shot seems to have actually landed a hit! Temper flaring and emotion taking the reigns, Jacob rounds the corner, and is faced with the shooter in close proximity--a man draped in a heavy duty garb that appears to be a lead apron, wearing a small gas mask over his nose and mouth, and a pair of shooting glasses.


Finding him mid-withdraw, the man wheels on Jacob, raising a weapon attached to a shoulder strap and dropping to one knee as Jacob levels his magnum. Soldier's instincts and common sense manage to squeeze past his blinding temper--and he aims for the head, rather than the dented-up armored drape covering the man's body. The shot is made in haste, however--though it does manage to still hit, clipping the shooter in his right shoulder.


Jacob hears first the rapid crackle-snap of a burst started at his direction, though it cuts off with a loud CLICK after only a few rounds have been fired off! Jacob fires again, and the man's head whips backwards, sending him with a slight hop from his crouched stance onto his back, head cracking loudly against the pavement. Then the euphoric endorphins and adrenaline wane just a touch, and Jacob feels shock settling rapidly into place as his legs seem to give out from under him, consciousness growing bleary.


Mike pauses to deliver a sharp kick to the downed groaning man, eliciting a wet crack and silencing him. He then drops prone in a hurry, gaze darting around, and seeing towards the rear end of the trailer the woman still being dragged, struggling, along. With a sharp careful breath and a white-knuckled grasp on his shotgun, Mike waits for, and sees, an opening--and fires on the man's feet.


He misses. The buckshot plinks a peppered spray into the pavement underfoot. The man hops in surprise. Mike's opportunity has been spent. The woman's feet return to the ground...then bolt away from the man's! Brandon glances behind him in time to see the woman, hysterical, running as fast as she can away from the semi, screaming. Mike pumps his 12 gauge for another shot, and the booted feet of the man leap upward--and don't come back down.


Jacob makes a run from cover to charge the gunman, and receives three sources of covering fire plus his own pair of shots. Brandon scores a hit with a 6, and between the salvo, the gunman fully withdraws from firing upon the group, driven back.


Jacob pursues the gunman, fires off a round which is a near miss, but still strikes him. The man begins a burst on Jacob, neglecting to have kept proper track of his own remaining ammunition, and runs out soon into the burst. Jacob scores a 4 for his return shot, landing it between the man's eyes soundly, before Jacob notices that he has been hit several times. Jacob has taken 10 points of damage, and succeeded his HT roll with a 5 to avoid death or other 'grievous' consequences--apart from the fact that he has three bullets in him, that is.


Evan, Raymond and Brandon see Jacob collapse--his head and shoulders sticking out from around the corner.


Mike hears the man groan on the ground, then a loud wet crack with the kick to his head, landing it with a 6. Mike aims at the man's feet, fires when the woman is mid-struggle, and misses. The woman escapes the man's hold, and runs for it. The man jumps out of sight and doesn't land, apparently.


Edit: Durrr, forgot to mention that Jacob's bleeeeeding.






Jacob's heart races as he makes the corner thinking, 'That bastard is going to die! Run! Run faster!' Sliding around the corner, 'Damn shot wide, adjust aim.' The blood sprays, "YES the fuckers dead!" Jacob yells then something is wrong, he's been hit. Jacob's knees gets weak, 'Oh god the pain, they never trained you for that.' Jacob falls to the ground, weakly saying, "Guys hel....", as he passes out.


DX: 12 Per: 14 HP: 0/10 FP: 9/10

BS: 5.5 BM: 5 Dodge: 8

Rapid healing ;)


.357 has 4 shots remaining in it (12 total)





Brandon sees his second shot seem to hit the man, causing him to withdraw around the corner, but as Jacob pursues him and a smattering of gunfire breaks out from the far side of the building, and Jacob collapses in full view of the others, Brandon's spirits sink.


"Evan, go back up Mike. Ray, come with me!" Brandon, shouting at the others, reaches into the car for his large paramedic's kit, and sprints without regard for cover toward the far corner of the building, revolver in his right and the kit swinging wildly in the left. Reaching the edge of the building, he pauses for a moment, and then bursts around the corner, looking for any sign of the shooter. Finding him prone on the ground and surrounded by blood, Brandon immediately drops his revolver beside Jacob and drops to one knee, opening up the kit.


"Just stay calm, Jake," he says, in as calm a voice as he can manage himself, which may be little consolation. "You killed him, and Mike and Evan have the other guy taken care of. We're safe. The woman's safe. Just relax." He quickly disinfects the area, and then gets to work with a thin pair of surgical forceps, trying to remove the bullets before administering painkillers and tying off any major blood vessels that were damaged.


HP - 10/10 FP - 12/12 Will 12 / Perception 12

Speed 5.5

First Aid 16, Physician 13, Physiology 14, Pharmacy 13.



Brandon administers medical attention to Jacob, though he's fighting against spurts of blood and a rapidly fading consciousness. Jacob passes out altogether while receiving the pep talk, given respite into blissful darkness for the time being--away from the pain, particularly that of the forceps digging into his flesh for those slugs.


Mike continues to scan for the third man, only to suddenly heard the loud BANG of a not-well-off exhaust system, black smog billowing out from behind the building. With a roar of acceleration, and a squeal of tires, Brandon glances to the side to see the armored-up van from earlier wheel around the corner on his side of the building. It pauses for a moment, then white smoke pours from the tires as the driver floors it!



Brandon manages a 6, 9, and 7 for his medical attention rolls so far. He has stopped most of the bleeding. Jacob takes 2 more hit points of damage.




Jacob HP: -2/10






Brandon feels ice cold panic flood into his veins as the armored van roars to life and takes off toward him and the helpless Jacob. He grabs the gun in one hand, and hooks both his arms under Jacob's armpits, attempting to drag him back around the corner to the "south" side of the store before the truck can run the two of them down.


HP - 10/10 FP - 12/12 Will 12 / Perception 12

Strength 10, Health 12.




Mike O'Neill


Mike stands up and runs for the armored car, breathing heavily and swearing as he does. He tries to take aim and shoot out one of the tires before it can run Brandon and Jacob down.


Shotgun 12, aiming, Running 12

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Re: Ctrl+V


External Style


Grave Lucid



Brief History:

When you were younger you bounced from job to job. When you could finally afford a car you found out just how much you like driving. It took a while but eventually you got a gig as an armored car driver. Cabs were a sure fire way of getting killed and you lacked the credentials to get a job driving limos so it was a nice median. Yeah it looked dangerous but it was armored right? It was only going to be until you could get a better job as a chuffer or something. That was six years ago. Its funny how someone can slide into a career they never expected.


It was a run like any other, bank A, B, C and D and done. Somewhere between B and C the shooting started. Not the first time but it was heavy, automatic fire. Turning down a side street you didn’t realize you were being herded. The last thing you heard was the sound of an explosion. The seatbelt ripped, or did it burn? Back to the ceiling then through the shattered clear polymer, safe up to fifteen hundred degrees. The fire was so hot you thought your eyes might have melted but as you landed you could see them gunning down the guards in the back. Clamoring to a rain gutter and puddle your body gave out with a hiss. Death was waiting for you but you weren’t ready. On a long highway you rigged a broken down car screaming back into the Maw of Tiergarten down the allies you passed the banks and the bodies of the dead until you found your own corpse and demanded it wake up. And you did. The Templar found you in the ally still fighting to hold on.


The burns on your body seem to slowly shift and morph from circles to daggers.


Always a fast one, the Templar have taught you to use this speed and how to not be afraid anymore. The powers of the Grave have given you a strength you never knew in life and a resiliency that makes you feel almost safe.


With your External Style you can quickly switch from fighting single opponents to small groups with ease.

Play Style:

Light Crowd Control, your fast and the Grave makes you deadly. Taking out groups of people comes easy for you.

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Re: Ctrl+V




Well, tone and inflection aren't always easy to read on the internet, especially considering quite a few folks don't care about grammar and the like. I tend to start off believing people, unless their words are positively dripping with sarcasm, or they have a well known reputation.


(That wasn't a jab at you, but a legitimate observation).

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