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Re: Ctrl+V


June 22nd, 1:34 P.M.


Spending the better part of the morning and early afternoon, you continue to scavenge and scrounge wherever you can amidst the suburban sprawl. Though you cover more homes with the help of the daylight conditions, this expedition does not seem quite so fortuitous as last night's endeavor--and most of the households you explore seem to have already been well picked clean by others before you.


Owing to Jacob's apparent knack for digging up useful goods, though, routinely checking in out of the way and out of the ordinary nooks and crannies seems to be the most common route for hitting paydirt. More than a dozen dwellings are turned out and strip-searched from within, yielding five more canned consumables, six more gallons of 'safe' drinking water, and beneath a loose floorboard of one kitchen in particular, you discover a warm dusty six-pack of beer.


Brandon is sifting through a large old trunk when he comes upon a small wooden case with a metal latch. Inside, in rather perfect condition, is a classic Colt Single-Action Army Revolver against a velvet enclosure. Accompanying the firearm are several medals and honors, an old photograph of a man in uniform, and a small box with thirty rounds inside of it.


June 22nd, 2:41 P.M.


John happens upon a small library nestled in the den of another home, snatching up several classical story collections as well as a copy of Grey's Anatomy. Evan discovers what literally amounts to a cardboard box full of miscellaneous electronics parts--circuit boards and the like, with a soldering iron on top. Unfortunately, the iron -is- run off of an electrical plug. Nonetheless, the find could very well provide invaluable components for electronics repair and modifications for a while.


Raymond treads into the realm of coincidence--and discovers at a bedside nightstand one of his own works, with a bookmark lingering sadly just shy of what he would consider the 'best part' of the literature. Raymond also comes upon a dark blue towel which for whatever reason seems to really catch his eye.


Finally, your search does scrounge amidst medicine cabinets--though they too, again, have been largely picked clean. Two bottles of aspirin, a box of band-aids, some burn ointment, two tubes of toothpaste, floss and other sundries are found--as well as a large Sam's Club value sized bottle of mint mouthwash.


Stepping out onto the littered porch of the last home, you've finished with this side of town and this neighborhood. The sky is cloudless, utterly--and it would seem, to the best of your awareness, that you could well have a fully clear day to 'work with'. It's not so hot as it had been before--and having gone for at least this stretch without adrenaline pouring through your systems is a welcome respite.


A poorly muffled engine rumbles in the distance, off towards the northern edge of town--where the Wal-Mart lies. Scrambling for the range-finders, you manage just in time to see what looks like an armored car covered in barbed wire sputtering off to the northeast away from the back of Wal-Mart, belching black exhaust fumes in its wake.



Scrounging of 11, and a few 'luck' rolls in there for good measure. You're noticing distinctly diminishing returns scavenging in this city now--and earlier successes suggest to have been a streak of luck, rather than a dependable norm.

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Farming People: The average Farming Person is rather tall, standing 5’8” to 6’ for men, 5’6” to 5’9” for women, and in excellent physical shape, both strong and hardy. They’re also rather colorful, with skin (and hair) colors ranging from dead black to pure white, and just about everything in between. The most common colors are blue, green, and red, with some yellow and purple. Hair color usually matches skin tones, but not always.


Hunting People: Shorter then Farming People, Hunting People average about 5’4”-5’6” for females and 5’7”-5’9” for males, with lithe and supple builds. They have classic anime “cat-girl” looks—vertical pupils, cat’s ears, sharp teeth, tails, and so on. They tend to have pale to white hair and tanned/bronzed-skinned bodies (they aren’t furred). Hunting People are always fit in appearance and exotically attractive.


Leaping People: Averaging 5’6” to 5’8”, Leaping People are a race of humanoid rats/ferrets/kangaroo rats. Noted for their agility (although not as agile as the Hunting People), Leaping People are, as their name implies, great leapers, able to clear distances of 9 to 10 feet (or more) from a standing start. Their bodies are furred and very slender. They also have human-like hair on their heads, thin, smooth-furred tails, and legs that digitigrade.


Giant People: Humanoids that stand upwards of 10 feet in height. They are covered in hair and look like a cross between a chimpanzee and a gorilla. At best guess, a Giant Person is a form of early simian, perhaps a Gigantoithecus. Giant People raid settlements for crops, livestock, and people, and will eagerly eat anything they catch.


Water People: Also known as Undines, they have the heads, arms, and torsos of humans (some have pointed ears), with finely-scaled fishtails. These tails are brightly colored with a broad horizontal fin at the base. Skin and hair tend to be fair in color, although the hair might be greenish or bluish. Water People breath air and are a sign of “safe” water for bathing, swimming, and the like.




Running People are tall (easily 6’) brown-skinned humans with pale hair, long legs, and long ears on their heads. Common wisdom is to never challenge one (or accept a challenge) to a footrace. Running people come from the Center lands.


The forests towards the Center are inhabited by the Forest People. They appear as green-skinned Farming People and live in the trees.


The forests also contain the vaguely-described “Beast People.”


Gnomes are short (no more than 5’ tall) humanoids with broad, muscular builds. They have grayish skins with red, brown, black, or gray hair. Also known as the Burrowing or Mining People they dwell under ground and trade ore and finished metal goods for foodstuffs. The PCs immediately think “dwarves” upon hearing about them.


Naga, or Serpent People, are rumored to dwell in the Forests. They have humanoid upper bodies and the lower bodies of huge snakes.


Goblins, or Night People. These are small humanoids who prowl about when the sun goes down. They are said to steal livestock, steal harvests, kill the unwary, and eat the dead. They are also known as Night Thieves, Eaters of the Dead, and similar names.


The people of Fyrkat claim to have met Running People and Gnomes, and have battled raids by Goblins.




Guthny (gooth-nee) a blue-skinned Farming Person. Aged 16, she’s perky, vivacious, and won’t stop talking. In the modern era, she’d be a cheerleader and in the glee club.

Dalla the Hunting Person. She has the typical tanned skin and white hair. She’s a tomboy (in this case meaning she hunts, fights, and so on) and is also about 16 or so.

Vilgerthr (vil-gerth) the Leaping Person. She has white fur and hair and is Mister Grim’s daughter and Mother Gytha’s apprentice. Quiet and studious, she’d wear glasses and have an arm-load of books if this was Teen Champions.

Váli (vow-lee) a blue-skinned Farming Person. He is the oldest person in the village, but still retains his build, which must have been impressive when he was younger. He tends to think before speaking, and isn’t one for idle chit-chat.

Mister Grimm the Leaping Person farmer. He’s more gray then white, and is never seen without his a pipe and straw hat. He speaks slowly, with a lot of thoughtful pauses, and seems have come from Central Casting with the label “wise-old grand-dad.”

Vidar (vee-dar), is a red-skinned Farming Person blacksmith. He was seen dressed in only trousers and leather work apron, and has an impressive physique (think the guy who played “Thor” in Adventures in Babysitting.)

Halli (hal-lee) the red-skinned Farming Person who is an apprentice to Vidar the blacksmith. He’s around 18 and has a physique similar to Vidar’s

Finnogi (fin-nbohgee) the Hunting Person who is an apprentice to Vidar the blacksmith. He’s around 16 and shows signs of developing muscle (he’ll probably end up the most muscular Hunting Person in the village.)

Dagfithr (dag yreeth) the blue-skinned Farming Person who is Vidar’s wife. She helps with the smithing and if seven feet tall and green would make an excellent She Hulk.

Mother Gytha (gee-tha) the Hunting Person. Likened to Sophia Loren, she’s akin to the village doctor, midwife, and nurse all rolled into one.

Herger (her-ge) is a gray-furred Leaping Person and the village carpenter. He has a great sense of humor (his advice to Marcus when the latter couldn’t properly lift a hammer was “Grow stronger.”) His hair is worn long and heavily braided and decorated (his wife’s work.) Billy Jo is in slight awe at his ability to eyeball measurements.

Hildigunnr (heel-dee-goon-n) is Herger’s wife. She has an unusual physique for a Leaping Person (she’s very curvaceous) and wears her hair to her waist. She’s also the village’s primary barber, if the need arises.

Authfríthr (aooth-freeth) is Herger and Hildigunnr’s daughter. She’s unique in being very dark-furred, as opposed to the typical Leaping Person grays and whites.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Despite his name, Calvin felt Mister Grimm was anything but. Sure, he was a nearly six foot anthropomorphic ferret/rat/... person, and that would have been enough to set several people Calvin knew back in high school into a fit of the screaming heebie-jeebies, but the effect was spoiled by the broad straw hat he always wore and the thoughtful manner he puffed on his pipe when asked a question. In Calvin’s opinion Mister Grimm (he’d found he couldn’t think of the man without adding the “Mister” part) would have been right at home on the front porch of a general store in Maine or Massachusetts somewhere, playing checkers, drinking beer, smoking his pipe, and discussing the weather, farming, fishing, and if the Sox were going to make it to the Series again this year.


“Where did we all come from?” Mister Grimm closed his eyes, rubbed his chin, and paused to exhale a cloud of smoke. It hadn’t taken long to learn you didn’t rush Mister Grimm. He came to his answers in his own due time, and couldn’t be hurried.


“Fyrkat was founded several hundred season ago.” He gestured with the stem of his pipe westward before continuing. “When the town of Askam grew too large, people came here, found the land good, and settled.”


Grimm took a long draw on his pipe and gazed at Calvin expectantly. Yeah, he belonged in New England... or in a movie, playing the quintessential grandfather. “But that’s not what you meant, is it?”


No, no it wasn’t.


“For me, Fyrkat always has and always will be.” He shrugged, “I normally leave such questions to Mother Gytha.” He paused again, and gave Calvin a wink. “But, I should do something to pass the time while you put my picture in that book of yours.


“The Farming People say they have always been here. That the world was made for them or that they were made for the world.” Another shrug,” I don’t know about that, but I know there are more of them than any other people.” He paused and eyed Calvin for a moment, “But then, all women are the same once the candle goes out, right?”


Calvin dropped his pencil and felt his face grow red. The casual acceptance of sex here in the village took some getting used to. Part of it stemmed from an acknowledgment that inter-species romances were inevitable, the other was that the long houses had no inner walls or doors, just curtains. So if you decided to take a villager up on her offer, odds were everyone else in the long house was going to know what you were up to. However, for the most part, they simply took it in stride, without all of the sniggering and whispering you’d get back home.


“The Hunting People have stories of living in a great forest, a forest larger than the world, and coming here in search of fresh game.” Mister Grimm shook his head and smiled slightly. “They do like their stories.”


And the Leaping People?


“We came out of the ground.”


The ground.


“Long ago, the Leaping People lived underground, like the Mining People do. We ate roots and crawling things. We ate that which ate mud.” Mister Grimm set his pipe aside, clasped his thin-fingered hands together (thin or not, they had a grip like iron), and leaned back, closing his eyes. “We lived in damp darkness, not knowing of the sun, or fire, or metal. Then, one day, as we dug for new roots, the roof of our world fell in, and we rose from broken earth to find ourselves in a world of light and heat. Of sun and air, of fire and water. Of things to eat that grew out of the ground and not in it.” He paused and leaned forward.


“And that is how the Leaping People came to be.”

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Re: Ctrl+V


June 22nd, 2:46 P.M.


The radio crackles, seemingly in the midst of a conversation already in progress.


"Please hurry! Those...those things..." there is some sobbing. "They ate Rick.."


"Don't worry Ma'am, I'm almost there. Sit tight, it'll be alright--I've got plenty of supplies where I'm holed up, hahaha!"


You recognize the latter voice as matching that of the speakers at Wal-Mart






Brandon, seeing the improvised armored car pulling away from the fortified Wal-Mart and hearing the radio transmission, puts two and two together and immediately feels his eroding reservations about going after the "Wal-Mart guy" evaporate completely.


"Guys, let's go!" He climbs into the drivers seat, now-loaded revolver in his left hand. "This is our opportunity to put this guy down while he's away from his little funhouse, and before he hurts anyone else." He throws his rangefinding binoculars to Jacob who, it seems, has the best vision of anyone in the group. "Keep an eye on him and make sure we don't lose track of him. I'll drive." He slams shut the drivers' side door and turns the keys. "The rest of you, load up whatever weapons you have on hand and let's go!"


Going to try to follow this guy before he kills again and hopefully stop him in the process. Brandon will say anything and make any necessary promise to get the others to come along.


HP: 10/10 FP: 12/12 Will 12 / Perception 12 Driving - 11





Markson silently gets into the car. He dosn't enjoy doing things like this, and dosn't really want to shoot anyone, but he knows that the maniac in the armored car did so once, and will probably do it again.


Taking the shotgun seat, he cocks the rifle, and looks through the scope, intent on seeing the car, and if he can't, getting ready to see it as soon as possible.


We should have stopped him last night. We failed there. But now, we can redeem ourselves... We can save somebody and I can stop some amount of suffering. Markson thinks to himself. He can feel shaking in his legs, he can feel the sweat go down his brow, but that matters not.


"Rock and roll guys. We've got ourselves a psychopath." Markson states, more to himself then anyone else, an attempt to calm himself down and remind him of why he's about to chase down a man with intent to kill.


ST 9 DX 11

IQ 14 HT 9

HP 8 Will 11

Per 14 FP 8


Combat Paralysis






Jacob gets into the car to drive if no one else does. "We don't even know for sure what is going on. We are jumping around chasing events like yesterday. I'll go along for now just on the hopes of finding out some information but we need to keep looking for supplies or move on to someplace else and leave this town behind soon."


Jacob will try and hurry the car up without pushing the car or tires too hard to catch up to the guy from the walmart.


DX: 12 Per: 14 Absolute Direction Driving (Auto): 12 Urban Survival: 14






Though the idea of rushing out to save the day isn't exactly with Raymond's typical idiom, there's a sense of vindication in hearing the voice over the radio.


I knew it. I knew that place had an air of evil about it, that it was nothing but dangerous. And now it's preying again, praying on the fears and hopes of this woman...or maybe it's still trying to lure us out into the open. Could this be another trick?


It feels like a good day to risk the chance though. If I'm going to be like a character in my book...


"C-c-could someone hand me one of the g-g-g-g-guns? I think that r-revolver feels to have a nice m-mojo to it." He sits back in his seat as best he can given the cramped conditions, feeling the road beneath him catching against the tires, the engine roaring, the chatter of human beings surrounding him.


I'm alive. I'm still alive. No matter what Hell is out there, I'm still here.


ST 10 DX 10 IQ 12 HT 10 HP 10 Will 11 Per 11 (-1) FP 9/9 (-1




I volunteered to drive because I figured Jacob would be better suited as lookout. You have two points on me for Perception, but only one for driving, and I figure driving is of little use if the guy loses us. Whatever the following-people-in-a-city skill is might also default to your huge Survival Urban skill too. But honestly it probably won't make a ton of difference either way.


Let's work out real quickly who has which gun and who is using what.


I have the recently discovered .45 revolver which, sadly, I am not ready to give up just yet. Box of 24 more rounds (presuming it was empty when I found it) I shall leave in the car.


I also have the old .22 revolver from the gas station, with three rounds left, which anyone who cares to take is welcome.


I gave Markson back the hunting rifle, he has that now. 46 bullets originally, not sure how many times it has been fired.


That leaves, all from the shelter:


The hunting bow and 20 arrows, minus any used because I am pretty sure nobody ever used this (did we even take it?)


The 12g shotgun and 20 rounds, minus used.

The .357 revolver and 18 rounds, minus used.

The .38 revolver and 24 rounds, minus used.


Melee weapons: The crowbar, the axe, and the machete.


That's enough guns for everyone to have one, and still leaves the three melee weapons and the bow.


As for skills, I have Knife 12, Brawling 12, Handguns 12, and Rifles 11.




Evan Douglas


Hearing the urgency in Brandon's voice, Evan forgets all his initial reservations about tangling with the Wal-Mart guy. He grabs the .38 revolver and crowds into the back seat of the Taurus, trying to think of a way for a small group of men in a light vehicle with only small arms to take on an armored car.



HP 10/10 Will 13 Per 11 FP 10/10 Using Tactics (default IQ - 6 = 8) to try to come up with a feasible plan of attack.




June 22nd, 3:04 P.M.


Scrambling into the Taurus, the six of you arm up and feel the all too familiar sensation of adrenaline pumping readily through your veins for what seems like the umpteenth time. The Taurus lurches with a start, struggling between bald tires and an overloaded occupancy, to make good on the distance between your location and the direction the vehicle outbound from Wal-Mart had been headed.


Weapons are exchanged hands over seats and amidst seat-belts and clutter. The engine whines, something rattling in the exhaust system--untold collateral damage from the vehicle's own previous encounter with your asymmetrical stowaway. You're able to keep a bead on the vehicle for a short period--but soon lose it amidst obstructions aplenty. However, the trail remains hot, pursuant of that trailing, awful exhaust smog.


You arrive at the parking lot to a smaller, local grocer near the far northeast edge of town. Parked out to the side of the building is a semi truck whose trailer shows extensive rust and fire damage. Inside of the cab you can see movement past grime-covered windows. Between you, and it, is open oil-stained parking lot, with no sign of the armored vehicle.


"Is that you? From the radio?" crackles the voice of a woman. A hand presses at the inside of the semi cab's windshield, and you can see a pale face peering out. With eagerness, the driver side door of the cab is opened, and out climbs a short brunette in jeans and a t-shirt, with gauze wrapped around her left bicep and a bandage across her brow. She covers her mouth with both hands, overwhelmed at the sight of so many in the Taurus.


From behind her, a hand inside a thick black rubber glove covers her mouth and grabs her head, hauling her bodily and sharply back from sight, her leg kicking out in surprise.


Brandon hears a raven's caw down towards the entirely opposite end of the parking lot, at the far corner of the grocery store. His attention is drawn in time to catch a glint of light from something at the corner, attached to something held by a figure kneeling around the building as cover. He has just enough an opportunity to point it out before a shot rings out, ricocheting off of the roof of the Taurus where Mike's head was a moment prior.


Evan's tactical scrutinizing, with a roll of 4, coupled with further observation of the armored car re-evaluates it as a large utility full conversion van which has been armored after market, with the wheels being the most vulnerable component. The Taurus does not seem in well condition to engage in any sort of wheeled hot pursuit.


No line of sight to the perpetrator behind the semi, you're twenty five yards out and around the corner. Whomever is around the corner at the far end of the grocer is utilizing the building as cover, and seems to have a scoped firearm.


Brandon made a 6 on his perception check, and was able to distinguish a threat fast enough to prevent the party from being denied an effort to avoid the incoming shot. Bravo.






Jacob yells out when hears the shot go glancing off the roof, "We are under FIRE." Taking note of where Brandon was pointing Jacob moves around the car and starts running to cut off the angle the shooter has on the Taurus. Memories of live fire excercises and his time in the Middle East he runs for the front of the building jinking and dashing. "Try to get to the truck and help the girl, I'm going after the shooter!"


Jacob will continue running until he gains cover of the building at which point he will run around the other way of where the shooter was trying to come around behind him. He'll use the skills he learned in the Marines for working around each corner to clear it first then run to the next obstacle.


DX: 12 Per: 14 BS: 5.5 BM: 5 Dodge: 8

Bad Temper, Sense of Duty (protect others)

Brawling: 15 Guns (Pistols): 14 Running: 10 Soldier: 14

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GenghisCon 2011

RP-Artisans Events


2/17 Thurs Evening 7-11

  • Random Fantasy by Michelle Norton

2/18 Friday Morning 9-1

  • Random Fantasy by Michelle Norton
  • Champions by Scott Field

2/18 Friday Afternoon 2-6

  • Lucha Libre by Bill Keyes
  • The Con Con by Troy Latta

2/18 Friday Evening 7-11

  • Kazei 5 by Bill Keyes
  • Urban Fantasy by Scott Field

2/19 Saturday Morning 9-1

  • Lucha Libre by Bill Keyes
  • Random Fantasy by Michelle Norton

2/19 Saturday Afternoon 2-6

  • The Con Con by Troy Latta
  • Urban Fantasy by Scott Field

2/19 Saturday Evening 7-11

  • Kazei 5 by Bill Keyes
  • Initiation by Rich Kohl

2/20 Sunday Morning 9-1

  • 2011 Team Challenge by RP-Artisans

2/20 Sunday Afternoon 2-6

  • Champions by Scott Field
  • Fallen by Rich Kohl

Organization: RP-Artisans

Title: 2011 Team Roleplaying Challenge: Escape to Which Mountain?

Rules System: Various (see www.rp-artisans.org)

Author/Judge: RP-Artisans

Description: A few frightened mortals are trapped in an inn surrounded by flesh-eating undead. Food is running low and it's time to escape. Do you fight your way through the horde to reach the ship moored in the harbor, or do you try to sneak out of town to the fortified monastery?

The 2011 Team Roleplaying Challenge is a competition event for teams of 5-6 players. Only the team’s captain should register for this event. Some familiarity with the rules is assumed, but teams are graded on their roleplaying, not their knowledge of the rules mechanics. Additional information available at www.rp-artisans.org. Good luck! Keywords: high fantasy, zombies, teamwork, competition, bragging rights.

Beginner, Characters provided.

Maximum Players per slot: 6 players per team (multiple tables)

1 slot: Sunday morning

Organization: RP-Artisans

Title: The Mile High Club vs. The Level-Inappropriate Encounter

Rules system: Champions

Author/Judge: Scott Field

Description: Earth’s superheroes had defeated the alien invasion, barely, but the planet’s militaries lay decimated. Naturally the world’s most dangerous supervillain, Dr. Destroyer, chose this moment to launch his greatest attempt at world conquest yet. Denver ’s premiere (only) superteam may be Earth’s last, best chance to stop him! Playing out of your league much? Keywords: spandex action, evil laughter, character-driven roleplaying.

Beginner. Rules Taught. Characters Provided.

Maximum Players per Slot: 6

2 slots: Friday morning, Sunday afternoon

Organization: RP-Artisans

Title: TPK Is Just The Teaser

Rules system: Urban Fantasy Hero

Author/Judge: Scott Field

Description: Determined to put an end to Professor Nightshade’s villainy, you and your brave companions assaulted his secret lair, hitting him with everything you had. Sadly, it wasn’t enough. Nightshade only laughed while he killed each of you in turn. As you bled out on the cold stone floor, you knew that the worst day of your life was also your last. Then you woke up…and things got REALLY bad! Keywords: Undead PCs, shadowy plots, character-driven roleplaying.

Beginner. Rules Taught. Characters Provided.

Maximum Players per Slot: 6

2 slots: Friday evening, Saturday afternoon

Organization: RP-Artisans

Title: Lucha Libre: ¡Los Misteriosos versus the Brides of Dracula!

(AKA ¡Los Misteriosos contra las Novias de Dracula!)

Rules system: Hero System

Author/Judge: El Conejito Mal (aka Bill Keyes)

Description: The dark nights of Mexico City are haunted by an ancient and unstoppable evil. While the innocent hide helplessly behind barred doors and shuttered windows, who can stop this horror before it overcomes the whole world? Why, the world's greatest Technicos, of course! Hearken back to the Golden Age of Lucha, when men wore masks, women wore miniskirts, and anything could (and frequently did!) happen. Keywords: campy humor, thrilling heroics, Mexican wrasslin’

Beginner. Rules Taught. Characters Provided. No Spanish necessary!

Maximum Players per Slot: 6

Slots: 2 slots; Friday afternoon, Saturday morning

Organization: RP-Artisans

Title: Kazei 5: Shadows Angelus

Rules system: Hero System

Author/Judge: Bill Keyes

Description: The year is 2120. The city of Angelus , a technological miracle housing 20 million citizens, hovers above the ragged shoreline of what was once the West Coast. But Angelus has a dark secret – it hides a rift between worlds, through which living nightmares crawl. You are XSWAT, a team of cyborgs, sorcerers, and ESPers charged with protecting Angelus from these horrors. Strap on your nanofiber armored bodyglove, load your pulse rifle, enchant your mystical talismans, and get ready to save the day! Keywords: cyberpunk with an anime twist

Beginner. Rules Taught. Characters Provided.

Maximum Players per slot: 6

2 slots: Friday evening, Saturday evening

Organization: RP-Artisans

Title: The Con Con

Rules System Used: Cortex

Author/Judge Troy Latta

Description: You are one of six stereotypical gamers in the wrong place at the wrong time. The convention you’re all attending has just been hijacked by terrorists! Through luck or fate, your table is the only one not captured. You and your compatriots must use your not-so-mundane skills and abilities to defend your co-attendees. Keywords: not-quite-reality, tiger-team, revenge-of-the-stereotypes.

Beginner, Rules Taught, Characters Provided.

Players Per Slot: 6

2 Slots: Friday afternoon, Saturday afternoon

Organization: RP-Artisans

Title: Initiation

Rules System Used: Warhammer Fantasy

Author/Judge Rich Kohl

Description: Everybody wants to belong to Delta Rho Fraternity. It's the one with the best parties, and even better connections. So when the boys offered the chance to join, how could you pass it up. All you have to do is go into the sewers and catch 6 rats each. Easy!!!??! Just hope the stories of Skaven aren't true!! Keywords: spooky sewers, medieval fantasy, roleplaying encouraged.

Beginner, Rules Taught, Characters Provided.

Players Per Slot: 6

1 Slot: Saturday evening

Organization: RP-Artisans

Title: Fallen

Rules System Used: Arduin Eternal

Author/Judge Rich Kohl

Description: Your cousin went on a quest to clear the family’s name. He hasn't returned in months. Now there are rumors that a Gate has opened near his last known location. To save the family honour, and find your cousin, you've gathered some other relatives to see what happened. And correct it if possible. Keywords: high fantasy, weirdness, and the unexpected!!

Beginner, Rules Taught, Characters Provided.

Players Per Slot: 6

1 Slot: Sunday afternoon

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