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Re: Ctrl+V


Ascepaline (TL10)

This drug accelerates cellular regeneration. Anyone

using it regenerates 1 HP every four hours. Each dose lasts

a day. A week should elapse before using it again. If not, roll

vs. HT+2 the second time it was taken, HT+1 the third, etc.

Failure means the user’s natural ability to heal without the

drug is permanently damaged: the user gains Unhealing

(Partial) (p. B160). He may still use Ascepaline, however.

$20/dose. LC3

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Re: Ctrl+V


Jacob bolts for a covered advance on the shooter, body on fire from chemicals streaming through it, muscles burning as he pushes all out for speed. The glint vanishes around the corner for a moment, before the figure ducks just far enough out from behind it to fire upon Jacob with a different weapon.


The crackling snapping sound that follows is joined by a flurry of pockmarks appearing scattered around Jacob's feet and path in the pavement, tufts of dust and chips of debris plinking off! He reaches cover, and by virtue of perhaps luck alone if not his evasive efforts, was not hit along the way--but he seems to have the shooter's attention now.


I'm going to be handling combat and the like in spurts of time, as otherwise going second by second with each post this would obviously take quite a long while. Jacob successfully rolled for running, dodge, and soldier for what is effectively a survival cocktail. The shooter has switched to some sort of automatic weapon.




Evan Douglas


Evan rolls out the side door of the Taurus and takes cover behind it, keeping his head down. "Where's it coming from?" he asks, only to have his question answered by a burst of automatic weapon fire. He looks over the trunk of the Taurus and tries to draw a bead on Jacob's attacker.


How big is this parking lot? Am I out of range with the .38? If so Evan will try to stay hidden behind the Taurus until he thinks he can get to cover along the wall of the store. Where is this semi exactly in relation to us? I don't know about you guys, but I'm a huge fan of MS Paint diagrams in times like this.


HP 10/10 Will 13 Per 11 FP 10/10 12 - Guns: Pistol DX/Easy




This'll have to do until I get a better imaging solution reinstalled, I recently rebuilt my PC:


| GROCERY STORE | [] Semi Truck | /---------------\ | [] Shooter x+=====+ Jacob x +=====+ # Parking Lot # Taurus

You're just shy of 180ft away from the gunman at the Taurus.


You're a little under 75ft away from the Semi Truck around the corner.




Mike O'Neill


Mike checks that the shotgun is loaded and, as Jacob takes a burst of fire from the man on the far side of the building, runs towards the gap between the truck and the grocery store. He has done a few rash things in his time, but nothing quite like this. All the anger, terror and sadness of the last few days overflow as he sprints as fast as he can towards where he last saw the lady.


He hopes there's only one man on this side of the store, hopefully still with his hands full subduing the lady.


Mike's going to run to the gap between truck and wall (can I assume that the lady was taken from the far side of the truck?), and if I'm not dead by then dive to the ground and try to see if I can shoot the guy's feet - provided I can get a clear shot without hitting the lady. Otherwise, I hope one of the guys comes through.


HP 10/11 Will 10 Per 10 FP 12 Shotgun 12, Running 12 (if applicable)





With the .22 revolver and its three shots held uneasily on both hands, Raymond rolls out of the Taurus and takes cover behind it, watching the other men who looked to have done something like this before running directly into the fray.


"This is crazy this is c-crazy this is c-c-crazy," he mumbles, trying to look over the Taurus at their assailants without getting shot, identifying the sources of danger before they get a chance to surprise him.


They're covering the car in holes, if it rains...NO, not the time to think about that. Try to remember what the guys taught you about shooting a gun- controlled breathing, aim with both eyes open, pull the trigger between heartbeats; they didn't say my heart would be going this god damn fast! Shit, just do something, say something.


"U-u-um, I'll c-cover you!" he cries out, the first useful thing he can think of in this chaos.


I don't even know if I'm within the range of this pistol, but I'll try to squeeze off a shot, aimed as best I can, at anyone or anything to pops up from the left primarily. I don't want to risk shooting the woman.


ST 10 DX 10 IQ 12 HT 10 HP 10 Will 11 Per 11 (-1) FP 9/9 (-1) Dodge 8 Parry 8 Bad Temper (15) Necrophobia (12) Body Language - 12 (-1 Per) Brawling - 10 Gesture - 13 Guns: Pistol - 10 Running - 10





Brandon merely slows down the car as the others leap out, Jacob toward their sniper assailant, Mike toward the woman in the semi, and the others to lay down covering fire for Jacob's advance.


He pulls the car up until it nearly touches the wall of the grocery store, forming line of hard cover behind which Ray and Evan can hide. Keeping his head down, he snatches the keys from the ignition and leaps out of the shotgun seat onto the pavement on his belly.


Getting up, he takes cover behind the car and points his revolver toward the far end of the store, ready to figure should the figure peek out from behind the corner again.




HP 10/10 FP 12/12 Will 12 / Perception 12 Speed 5.5 Guns (Handgun) - 12




Mike sprints across the lot soon after Jacob, though in a different direction, beelining for the gap between the semi and building. Evan and Raymond both squeeze off rounds towards the gunman in an attempt to keep him shied from firing upon Mike--the latter of the two taking much more time to aim, but neither seeming to hit their assailant, especially at this range for small arms.


Jacob manages to advance along the grocery store's entryway pillars with good cover, though a periodic round plinks off of tiles and concrete in his general vicinity, seemingly meant to try and dissuade him from further advance upon their source. Surprisingly, few rounds seem to make their way to the Taurus itself--but the last of the next sprayed burst yields a loud pop in response, with the sedan suddenly lurching downward against the front driver-side rim as the tire is blown through.


Mike heel-and-toes his way into the shadow of the building, but halfway to bellying down on the ground he notes the rather abrupt presence of a -third- figure, a man wearing a heavy duty black rubber butcher's apron down the full length of his body, a gas mask, and wielding a blood-stained cleaver in his gloved right hand. He charges at O'Neill, who finds prime cause to engage his shotgun at hand. The 12 gauge booms in the tight confines, and the man's legs sweep out from under him as his chest is sent backwards, peppered with buckshot.


Brandon aims, and waits patiently. When the gunman pops back around to fire upon Jacob once again, he fires in turn with his new revolver. The shot goes wide, but it causes the gunman to hesitate this time, creating a window of opportunity--albeit however brief it may be--for Jacob.



Two attempts of covering fire at far range for the weapon reach, one marginal success and one failure. Jacob is able to advance from cover to cover with little window for the gunman to fire upon him at present. However, getting from the last pillar to the corner where he is positioned--a distance of about 35 feet--will be entirely out in the open.


The Taurus has taken five stray rounds, one of which has successfully flattened the front driver side tire. Mike makes it to the side of the building between bursts, but is interrupted while shifting positions down to prone by the arrival of a third hostile individual, where I've deferred the common sense that he'd utilize his shotgun at hand. Mike scores a hit on an 8, delivers his damage, and it is sufficient to send the man prone.


Mike, Brand, Evan and Raymond have all used up a round of ammunition.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Oh, I thought it was so obvious. The show leads you to believe:


Survivors from a plane crash - caused by an escaped electromagnetic burst due to random numbers not being punched into a 1970's mainframe stemming from a 30 year old incident caused by an hbomb explosion they themselves set off - are miraculously healed on their new island home before being visited by ghostly apparitions of loved ones, attacked by an ethereal smoke creature, kidnapped and accosted by murdering indigenous others led by an ageless 400+ year old man, transported through time, escaping said island, returning to said island at the behest of battling demigods, watched the dead resurrect, and in the end saving the entire world by plugging up the egyptian hole in the glowing cave...





Plane passengers living out their daily, mundane lives in Los Angeles before experiencing bouts of weird deja vu and coincidental meetings...


= FAKE, constructed Limbo way station en route to eternal life



See how easy that is?

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Re: Ctrl+V


She's still at it... sweet little sixteen wants to play head-games? Okay, then. Too bad my wing-man isn't here. Oh well, Mitch's loss.


He considered Chrysine's stance for a moment, and continued to watch as he replied, speaking to Angie without looking directly at her. "Sure, she's got a fox-tail, but Chrysine's mostly human -- look at her stance: she's got her feet planted the same as anyone else who shoots pool. But the important thing to remember is that tail was engineered -- so it might have been designed to do that. "


Angie turned to look at him, and started to reply, but Dave wasn't finished yet. "The only to be really sure would be a controlled study with clades and baseline humans. You'd have to figure out how to monitor the vestigial tail muscles and coccyx bones in the baseline humans. Electrodes are too intrusive -- maybe a functional MRI scan would work. You should write up a proposal; I bet you'd get a grant. Maybe even a full-paid scholarship."

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